program define epimodels_util version 16.0 `0' end program define check_total_population version 16.0 syntax anything if (`anything' < 1.00+`c(epsdouble)') { display "" display as result "Warning! Total population size (`anything') is less than 1.00" display as result "Make sure the initial conditions at t0 represent population groups counts in persons." } end program define check_steps version 16.0 syntax anything capture confirm integer number `anything' if (_rc) { display as error "Number of simulation steps in each simulation day must be an integer number." error 198 } capture assert (`anything' > 0) if (_rc) { display as error "Number of simulation steps in each simulation day must be 1 or more." error 198 } capture assert (`anything' <= 1e4) if (_rc) { display as error "Number of simulation steps in each simulation day must be no more than 10000." error 198 } end program define check_days version 16.0 syntax anything capture confirm integer number `anything' if (_rc) { display as error "Number of simulation steps (days) must an integer number." error 198 } capture assert (`anything' > 0) if (_rc) { display as error "Number of simulation steps (days) must be 1 or more." error 198 } end program define check_day0_date version 16.0 syntax [anything] if (`"`anything'"'!="") { if (date(`"`anything'"',"YMD")==.) { display as error "Option day0() is specified incorrectly." display as error "The date must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format, for example: 2020-02-29" error 111 } } end program define makedatevar version 16.0 syntax varname, [day0(string)] datefmt(string) if (`"`day0'"'!="") { quietly replace t = t + date(`"`day0'"',"YMD") // only affects the data, not the matrix format t `datefmt' label variable `varlist' "Date" } end program define ditable, rclass version 16.0 syntax varname, /// days(real) [day0(string)] datefmt(string) /// [modeltitle(string)] mcolnames(string) ivar(string) /// varlabels(string) ylabel(string) [digits(real 2) comma(string) percent] quietly maxinfect `ivar' `varlist', /// day0(`"`day0'"') datefmt("`datefmt'") `percent' local max=r(maxinfect) local dstar=r(d_maxinfect) local tstar=r(t_maxinfect) local ostar=r(o_maxinfect) local X=floor(t[`ostar']) local last=_N local title_t0 = "t0" local title_tX = "t`X'" local title_t1 = "t`days'" if (`"`day0'"' != "") { local title_t0 = string(`varlist'[1], "`datefmt'") local title_tX = string(`varlist'[`=`dstar'+1'], "`datefmt'") local title_t1 = string(`varlist'[`last'], "`datefmt'") } local twid = 17 local cwid = 14 local lmarg = 2 forvalues i = 2/`:word count `varlabels'' { local vl `"`:word `i' of `varlabels''"' local twid=max(strlen(`"`vl'"')+1,`twid') } local twidth = `twid' + 3*(`cwid'+1) local titlepos = `lmarg' + floor((`twidth'-strlen(`"`modeltitle'"'))/2) if (`titlepos' < `lmarg') local titlepos=`lmarg' local titleoffset=`"_col(`=`titlepos'+1')"' display "" display `titleoffset' "`modeltitle'" tempname tab .`tab' =, col(4) lmarg(`lmarg') commas .`tab'.width `twid' | `cwid' `cwid' `cwid' .`tab'.titlefmt . %`cwid's %`cwid's %`cwid's .`tab'.numfmt . %`cwid'.`digits'f`comma' %`cwid'.`digits'f`comma' %`cwid'.`digits'f`comma' .`tab'.sep, top .`tab'.titles `"`ylabel'"' "`title_t0'" "`title_tX'" "`title_t1'" .`tab'.sep, mid local total_t0 = 0 local total_tX = 0 local total_t1 = 0 forvalues i = 2/`:word count `varlabels'' { local vl `"`:word `i' of `varlabels''"' local vn `:word `i' of `mcolnames'' .`tab'.row `"`vl'"' `=`vn'[1]' `=`vn'[`=`dstar'+1']' `=`vn'[`last']' local total_t0 = `total_t0' + `=`vn'[1]' local total_tX = `total_tX' + `=`vn'[`=`dstar'+1']' local total_t1 = `total_t1' + `=`vn'[`last']' } .`tab'.sep, middle .`tab'.row `"Total"' `total_t0' `total_tX' `total_t1' .`tab'.sep, bottom if (`"`day0'"'!="") { local specdate `"(`=string(`=`varlist'[`ostar']',`"`datefmt'"')') "' local specday =floor(t[`dstar']-t[1]+1) } else { local specday =floor(t[`ostar']) } local maxtext `"`=string(`=`max'',"%20.4gc")'"' if (`"`percent'"'!="") local maxtext `"`maxtext'%"' display as text "The maximum size of the infected group {result:`maxtext'} is reached on day {result:`specday' `specdate'}of the simulation." if (`ostar'==`last') { display as result "Warning! The peak is detected at the end of the simulation, and may change if you extend it." } display "" return scalar maxinfect= `max' return scalar t_maxinfect=`tstar' return scalar d_maxinfect=`dstar' return scalar o_maxinfect=`ostar' end program define maxinfect, rclass version 16.0 syntax varlist, [day0(string) datefmt(string) percent] local ivar `"`: word 1 of `varlist''"' local tvar `"`: word 2 of `varlist''"' if (`"`datefmt'"'=="") local datefmt="%td" tempname tmax max dmax summarize `ivar' if (!missing(`ivar')), meanonly scalar `max' = r(max) summarize `tvar' if (abs(`ivar'-`max') < c(epsdouble)), meanonly scalar `tmax' = r(min) // in case of multiple identical values pick the first one quietly count if (`tvar' < `tmax') scalar `dmax' = `=r(N)' return scalar o_maxinfect=`dmax'+1 return scalar t_maxinfect=`tmax' return scalar d_maxinfect=`dmax' return scalar maxinfect=`max' end program define pdfreport version 16.0 syntax [varlist(default=none)], modelname(string) modelparams(string) /// [modelgraph(string)] [appendixgraphs(string)] /// save(string) if (strlen(`"`modelparams'"')>40) local br `"`=char(10)'"' mata epimodels_about() putpdf begin putpdf paragraph putpdf text ("EPIMODELS Report"), bold font("Helvetica",28,steelblue) putpdf paragraph putpdf text ("This report was generated on `c(current_date)'"), font("Helvetica",16,steelblue) putpdf paragraph putpdf text ("`modelname' model with parameters:`br'`modelparams'."), bold capture findfile "epimodels_eq_`modelname'.png" if !_rc { // model with equations putpdf paragraph putpdf text (" ") putpdf image "`=r(fn)'" , width(4) // todo: instream this?? } if (`"`modelgraph'"'!="") { putpdf paragraph putpdf image `"`modelgraph'"' } putpdf paragraph putpdf text ("Generated with EPIMODELS version `epimodels_version' from `compile_date' built for Stata v`compile_version'"), font("Helvetica",12,steelblue) putpdf paragraph putpdf text ("For more information, visit EPIMODELS' homepage:"), font("Helvetica",12,steelblue) putpdf pagebreak putpdf paragraph , halign(center) putpdf text ("Simulation results"), font("Helvetica",28,steelblue) if (`"`varlist'"'!="") { putpdf table t=data(`varlist'), varnames putpdf table t(.,.), halign(center) valign(center) nformat(%12.0fc) font("Consolas",8) putpdf table t(1,.), bgcolor("aliceblue") putpdf paragraph } foreach v in `varlist' { putpdf text ("`v': `:variable label `v''`=char(10)'") } // optional appendix if (`"`appendixgraphs'"'!="") { putpdf sectionbreak, landscape local first=1 foreach f in `appendixgraphs' { if (!`first') { putpdf pagebreak local first=0 } putpdf paragraph putpdf image `"`f'"' } } putpdf save `"`save'"' , replace end program define popmatrix, rclass version 16.0 syntax , agevar(varname) sexvar(varname) at(numlist) /// [malecode(integer 1) femalecode(integer 2)] assert !missing(`agevar') assert !missing(`sexvar') assert (`malecode'!=`femalecode') local cc=subinstr(`"`at'"',","," ",.) local NG `: word count `cc'' tempvar agegrp sexgrp quietly egen `agegrp'=cut(`agevar'), at(`at') quietly recode `sexvar' (`malecode'=1) (`femalecode'=2) , generate(`sexgrp') local N=_N local rn "" tempname M matrix `M' = J(`=`NG'-1',2,.) forval i=1/`=`NG'-1' { local v1 =`: word `i' of `cc'' local v2 =`: word `=`i'+1' of `cc''-1 local rn `"`rn' "`v1'-`v2'""' forval s=1/2 { quietly count if `agegrp'==`v1' & `sexgrp'==`s' local n=r(N) matrix `M'[`i',`s']=`n'/`N' } } matrix colnames `M' = "Males" "Females" matrix rownames `M' = `rn' return matrix F=`M' return local N=_N end // END OF FILE