help for factmerg                                                (Roger Newson)

Merge factors to create string variables containing values, names and labels

factmerg [varlist] [if exp] [in range] [ , fvalue(newvarname) fname(newvarname) flabel(newvarname) mvalue(string_expression) mname(string_expression) mlabel(string_expression) fmissing(newvarname) xmlsub pvalue(string) pname(string) plabel(string) svalue(string) sname(string) slabel(string) ]


factmerg takes, as input, a list of variables (numeric or string), representing discrete factors in a model. It creates, as output, one to three string variables, containing, in each observation, a value, a factor name or a factor variable label, respectively, copied from the first factor variable in the input variable list with a non-missing value for that observation. factmerg is intended for use with a list of input variables created by factext after a call to parmby or parmest. The output variables are intended to be used in creating row labels for output tables and/or plots, possibly using the sencode package. The input factors are usually either created in a parmest or parmby output data set by using the factext package, or are in a data set created by concatenating multiple xcontract output data sets using the dsconcat package.


fvalue(newvarname) specifies a string output variable containing, in each observation, a value derived from the first variable in the input varlist with a non-missing value for that observation. Values from string input variables are copied. Values from numeric input variables are decoded using value labels if these are present, or using formats otherwise.

fname(newvarname) specifies a string output variable containing, in each observation, the name of the input variable from which the value of the fvalue() variable is copied for that observation.

flabel(newvarname) specifies a string output variable containing, in each observation, the variable label of the input variable from which the value of the fvalue() variable is copied for that observation.

mvalue(string_expression) specifies a string expression, used to define values for the fvalue() variable for observations with missing values for all variables in the input varlist.

mname(string_expression) specifies a string expression, used to define values for the fname() variable for observations with missing values for all variables in the input varlist.

mlabel(string_expression) specifies a string expression, used to define values for the flabel() variable for observations with missing values for all variables in the input varlist.

fmissing(newvarname) specifies the name of a new binary variable to be generated, containing missing values for observations excluded by the if and in qualifiers, 1 for other observations in which all the input factors are missing, and 0 for other observations in which at least one of the input factors is nonmissing.

xmlsub specifies that, in the string output variables indicated by the options fvalue() and flabel(), the substrings "&", "<" and ">" will be replaced throughout with the XML entity references "&amp;", "&lt;" and "&gt;", respectively. This is useful if the string output variables are intended for output to a table in a document in XHTML, or in other XML-based languages.

pvalue(string) specifies a prefix to be added to the fvalue() output variable.

pname(string) specifies a prefix to be added to the fname() output variable.

plabel(string) specifies a prefix to be added to the flabel() output variable.

svalue(string) specifies a suffix to be added to the fvalue() output variable.

sname(string) specifies a suffix to be added to the fname() output variable.

slabel(string) specifies a suffix to be added to the flabel() output variable.


factmerg is typically used with factext, which is used with parmby, parmest and descsave to create a list of factors. The output fvalue() variable created by factmerg may be output using outsheet or listtex to create a table with one row per model parameter and data on the estimates, confidence limits and/or P-values. Alternatively, the fvalue() variable may be encoded to a numeric variable using sencode and then plotted, using graph, hplot or eclplot, to create a confidence interval plot with one axis label per model parameter. The fvalue, fname and/or flabel variables may be used in string expressions to generate labels for the rows of the table, or for positions on the axis of a confidence interval plot, specifying the parameters in a human-readable format. The packages descsave, eclplot, factext, factref, hplot, listtex, parmby, parmest, sdecode and sencode are not supplied with official Stata, but can be installed from SSC. Further information on the use of some of these packages can be found in Newson (2003).


The following example will work with the auto data if descsave, parmest, parmby and factext are installed.

. tempfile tf0 . descsave rep78 foreign, do(`"`tf0'"',replace) . parmby "xi: regress mpg weight i.rep78 i.foreign, robust", label norestore format(estimate min* max* %8.2f p %8.2g) . factext, do(`"`tf0'"') . factmerg foreign rep78, fn(faname) fl(falab) fv(faval) mn(parm) ml(label) . list parm label rep78 foreign faname falab faval


Roger Newson, Imperial College London, UK. Email: r.newson@imperial.ac.uk


Newson, R. 2003. Confidence intervals and p-values for delivery to the end user. The Stata Journal 3(3): 245-269. Download from the Stata Journal website.

Also see

On-line: help for describe, tabulate, xi, graph help for descsave, eclplot, factext, factref, hplot, listtex, parmby, parmest, sdecode, sencode, xcontract if installed