{p 4 8 2} {cmd:starlevels(}{it:levelslist}{cmd:)} overrides the default thresholds and symbols for "significance stars". For instance, {bind:{cmd:starlevels(+ 0.10 * 0.05)}} sets the following thresholds: {cmd:+} for p<.10 and {cmd:*} for p<.05. Note that the thresholds must lie in the (0,1] interval and must be specified in descending order. To, for example, denote insignificant results, type {bind:{cmd:starlevels(* 1 "" 0.05)}}. {p 4 8 2} {cmd:stardetach} specifies that a delimiter be placed between the statistics and the significance stars (i.e. that the stars are to be displayed in their own column).