help genhwcci
                                                                (STB-57: sg150)
                                                              also see:  genhwi


genhwcci -- Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test in case-control studies


genhwcci #AA1 #Aa1 #aa1 #AA2 #Aa2 #aa2 [, options]

options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main label(genotypes) requests that labels are used in the output of the genotype frequency table binvar requests that the standard errors from a binomial distribution are reported for each allele frequency -------------------------------------------------------------------------


genhwcci is an immediate command used for estimating allele frequency, genotype frequencies, disequilibrium coefficients and the associated standard error for codominant traits or data of completely known genotypes in case-control studies. For both genotypic counts of cases and controls, it performs asymptotic Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) tests. It also tests the HWE for genotypic counts of cases, under the assumption that the genotypic counts of controls are under HWE; where #AA1, #Aa1 and #aa1 are genotypic counts for the AA, Aa and aa of cases; while #AA2, #Aa2 and #aa2 are genotypic counts of the controls. This command works for biallelic loci only.


+------+ ----+ Main +-------------------------------------------------------------

label(genotypes)) requests that labels are used in the output of the genotype frequency table.

binvar requests that the standard errors from a binomial distribution are reported for each allele frequency, under the assumption that the population is under HWE. By default, standard errors without this assumption are calculated and reported.


genhwcci 67 156 146 31 135 118, binvar label(AA Aa aa)

genhwcci 41 47 21 37 58 18

Also see

STB: STB-48 sg110, STB-57 sg150

Online: genhwi


Cui J. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test in case-control studies. Stata Technical Bulletin 2000; 57: 17-19.

Cleves M. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test and allele frequency estimation. Stata Technical Bulletin 1999; 48: 34-37.


James Cui, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University.


Other Commands I have written: simuped2 (if installed) ssc install simuped2 (to install this comman > d) simuped3 (if installed) ssc install simuped3 (to install this comman > d) phenotype (if installed) ssc install phenotype (to install this comman > d) buckley (if installed) ssc install buckley (to install this comman > d) qic (if installed) ssc install qic (to install this comman > d)