help for ^epsigr^

Saving graph in EPSI-format on Unix -----------------------------------

^epsigr^ [varlist] [weight] [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] [^,^ ^sa^ving^(^filename[^,replace^]^)^ ^gph^opt^(^s > tring^)^ graph_type specific_options common_options]

^epsigr^ ^using^ filename [filename ...] [^,^ ^saving(^filename[^,replace^]^)^ ^gph^opt^(^string^)^ graph_using_options]

Description -----------

^epsigr^ saves a graph in the EPSI-format which allows inclusion in for example LaTeX2e and others. Unlike ^gphpen -deps^ there is no superfluous whitespace surrounding the graph. Furthermore it leaves no gph-file or ps-file behind.

The command requires the program ^ps2epsi^ to be installed and available in the users default path. ^psepsi^ is part of Ghostscript 5.50, see ^http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/^ for further reference.

^epsigr^ can be viewed as a front-end to ^graph^ and if no ^saving^ option is specified it behaves exactly like ^graph^.

Options -------

^saving(^filename[^,replace^]^)^ saves the graph in an epsi-file with default extension ^.eps^.

^gph^opt^(^string^)^ are options passed to ^gphpen^.

All other options corresponds to the options allowed with ^graph^, see help ^graph^.

Examples --------

. ^epsigr weight age^ (No file saved) . ^epsigr weight age, sa(epsplot1)^ . ^epsigr weight age, sa(epsplot1,replace) gph(-n)^ (No stata-logo)

. ^gr weight age, sa(gphfile)^ (same as before, but based on previosly . ^epsigr using gphfile, sa(epsplot2)^ created graph)

Author ------

Henrik Stovring University of Southern Denmark Denmark email: stovring@@isd.sdu.dk

Also see --------

Manual: ^[G] graph^, ^[G] graph options^ On-line: help for ^graph^, ^gphpen^.