{p 4 8 2} {cmd:cells(}{it:array}{cmd:)} specifies the parameter statistics to be reported and how they are to be arranged. The default is for cells to report raw coefficients only, i.e. {cmd:cells(b)}. {cmd:cells(none)} may be used to completely suppress the printing of parameter statistics. Alternatively, {cmd:cells(b se)} would result in the reporting of raw coefficients and standard errors. Multiple statistics are placed in separate rows beneath one another by default. However, elements of {it:array} that are listed in quotes, e.g. {cmd:cells("b se")}, are placed beside one another. For example, {cmd:cells("b p" se)} would produce a table with raw coefficients and standard errors beneath one another in the first column and p-values in the top row of the second column for each model. {p 8 8 2} The parameter statistics available are {cmd:b} (coefficients), {cmd:se} (standard errors), {cmd:t} (t/z-statistics), {cmd:p} (p-values), and {cmd:ci} (confidence intervals; to display the lower and upper bounds in separate cells use {cmd:ci_l} and {cmd:ci_u}). Any additional parameter statistics included in the {cmd:e()}-returns for the models can be tabulated as well. If, for example, {cmd:e(beta)} contains the standardized coefficients, type {cmd:cells(beta)} to tabulate them (see help {help estadd}). Also see the {cmd:eform} and {cmd:margin} options for more information on the kinds of statistics that can be displayed. {p 8 8 2} A set of suboptions may be specified in parentheses for each statistic named in {it:array}. For example, to add significance stars to the coefficients and place the standard errors in parentheses, specify {bind:{cmd:cells(b(star) se(par))}}. The following suboptions are available. Use: {p 12 16 2} {cmd:star} to specify that stars denoting the significance of the coefficients be attached to the statistic: {cmd:*} for p<.05, {cmd:**} for p<.01, and {cmd:***} for p<.001. The symbols and the values for the thresholds and the number of levels are fully customizable (see the {it:{help estout_significance_stars_options:significance_stars_options}}). {p 12 16 2} {cmd:fmt(%}{it:fmt} [{cmd:%}{it:fmt} ...]{cmd:)} to specify the display format(s) of a statistic. It defaults to the display format for raw coefficients ({cmd:b}), or {cmd:%9.0g}. If only one format is specified, it is used for all occurrences of the statistic. If multiple formats are specified, the first format is used for the first regressor in the estimates table, the second format for the second regressor, and so on. The last format is used for the remaining regressors if the number of regressors in the table is greater than the number of specified formats. Note that, regardless of the display format chosen, leading and trailing blanks are removed from the numbers. White space can be added by specifying a {cmd:modelwidth()} (see the {it:{help estout_layout_options:layout_options}}). {p 12 16 2} {cmd:label(}<{it:string}>{cmd:)} to specify a label to appear in the column heading. The default is the name of the statistic. {p 12 16 2} {cmd:par}[{cmd:(}<{it:left}> <{it:right}>{cmd:)}] to specify that the statistic in question be placed in parentheses. It is also possible to specify custom "parentheses". For example, {cmd:se(par({ }))} would display the standard errors in curly brackets. For {cmd:ci} the syntax is: {p 20 20 2} {cmd:ci(par}[{cmd:(}<{it:left}> <{it:middle}> <{it:right}>{cmd:)}]{cmd:)} {p 12 16 2} {cmd:drop(}{it:droplist}{cmd:)} to cause certain individual statistics to be dropped. For example, specifying {cmd:t(drop(_cons))} suppresses the t-statistics for the constants. A {it:droplist} comprises one or more specifications, separated by white space. A specification can be either a variable name (e.g. {cmd:price}), an equation name followed by a colon (e.g. {cmd:mean:}), or a full name (e.g. {cmd:mean:price}). Be sure to refer to the matched equation names, and not to the original equation names in the models, when using the {cmd:equations()} option to match equations. {p 12 16 2} {cmd:keep(}{it:keeplist}{cmd:)} to cause certain individual statistics to be kept. For example, the specification {cmd:t(keep(mpg))} would display the t-statistics exclusively for the variable {cmd:mpg}. See the {cmd:drop()} suboption above for further details. {p 12 16 2} {cmd:pattern(}{it:pattern}{cmd:)} to designate a pattern of models for which the statistics are to be reported, where the {it:pattern} consists of zeros and ones. A {cmd:1} indicates that the statistic be printed; {cmd:0} indicates that it be suppressed. For example {cmd:beta(pattern(1 0 1))} would result in {cmd:beta} being reported for the first and third models, but not for the second. {p 12 16 2} {cmd:abs} to specify that absolute t-statistics be used instead of regular t-statistics (relevant only if used with {cmd:t()}). {p 4 8 2} {cmd:drop(}{it:droplist}{cmd:)} identifies the coefficients to be dropped from the table. This option is passed to the internal call of {cmd:estimates table}. See help {help estimates} for details. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:keep(}{it:keeplist}{cmd:)} selects the coefficients to be included in the table. The {cmd:keep()} option may also be used to change the order of the coefficients and equations within the table. This option is passed to the internal call of {cmd:estimates table}. See help {help estimates} for details. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:equations(}{it:eqmatchlist}{cmd:)} specifies how the models' equations are to be matched. This option is passed to the internal call of {cmd:estimates table}. See help {help estimates} on how to specify this option. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:eform}[{cmd:(}{it:pattern}{cmd:)}] displays the coefficient table in exponentiated form. The exponent of {cmd:b} is displayed in lieu of the untransformed coefficient; standard errors and confidence intervals are transformed as well. Specify a {it:pattern} if the exponentiation is to be applied only for certain models. For instance, {cmd:eform(1 0 1)} would transform the statistics for Models 1 and 3, but not for Model 2. Note that, unlike {cmd:regress} and {cmd:estimates table}, {cmd:estout} in eform-mode does not suppress the display of the intercept. To drop the intercept in eform-mode, specify {cmd:drop(_cons)}. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:margin}[{cmd:(}{{cmd:u}|{cmd:c}|{cmd:p}}{cmd:)}] indicates that the marginal effects or elasticities be reported instead of the raw coefficients. This option has an effect only if {cmd:mfx} has been applied to a model before its results were stored (see help {help mfx}) or if a {cmd:dprobit} (see help {help probit}), {cmd:truncreg,marginal} (help {help truncreg}), or {cmd:dtobit} (Cong 2000) model is estimated. One of the parameters {cmd:u}, {cmd:c}, or {cmd:p}, corresponding to the unconditional, conditional, and probability marginal effects, respectively, is required for {cmd:dtobit}. Note that the standard errors, confidence intervals, t-statistics, and p-values are transformed as well. {p 8 8 2} Using the {cmd:margin} option with multiple-equation models can be tricky. The marginal effects of variables that are used in several equations are printed repeatedly for each equation because the equations per se are meaningless for {cmd:mfx}. To display the effects for certain equations only, specify the {cmd:meqs()} option. Alternatively, use the {cmd:keep()} and {cmd:drop()} options to eliminate redundant rows. The {cmd:equations()} option might also be of help here. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:discrete(}{it:string}{cmd:)} may be used to override the default symbol and explanatory text used to identify dummy variables when reporting marginal effects. The first token in {it:string} is used as the symbol. The default is: {p 12 12 2} {cmd:discrete(" (d)" marginals for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1)} {p 8 8 2} To display explanatory text, specify either the {cmd:legend} option or use the {cmd:@discrete} variable. {p 8 8 2} Use {cmd:nodiscrete} to disable the identification of dummy variables as such. The default is to indicate the dummy variables unless they have been interpreted as continuous variables in all of the models for which results are reported (for {cmd:dprobit} and {cmd:dtobit}, however, dummy variables will always be listed as discrete variables unless {cmd:nodiscrete} is specified). {p 4 8 2} {cmd:meqs(}{it:eq_list}{cmd:)} specifies that marginals be printed only for the equations in {it:eq_list}. Specifying this option does not affect how the marginals are calculated. An {it:eq_list} comprises one or more equation names (without colons) separated by white space. If you use the {cmd:equations()} option to match equations, be sure to refer to the matched equation names and not to the original equation names in the models. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:level({it:#})} assigns the confidence level, in percent, for the confidence intervals of the coefficients (see help {help level}).