{smcl} {* *! version 1.0.0 13apr2021}{...} {title:fmmhist} {pstd} {cmd:fmmhist} Generates a multi-class histogram after estimating a fmm model. {marker syntax}{...} {title:Syntax} {pstd} {cmd:fmmhist} {cmd:,} {opt numbins(integer)} [{opt DENS:ity} {opt TI:tle(string)} {opt XTI:tle(string)} {opt YTI:tle(string)} {opt XLAB(string)} {opt YLAB(string) } ] {pstd} {cmd:fmmhist} draws a histogram in different colours indicating class membership after a {cmd:fmm} estimation command. {pstd} Histogram bars are currently drawn with 30% transparency. {pstd} The options title, xti, yti, xlab, ylab are standard twoway graph options to generate graph titles and labels. {hline} {title:Example} {cmd:. sysuse citytemp} {cmd:. fmm 2: regress heatdd} {cmd:. fmmhist , numbins(20)} {pstd}Load US city temperatures, fit 2 class model against heating days with fmm. {pstd} Displays a histogram showing the two distributions of cold and hot cities. {hline} {title:Bugs} Values at the very edge (minimum, maximum) are currently begin dropped. {hline} {title:Code repository} This code is on GitHub: https://github.com/janbrogger/fmmhist {hline}