#delim ; prog def estparm, eclass byable(recall); version 11.0; /* Input variables from the current dataset in memory containing estimates and standard errors and (optionally) degrees of freedom and numbers of observations. Create estimation output in e() with 1 parameter per observation in the sample, and estimates and variance matrix copied from the dataset in memory, assuming the parameters to be uncorrelated. estparm is an inverse to parmest, and can be used to create an estimation output in e() for input to the test command. *!Author: Roger Newson *!Date: 28 August 2009 */ if(replay()){; * Beginning of replay section (not indented) *; if "`e(cmd)'"!="estparm"{;error 301;}; if _by() {;error 190;}; syntax [, EForm(passthru) Level(cilevel)]; * Display output *; if !missing(e(N)) {; disp as text "Valid observations: " as result e(N); }; if("`e(df_r)'"!=""){; disp as text "Degrees of freedom: " as result e(df_r); }; ereturn display, level(`level'); * End of replay section (not indented) *; }; else{; * Beginning of non-replay section (not indented) *; syntax varlist(numeric min=2 max=3) [if] [in] , [ Level(cilevel) EForm Obs(varname numeric) EQ(varname string) DFCombine(string) ]; /* Level() contains the confidence level. EForm indicates that the input estimates are exponentiated, and that the input standard errors are multiplied by the exponentiated estimate, and that the output confidence limits are to be exponentiated. Obs() contains the name of the input variable containing numbers of observations (defaulting to no variable). EQ() contains the name of the input string variable containing equation names (defaulting to a temporary variable with values equal to the string parameter sequence numbers ). DFCombine() specifies the rule used to combine input degrees of freedom to derive a summary residual degrees of freedom for the estimation results. */ * Extract estimates, standard errors and (optionally) degrees of freedom from varlist *; local estimate: word 1 of `varlist'; local stderr: word 2 of `varlist'; local dof: word 3 of `varlist'; * Check degrees of freedom combination rule and set default if necessary *; if "`dof'"=="" {; local dfcombine=""; }; else if `"`dfcombine'"'=="" {; local dfcombine "sum"; }; else if !inlist("`dfcombine'","sum","constant") {; disp as error `"Invalid dfcombine() option: `dfcombine'"'; error 498; }; * Mark observations to use *; marksample touse; * Set default equation names *; if "`eq'"=="" {; tempvar eq eqseq; qui {; gene long `eqseq'=1 if `touse' `in'; replace `eqseq'=sum(`eqseq') if `touse' `in'; gene `eq'=string(`eqseq') if `touse' `in'; drop `eqseq'; }; }; * Define symmetric estimates and standard errors for use in calculating test statistics, P-values and confidence limits (important if eform option is specified) *; if "`eform'"=="" {; local sestimate "`estimate'"; local sstderr "`stderr'"; }; else {; tempvar sestimate sstderr; qui gene double `sestimate' = log(`estimate') if `touse' `in'; qui gene double `sstderr' = `stderr' / `estimate' if `touse' `in'; }; * Create matrices *; tempname tempb tempV tempdf; tempvar convarname; qui {; gene `convarname'="_cons" if `touse' `in'; mkmat `sestimate' if `touse' `in' , matr(`tempb') nomiss roweq(`eq') rowname(`convarname'); matr def `tempb'=`tempb''; matr rownames `tempb' = "y1"; tempvar svari; gene double `svari'=`sstderr'*`sstderr' if `touse' `in'; mkmat `svari' if `touse' `in' , matr(`tempV') nomiss roweq(`eq') rowname(`convarname'); matr def `tempV'=diag(`tempV''); if "`dof'"!="" {; mkmat `dof' if `touse' `in', matr(`tempdf') nomiss roweq(`eq') rowname(`convarname'); matr rownames `tempdf' = "y1"; }; }; * Create macros obsopt and dofopt to be passed as number of observations and degrees of freedom *; if "`obs'"!="" {; qui {; summ `obs' if `touse' `in'; local obsopt="obs(`=r(sum)')"; }; }; if "`dof'"!="" {; if "`dfcombine'"=="sum" {; qui {; summ `dof' if `touse' `in'; local dofopt="dof(`=r(sum)')"; }; }; else if "`dfcombine'"=="constant" {; qui summ `dof' if `touse' `in'; if r(min)!=r(max) {; disp as error "Degrees of freedom non-constant when dfcombine(constant) was specified"; error 498; }; else {; local dofopt "dof(`=r(min)')"; }; }; }; * Save estimation results *; ereturn post `tempb' `tempV', `obsopt' `dofopt' prop("b V"); if "`dof'"!="" {; ereturn local dfcombine "`dfcombine'"; ereturn matrix df_estparm=`tempdf'; }; ereturn local predict="estparm_p"; ereturn local cmdline `"estparm `0'"'; ereturn local cmd "estparm"; * Display output *; if !missing(e(N)) {; disp as text "Valid observations: " as result e(N); }; if("`e(df_r)'"!=""){; disp as text "Degrees of freedom: " as result e(df_r); }; ereturn display, level(`level'); * End of non-replay section (not indented) *; }; end;