#delim ; prog def fvregen, rclass; version 11.0; /* Regenerate a newvarlist of factor variables from a parameter name variable containing e(b) column stripe elements. *!Author: Roger Newson *!Date: 25 November 2020 */ syntax [ newvarlist(default=none) ] [if] [in] [, FRom(varlist string) DOfile(string) FMissing(name) FAST ]; /* from() specifies the input parameter name variables (defaulting to parm as provided by a parmest resultsset). dofile() specifies the name of a do-file, possibly created using the dofile()option of the descsave package, to be executed after the factors have been created. fmissing() specifies a new variable to be generated, with missing values in observations excluded by the if and in qualifiers, zero values in observations with at least one monmissing value in a generated factor, and values of 1 in observations included by the if and in qualifiers with no nonmissing values in any generated factor. fast specifies that no extra work will be done to restore the original dataset, if the user presses Break. */ * Default parameter values *; if "`from'"=="" {; local from "parm"; cap confirm string variable `from'; if _rc!=0 {; disp as error "variable `from' not found"; error 498; }; }; * Mark sample for use *; marksample touse, novarlist; * Count observations *; local nobs=_N; * Preserve if fast not secified *; if "`fast'"=="" {; preserve; }; * Fill in the varlist from from() if not given *; if "`varlist'"=="" {; forv i1=1(1)`nobs' {; if `touse'[`i1'] {; foreach FR of var `from' {; local parmcur=`FR'[`i1']; cap _ms_parse_parts `"`parmcur'"'; if _rc==0 {; local k_names=r(k_names); local mstype `"`r(type)'"'; if `"`mstype'"'=="factor" {; local namecur `"`r(name)'"'; local levcur=r(level); if !missing(`levcur') {; local varlist `"`varlist' `namecur'"'; }; }; else if inlist(`"`mstype'"',"interaction","product") {; forv i2=1(1)`k_names' {; local namecur `"`r(name`i2')'"'; local levcur=r(level`i2'); if !missing(`levcur') {; local varlist `"`varlist' `namecur'"'; }; }; }; local varlist: list uniq varlist; }; }; }; }; }; * Create factor variables filled with missing values *; if "`varlist'"=="" {; disp as text "No factor variables generated"; exit; }; confirm new variable `varlist'; if _rc!=0 {; disp as error "Variables cannot be created: `varlist'"; error 498; }; foreach X of new `varlist' {; qui gene long `X'=.; }; * Input the factor values from from() *; forv i1=1(1)`nobs' {; if `touse'[`i1'] {; foreach FR of var `from' {; local parmcur=`FR'[`i1']; cap _ms_parse_parts `"`parmcur'"'; if _rc==0 {; local k_names=r(k_names); local mstype `"`r(type)'"'; if `"`mstype'"'=="factor" {; local namecur `"`r(name)'"'; local levcur=r(level); if !missing(`levcur') {; local toassign: list namecur in varlist; if `toassign' {; qui replace `namecur'=`levcur' in `i1'; }; }; }; else if inlist(`"`mstype'"',"interaction","product") {; forv i2=1(1)`k_names' {; local namecur `"`r(name`i2')'"'; local levcur=r(level`i2'); if !missing(`levcur') {; local toassign: list namecur in varlist; if `toassign' {; qui replace `namecur'=`levcur' in `i1'; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; * Compress factor variables *; qui compress `varlist'; * Execute -dofile- if provided *; if `"`dofile'"'!="" {; run `"`dofile'"'; }; * Add -fmissing()- variable *; if `"`fmissing'"'!="" {; conf new var `fmissing'; qui gene byte `fmissing'=1 if `touse'; foreach X of var `varlist' {; qui replace `fmissing'=0 if `touse' & !missing(`X'); }; lab var `fmissing' "Missing:`varlist'"; }; * Restore if fast not secified *; if "`fast'"=="" {; restore, not; }; * Notify user of factor variables generated *; disp as text "Factor variables generated:" _n as result "`varlist'"; * Returned results *; return local varlist `"`varlist'"'; end;