epiweek -- Generating epidemiogical week and epidemiological year
epiweek varname [if] [in] , epiw(newvarw) epiy(newvary)
epiweek creates epidemiological week and equivalent epidemiological year from the calendar date. US CDC and WHO definition the epidemiological week as:
Each epidemiological week begins on a Sunday and ends on Saturday. The first epidemiological week of year ends on the first Saturday of January, provided that it falls at least four or more days into the month.
It needs to note that calendar date need to assign to "%td" type before running the program.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup . webuse dow1
Create new variables epi_week and epi_year . epiweek date, epiw(epi_week) epiy(epi_year)
Tim Chu Public Health Information Analyst Vancouver Coastal Health Vancouver, Canada tim.chu@vch.ca