capture program drop fpe program define fpe // fpe is developed by Michael Droste. version 13.1 syntax anything, [i(string asis) j(string asis) robust fast string verbose] *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Setup *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Preserve dataset in case of failure preserve * Parse input gettoken rtype stubs : anything *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Exception handling *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * If j not specified and i is, then j should be _j if "`i'"!="" & "`j'"=="" { local j _j } * Make sure we are either reshaping long or wide if "`rtype'"!="wide" & "`rtype'"!="long" { di "Error: Reshape type (`rtype') not wide or long, exiting." exit 1 } * Handle implicit syntax if "`stubs'"=="" & "`i'"=="" & "`j'"=="" { local m1: char _dta[ReS_stubs] local m2: char _dta[ReS_i] local m3: char _dta[ReS_j] if "`m1'"=="" & "`m2'"=="" & "`m3'"=="" { di as error "Error: data has not been reshaped yet. The implicit syntax only works if you have reshaped the data in memory already." exit 1 } else { local stubs `m1' local i `m2' local j `m3' } } * Make sure i variable exists if "`i'"!="" { capture confirm variable `i' if _rc!=0 { di as error "Error: i variable (`i') does not exist, exiting." exit 1 } } * If reshape wide, make sure j variable exists if "`j'"!="" { if "`rtype'"=="wide" { capture confirm variable `j' if _rc!=0 { di as error "Error: j variable (`j') does not exist, exiting." exit 1 } } } * If reshape long, make sure j variable does NOT already exist if "`rtype'"=="long" { capture confirm variable `j' if _rc==0 { di as error "Error: j variable (`j') already exists, exiting." exit 1 } } * If i not specified, exit (unless implicit usage of reshape) if "`i'"=="" { di as error "Error: i variable not specified, exiting." exit 1 } * If reshape long, make sure i variable uniquely identifies observations if "`rtype'"=="long" { tempvar ni bysort `i': gen `ni' = _n qui sum `ni' if r(max)>1 { di as error "Error: i does not uniquely identify observations, which it should when reshaping long." exit 1 } } * Check type of j, set string option if string cap confirm string variable `j' if _rc==0 { if "`string'"=="" { di "Warning: the string option was not specified, but the j variable (`j') is a string." local string "string" } } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Prep for reshape (long and wide) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Wide reshape *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * If reshape wide... if "`rtype'"=="wide" { * Store number of obs and number of vars in long data local num_obs_long = `=_N' local num_vars_long = `=c(k)' * @ functionality for stubs foreach v in `stubs' { local c = "`v'" local wildcard_pos = strpos("`c'","@") local string_len = strlen("`c'") if `wildcard_pos'>0 { * When @ symbol is in the middle of the string if `wildcard_pos'>1 & `wildcard_pos'<`string_len' { local c1 = substr("`c'",1,`wildcard_pos'-1) + "*" + substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) local c2 = substr("`c'",1,`wildcard_pos'-1) + substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) + "*" local c3 = substr("`c'",1,`wildcard_pos'-1) + substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) local stubs2 `stubs2' `c3' } * When @ symbol is at the end of the string if `wildcard_pos'==`string_len' { local c3 = substr("`c'",1,`wildcard_pos'-1) local stubs2 `stubs2' `c3' } * When @ symbol is at the beginning of the string if `wildcard_pos'==1 { local c1 = "*" + substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) local c2 = substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) + "*" local c3 = substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) local stubs2 `stubs2' `c3' } } else { local stubs2 `stubs2' `c' } } local old_stubs `stubs' local stubs `stubs2' * Store unique values of j variable (non-string) if "`verbose'"!="" timer on 1 if "`string'"=="" { qui tabulate `j', matrow(unique_j) local num_j = rowsof(unique_j) forval z=1/`num_j' { local curr_j = unique_j[`z',1] local listj `listj' `curr_j' } di as text "(note: j = `listj')" local j1 = unique_j[1,1] if `num_j'>1 { local j2 = unique_j[2,1] if `num_j'>2 { local j3 = unique_j[`num_j',1] } } } * Store unique values of j variable (string) if "`string'"!="" { qui levelsof `j', local(unique_j) local num_j = 0 foreach c in `unique_j' { local num_j = `num_j'+1 local listj `listj' `c' local unique_j`num_j' "`c'" } di as text "(note: j = `listj')" local j1 "`unique_j1'" local j2 "`unique_j2'" local j3 "`unique_j`num_j''" } * Store distinct stub variables foreach v in `stubs' { capture describe `v', varlist local stub_vars `stub_vars' `=r(varlist)' } if "`verbose'"!="" timer off 1 * XX need to identify all variables in dataset NOT i, j, stub if "`verbose'"!="" timer on 2 di "stub_vars: `stub_vars' `i' `j'" qui ds `stub_vars' `i' `j', not if "`verbose'"!="" timer off 2 * XX make sure the variables above are constant within * Partition dataset by unique values of j variable if "`verbose'"!="" timer on 3 forval z=1/`num_j' { if "`string'"=="" { local k = unique_j[`z',1] qui keep if `j'==`k' } else { local k "`unique_j`z''" qui keep if `j'=="`k'" } foreach v in `stubs' { rename `v' `v'`k' } qui drop `j' tempfile temp_`z' qui save `temp_`z'', replace if `z'!=`num_j' { restore, preserve } if `z'==`num_j' { restore } } if "`verbose'"!="" timer off 3 * Merge partitions together by observation if "`verbose'"!="" timer on 4 qui use `temp_1', clear forval k=2/`num_j' { cap merge 1:1 `i' using `temp_`k'', nogen if _rc!=0 { noi di as error "Error: i (`i') not unique within j (`j')." exit 1 } } if "`verbose'"!="" timer off 4 * For wide reshapes, rename @ variables now foreach v in `old_stubs' { local c = "`v'" local wildcard_pos = strpos("`c'","@") local string_len = strlen("`c'") if `wildcard_pos'>0 { * When @ symbol is in the middle of the string if `wildcard_pos'>1 & `wildcard_pos'<`string_len' { local c1 = substr("`c'",1,`wildcard_pos'-1) + "*" + substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) local c2 = substr("`c'",1,`wildcard_pos'-1) + substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) + "*" local c3 = substr("`c'",1,`wildcard_pos'-1) + substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) rename `c2' `c1' } * When @ symbol is at the end of the string if `wildcard_pos'==`string_len' { local c3 = substr("`c'",1,`wildcard_pos'-1) } * When @ symbol is at the beginning of the string if `wildcard_pos'==1 { local c1 = "*" + substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) local c2 = substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) + "*" local c3 = substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) rename `c2' `c1' } } } * Format nicely if "`verbose'"!="" timer on 5 local num_obs_wide = `=_N' local num_vars_wide = `=c(k)' if "`verbose'"!="" timer off 6 * Display output if "`verbose'"!="" timer on 6 di "" di as text "Data" _col(28) %12s "long" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "wide" di as text "{hline 78}" di as text "Number of obs." _col(28) %12s "`num_obs_long'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`num_obs_wide'" di as text "Number of variables" _col(28) %12s "`num_vars_long'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`num_vars_wide'" di as text "j variable (`num_j' values)" _col(28) %12s "`j'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "(dropped)" di as text "xij variables:" foreach v in `stub_vars' { if `num_j'==3 { di as text _col(28) %12s "`v'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`v'`j1' `v'`j2' `v'`j3'" } else if `num_j'==2 { di as text _col(28) %12s "`v'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`v'`j1' `v'`j2'" } else if `num_j'==1 { di as text _col(28) %12s "`v'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`v'`j1'" } else { di as text _col(28) %12s "`v'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`v'`j1' `v'`j2' ... `v'`j3'" } } di as text "{hline 78}" if "`verbose'"!="" timer off 6 } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Long reshape * Kudos to *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "`rtype'"=="long" { local num_obs_wide = `=_N' local num_vars_wide = `=c(k)' * @ functionality for stubs foreach v in `stubs' { local c = "`v'" local wildcard_pos = strpos("`c'","@") local string_len = strlen("`c'") di "pos: `wildcard_pos', len: `string_len'" if `wildcard_pos'>0 { * When @ symbol is in the middle of the string if `wildcard_pos'>1 & `wildcard_pos'<`string_len' { local c1 = substr("`c'",1,`wildcard_pos'-1) + "*" + substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) local c2 = substr("`c'",1,`wildcard_pos'-1) + substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) + "*" local c3 = substr("`c'",1,`wildcard_pos'-1) + substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) rename `c1' `c2' local stubs2 `stubs2' `c3' } * When @ symbol is at the end of the string if `wildcard_pos'==`string_len' { local c3 = substr("`c'",1,`wildcard_pos'-1) local stubs2 `stubs2' `c3' } * When @ symbol is at the beginning of the string if `wildcard_pos'==1 { di "DING" local c1 = "*" + substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) local c2 = substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) + "*" local c3 = substr("`c'",`wildcard_pos'+1,.) rename `c1' `c2' local stubs2 `stubs2' `c3' } } else { local stubs2 `stubs2' `c' } } local stubs `stubs2' * Store distinct values of j across all stubs if "`verbose'"!="" timer on 1 foreach v in `stubs' { local stub_vars_raw capture describe `v'*, varlist if "`=r(varlist)'"!="." { local stub_vars_raw `stub_vars_raw' `=r(varlist)' } foreach v2 in `stub_vars_raw' { local c = subinstr("`v2'","`v'","",.) local stub_vars_clean `stub_vars_clean' `c' } local all_stubs `all_stubs' `stub_vars_raw' } * Store unique values of j variable (non-string) if "`string'"=="" { mata: st_matrix("unique_j", uniqrows(strtoreal(tokens(st_local("stub_vars_clean")))')) local num_j = rowsof(unique_j) forval z=1/`num_j' { if "`=unique_j[`z',1]'"!="." { local list_j `list_j' `=unique_j[`z',1]' } } di as text "(note: j = `list_j')" } * Store unique values of j variable (string) if "`string'"!="" { mata: unique_j = uniqrows(tokens(st_local("stub_vars_clean")))' mata: st_local("num_j",strofreal(rows(unique_j))) gen unique_j = "" forvalues z=1/`num_j' { mata: st_local("curr",unique_j[`z',1]) local unique_j`z' = "`curr'" in `z' } forval z=1/10 { if `z'<=`num_j' { if "`unique_j`z''"!="." { local list_j `list_j' `unique_j`z'' } } } di as text "(note: j = `list_j')" } if "`verbose'"!="" timer off 1 * Identify all variables in dataset NOT i, j, stub if "`verbose'"!="" timer on 2 if "`string'"=="" qui ds `all_stubs' `i', not else qui ds `all_stubs' `i' unique_j, not local non_stubs `r(varlist)' if "`verbose'"!="" timer off 2 * Write out a separate file for each value of j if "`verbose'"!="" timer on 3 tempfile tmp_long qui save `tmp_long' forval z=1/`num_j' { if "`string'"=="" local c = unique_j[`z',1] else local c `unique_j`z'' local allstubs foreach s in `stubs' { cap desc `s'`c' using `tmp_long' if _rc!=0 { di as text "(note: `s'`c' not found)" local genlong = 1 } local allstubs `allstubs' `s'`c' } use `i' `allstubs' `non_stubs' using `tmp_long', clear if "`genlong'"=="1" gen `s'`c' = . if "`string'"=="" gen `j' = `c' else gen `j' = "`c'" rename *`c' * tempfile temp`z' qui save `temp`z'', replace } if "`verbose'"!="" timer off 3 * Concatenate temp files if "`verbose'"!="" timer on 4 clear forval z=1/`num_j' { append using `temp`z'' } if "`verbose'"!="" timer off 4 * Format nicely if "`verbose'"!="" timer on 5 order `i' `j', first if "`fast'"=="" { sort `i' `j' } local num_obs_long = `=_N' local num_vars_long = `=c(k)' if "`verbose'"!="" timer off 5 * Display output if "`verbose'"!="" timer on 6 di "" di as text "Data" _col(28) %12s "wide" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "long" di as text "{hline 78}" di as text "Number of obs." _col(28) %12s "`num_obs_wide'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`num_obs_long'" di as text "Number of variables" _col(28) %12s "`num_vars_wide'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`num_vars_long'" di as text "j variable (`num_j' values)" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`j'" di as text "xij variables:" foreach v in `stubs' { if `num_j'==3 { if "`string'"=="" { local j1 = unique_j[1,1] local j2 = unique_j[2,1] local j3 = unique_j[3,1] } else { local j1 `unique_j1' local j2 `unique_j2' local j3 `unique_j3' } di as text _col(2) %38s "`v'`j1' `v'`j2' `v'`j3'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`v'" } else if `num_j'==2 { if "`string'"=="" { local j1 = unique_j[1,1] local j2 = unique_j[2,1] } else { local j1 `unique_j1' local j2 `unique_j2' } di as text _col(2) %38s "`v'`j1' `v'`j2'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`v'" } else if `num_j'==1 { if "`string'"=="" { local j1 = unique_j[1,1] } else { local j1 `unique_j1' } di as text _col(2) %38s "`v'`j1'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`v'" } else { if "`string'"=="" { local j1 = unique_j[1,1] local j2 = unique_j[2,1] local j3 = unique_j[`num_j',1] } else { local j1 `unique_j1' local j2 `unique_j2' local j3 `unique_j`num_j'' } di as text _col(2) %38s "`v'`j1' `v'`j2' ... `v'`j3'" _col(43) "->" _col(48) "`v'" } } di as text "{hline 78}" if "`verbose'"!="" timer off 6 } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * XX optional: return objects *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- char _dta[ReS_rtype] `rtype' char _dta[ReS_stubs] `stubs' char _dta[ReS_i] `i' char _dta[ReS_j] `j' /* char _dta[ReS_jv] j values, if specified char _dta[ReS_Xij] char _dta[ReS_Xij_n] number of X_ij variables char _dta[ReS_Xij_long#] name of #th X_ij variable in long form char _dta[ReS_Xij_wide#] name of #th X_ij variable in wide form char _dta[ReS_Xi] X_i variable names, if specified char _dta[ReS_atwl] atwl() value, if specified char _dta[ReS_str] 1 if option string specified; 0 otherwise */ if "`verbose'"!="" { qui timer list di "Time for stub formatting: `r(t1)'" di "Time for identifying non-stub, i, j vars: `r(t2)'" di "Time for writing out files for each j: `r(t3)'" di "Time for concatenating files: `r(t4)'" di "Time for formatting: `r(t5)'" di "Time for printing output: `r(t6)'" timer clear } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * End *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cap restore, not end