help for ^expandby^ 

Duplicate observations by variable ----------------------------------

^expandby^ # [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] ^, by(^byvar^)^ [ ^miss^ing ^sort^by^(^sortvar^) usesortmiss first g^enerate^(^newvar^)^ ]

Description -----------

^expandby^ replaces one observation in each group of the current dataset with # copies of the observation. # should be an integer which is 2 or more. Groups are defined by the variable specified in ^by( )^.

Remarks -------

By default the last observation in each group is copied. This will in general be arbitrarily selected unless the ^sortby( )^ option is specified. For example, ^sortby(time)^ means that the last observation in each group according to ^time^ will be copied. By default missing values of the by variable and of the sorting variable are ignored. These defaults can be overridden.

Options -------

^by(^byvar^)^ specifies a variable defining groups and is a required option. If byvar takes on values 1 and 2, two groups are defined with those values.

^miss^ing specifies that missing values of byvar are also used to define a group. By default observations for which byvar is missing are ignored.

^sortby(^sortvar^)^ specifies that observations should be sorted by sortvar within byvar. By default the observation with the last (highest) non-missing value of sortvar will be selected within each group of byvar.

^first^ specifies that the observation with the first (lowest) value of sortvar should be selected within each group of byvar.

^usesortmiss^ specifies that observations of sortvar which are missing should be used in sorting. By default such observations are ignored.

^generate(^newvar^)^ specifies a new variable to be generated which marks newly created observations. newvar is 1 for such observations and 0 otherwise. This allows subsequent commands such as ^edit^ or ^list^ to be issued with the condition ^if^ newvar.

Examples --------

Suppose we have records on individuals with identifiers ^id^ for distinct times ^time^.

The latest record for each individual can be copied by

^. expandby 2 , by(id) sort(time) g(new)^

With these options, any observations for which ^id^ is missing or for which ^time^ is missing are ignored, and will not be copied.

The resulting observations can be edited by

^. edit if new^ Author ------

Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk Acknowledgments ---------------

John Moran suggested this problem.

Also see --------

Manual: [R] expand On-line: help for @expand@