help for explist                                                 (Roger Newson)

Creating exponential lists of numbers

explist number_list [ , base(#) scale(#) global(global_macro_name) noisily ]

where number_list is either a Stata numlist containing no commas or a Stata numlist surrounded by quotes.


explist takes, as input, a list of numbers x_1, ... , x_n. It creates, as output, a list of numbers y_1, ... , y_n, derived exponentially from the input list, so that, for each i,

y_i = scale*base^x_i

where base and scale are numbers given by the options of the same name. The output list is returned in the local result r(explist), and may also be saved in a global macro and/or printed.


base(#) is the logarithmic base for calculating the output list. If absent, it is set to 10.

scale(#) is a scale factor for calculating the output list. If absent, it is set to 1.

global(global_macro_name) is the name of a global macro, in which the output list will be stored.

noisily specifies that the output list must be printed.


explist is designed in a style similar to Nick Cox's listutil utilities for processing lists.


. explist 0(1)20

. explist 0(1)20,sc(2.5) noi

. explist 0(5)50,base(2) noi

. explist 0(-1)-20,g(powers) . grap y x,ylog ylab($powers)


Roger Newson, King's College, London, UK. Email: roger.newson@kcl.ac.uk

Also see

Manual: [P] numlist. On-line: help for nlist, numlist help for listutil if installed