/* 'GETDATA': module to import data Author: Duarte Goncalves (duarte.goncalves.dg@outlook.com) Last update: 24 March 2016 Version 1.22 This program uses the SDMX Connector for STATA, licensed to Banca d'Italia (Bank of Italy) under a European Union Public Licence (world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable licence). See https://github.com/amattioc/SDMX/wiki/SDMX-Connector-for-STATA and https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/eupl1.1.-licence-en_0.pdf I dearly thank Attilio Mattiocco (Attilio.Mattiocco@bancaditalia.it) for all the help regarding the SDMX Connector for STATA and Bo Werth (Bo.WERTH@oecd.org) for additional clarifications. */ cap program drop getdata program define getdata version 13 syntax namelist(min=2), Rest(string) [Geo(string) Time(string) ISOcountrycodes(string) Start(int 0) End(int 0) Merge(string) Frequency(string) DATEMask(string) Varname(string) METAdata(int 1) set clear replace update] quietly { **************************************************** **|| Create locals and Trace errors ||** **************************************************** **| structure and provider tokenize `namelist' local structure "`1'" local provider "`2'" if "`structure'" == "" local "`structure'" = "raw" if "`structure'" != "raw" & "`structure'" != "cs" & "`structure'" != "ts" & "`structure'" != "xt" { noisily display in red "ERROR: Choose an appropriate data structure: raw, cs, ts or xt." exit } if "`provider'" == "" { noisily display in red "ERROR: Choose an appropriate provider. If needed, please check the provider by running: getdatacodes." exit } **| rest if "`rest'" == "" { noisily display in red "ERROR: An appropriate rest query must be used." exit } local table = substr("`rest'",1,strpos("`rest'","/")-1) **| geo tokenize `geo' local geo1 "`1'" local geo2 "`2'" local geo3 "`3'" if "`geo1'" == "" & "`structure'" != "raw" & "`structure'" != "ts" { noisily display in red "ERROR: The chosen data structure requires to specify geo() option with the variable provided in the table to identify location. Call getdatacodes to check the correct name for the geo variable." exit } if "`geo3'" != "" { noisily display in red "ERROR: Only two elements are admissible in geo() option." exit } if "`geo2'" == "" local geo2 = "`geo1'" **| time tokenize `time' local time1 "`1'" local time2 "`2'" local time3 "`3'" if "`time1'" == "" local time1 = "DATE" if "`time3'" != "" { noisily display in red "ERROR: Only two elements are admissible in time() option." exit } if "`time2'" == "" local time2 = "`time1'" **| isocountrycodes tokenize `isocountrycodes' local isocountrycodes1 "`1'" local isocountrycodes2 "`2'" local isocountrycodes3 "`3'" if "`isocountrycodes1'" != "" & "`isocountrycodes1'" != "alpha2" & "`isocountrycodes1'" != "alpha3" & "`isocountrycodes1'" != "num" { noisily display in red "ERROR: Choose an appropriate ISO country coding option: alpha2, alpha3 and/or num, separated by blank spaces." exit } if "`isocountrycodes2'" != "" & "`isocountrycodes2'" != "alpha2" & "`isocountrycodes2'" != "alpha3" & "`isocountrycodes2'" != "num" { noisily display in red "ERROR: Choose an appropriate ISO country coding option: alpha2, alpha3 and/or num, separated by blank spaces." exit } if "`isocountrycodes3'" != "" & "`isocountrycodes3'" != "alpha2" & "`isocountrycodes3'" != "alpha3" & "`isocountrycodes3'" != "num" { noisily display in red "ERROR: Choose an appropriate ISO country coding option: alpha2, alpha3 and/or num, separated by blank spaces." exit } local erroriso = 0 if "`isocountrycodes1'" == "alpha2" | "`isocountrycodes2'" == "alpha2" | "`isocountrycodes3'" == "alpha2" local erroriso = `erroriso' + 1 if "`isocountrycodes1'" == "alpha3" | "`isocountrycodes2'" == "alpha3" | "`isocountrycodes3'" == "alpha3" local erroriso = `erroriso' + 1 /* if `erroriso' == 2 { noisily display in red "ERROR: Choose either alpha2 or alpha3, not both." exit } */ **| starttime and endtime if "`start'" == "0" local start = "" if "`end'" == "0" local end = "" **| merge if "`merge'" == "" local merge = "1:1" if "`merge'" != "1:1" & "`merge'" != "m:1" & "`merge'" != "1:m" & "`merge'" != "m:m" { noisily display in red "ERROR: The chosen data structure requires to specify time() option with the variable provided in the table to identify time." exit } **| conflicting options if "`time1'" == "" & "`structure'" != "raw" & "`structure'" != "cs" { noisily display in red "ERROR: The chosen data structure requires to specify time() option with the variable provided in the table to identify time." exit } if "`structure'" != "raw" & "`structure'" != "cs" & "`structure'" != "ts" & "`structure'" != "xt" { noisily display in red "ERROR: Choose an appropriate data structure: raw, cs, ts or xt." exit } **| varname local valuevar_name "`varname'" **| clear if "`clear'" == "clear"{ clear } local N_init = _N if `N_init'>0 { preserve } clear **| metadata if "`structure'" != "raw" local metadata 1 **************************************************** **|| Getting the data ||** **************************************************** noisily di "Getting the data ..." local before_extraction = _N cap javacall it.bancaditalia.oss.sdmx.client.StataClientHandler getTimeSeries, args("`provider'" "`rest'" "`start'" "`end'" "`metadata'") if `before_extraction' >= _N | _rc != 0 { di in red "ERROR: No data matched the query specified. Please check the query by running: getdatacodes" exit } **************************************************** **|| Dealing with Resulting Variables' Names ||** **************************************************** noisily di "Preparing the data ..." if "`structure'" == "raw" exit if "`structure'" == "cs" { levelsof `time1', clean l(levelsofDATE) local nr_dif_DATE = wordcount("`levelsofDATE'") if `nr_dif_DATE' > 1 { noisily display in red "ERROR: The data is not cross-sectional. Please select an appropriate data structure. Use raw if in doubt." clear restore exit } } **| removing the country name and the tablecode replace VALUE = . if VALUE == . cap replace TSNAME = subinstr(TSNAME,`geo1'+".","",.) cap replace TSNAME = subinstr(TSNAME,"."+`geo1',"",.) *cap replace TSNAME = subinstr(TSNAME,`time1'+".","",.) cap replace TSNAME = subinstr(TSNAME,"."+`time1',"",.) replace TSNAME = subinstr(TSNAME,"`table'.","",.) replace TSNAME = subinstr(TSNAME,".`table'","",.) **| removing "odd" symbols foreach symbol in - ! # $ % & / \ ( ) = ? + * ~ ^ , ; . : | @ £ [ ] « » { replace TSNAME = subinstr(TSNAME,"`symbol'","_",.) } replace TSNAME = subinstr(TSNAME,"."," ",.) replace TSNAME = "n"+substr(TSNAME,1,31) if substr(TSNAME,1,1) == "0" | substr(TSNAME,1,1) == "1" | substr(TSNAME,1,1) == "2" | substr(TSNAME,1,1) == "3" | substr(TSNAME,1,1) == "4" | substr(TSNAME,1,1) == "5" | substr(TSNAME,1,1) == "6" | substr(TSNAME,1,1) == "7" | substr(TSNAME,1,1) == "8" | substr(TSNAME,1,1) == "9" **| generate new variables' names local loop = wordcount(TSNAME[1])-1 local looplast = `loop'+1 gen remainder = TSNAME forvalues vnum = 1/`loop' { gen v`vnum' = substr(remainder,1,strpos(remainder," ")-1) replace remainder = substr(remainder,strpos(remainder," ")+1,.) } rename remainder v`looplast' local max_char_dim = floor((31-`loop')/(`loop'+1)) replace v1 = substr(v1,1,`max_char_dim') local char_spent = 0 forvalues vnum = 2/`looplast' { local vnumminusone = `vnum' - 1 local char_spent = `char_spent'+strlen(v`vnumminusone') local char_left = 32 - 1 - `char_spent' local max_char = floor(`max_char_dim'*`vnum'-`char_spent') if `max_char' > `max_char_dim' & `vnum' != `looplast' replace v`vnum' = substr(v`vnum',1,`max_char') if `max_char' <= `max_char_dim' & `vnum' != `looplast' replace v`vnum' = substr(v`vnum',1,`max_char_dim') if `vnum' == `looplast' replace v`vnum' = substr(v`vnum',1,`char_left') } gen varnames = "" forvalues vnum = 1/`looplast' { if `vnum' != `looplast' replace varnames = varnames+v`vnum'+"_" if `vnum' == `looplast' replace varnames = varnames+v`vnum' } **************************************************** **|| Reshaping the Data ||** **************************************************** if "`structure'" == "cs" { cap ds `geo1' if _rc != 0 di in red "Please check whether the geographical variable is `geo1'" rename `geo1' `geo2' rename VALUE v keep varnames `geo2' v reshape wide v, i("`geo2'") j(varnames) string foreach variable of varlist v* { local var_label : variable label `variable' local exclude " v" local var_label : list var_label - exclude label var `variable' "`var_label'" local rename_name = substr("`variable'",2,.) rename `variable' `rename_name' } ds `geo2', not local nr_vars_final = wordcount("`r(varlist)'") if "`valuevar_name'" != "" & `nr_vars_final' == 1 { rename `r(varlist)' `valuevar_name' } if "`valuevar_name'" != "" & `nr_vars_final' != 1 { cap nois di in red "WARNING: varname() option ignored - there is more than one series extracted." } } if "`structure'" == "ts" { rename `time1' `time2' rename VALUE v keep varnames `time2' v reshape wide v, i("`time2'") j(varnames) string foreach variable of varlist v* { local var_label : variable label `variable' local exclude " v" local var_label : list var_label - exclude label var `variable' "`var_label'" local rename_name = substr("`variable'",2,.) rename `variable' `rename_name' } ds `time2', not local nr_vars_final = wordcount("`r(varlist)'") if "`valuevar_name'" != "" & `nr_vars_final' == 1 { rename `r(varlist)' `valuevar_name' } if "`valuevar_name'" != "" & `nr_vars_final' != 1 { cap nois di in red "WARNING: varname() option ignored - there is more than one series extracted." } } if "`structure'" == "xt" { cap ds `geo1' if _rc != 0 di in red "Please check whether the geographical variable is `geo1'" rename `geo1' `geo2' rename `time1' `time2' rename VALUE v keep varnames `geo2' `time2' v reshape wide v, i("`geo2' `time2'") j(varnames) string foreach variable of varlist v* { local var_label : variable label `variable' local exclude " v" local var_label : list var_label - exclude label var `variable' "`var_label'" local rename_name = substr("`variable'",2,.) rename `variable' `rename_name' } ds `geo2' `time2', not local nr_vars_final = wordcount("`r(varlist)'") if "`valuevar_name'" != "" & `nr_vars_final' == 1 { rename `r(varlist)' `valuevar_name' } if "`valuevar_name'" != "" & `nr_vars_final' != 1 { cap nois di in red "WARNING: varname() option ignored - there is more than one series extracted." } } **************************************************** **|| Formatting the Time Variable ||** **************************************************** if "`structure'" == "ts" | "`structure'" == "xt" { if "`frequency'" == "y" & "`datemask'" == "" { cap destring `time2', replace format `time2' %ty } if "`frequency'" != "" & "`frequency'" != "c" & "`frequency'" != "C" & "`datemask'" != "" { replace `time2' = subinstr(`time2',"d","",.) replace `time2' = subinstr(`time2',"w","",.) replace `time2' = subinstr(`time2',"m","",.) replace `time2' = subinstr(`time2',"h","",.) replace `time2' = subinstr(`time2',"s","",.) replace `time2' = subinstr(`time2',"y","",.) replace `time2' = subinstr(`time2',"D","",.) replace `time2' = subinstr(`time2',"W","",.) replace `time2' = subinstr(`time2',"M","",.) replace `time2' = subinstr(`time2',"H","",.) replace `time2' = subinstr(`time2',"S","",.) replace `time2' = subinstr(`time2',"Y","",.) if "`frequency'" == "q" & "`datemask'" == "YQ" { gen `time2'`frequency' = quarterly(`time2',"`datemask'") gen temp = dof`frequency'(`time2'`frequency') drop `time2' rename temp `time2' format `time2' %td format `time2'`frequency' %t`frequency' } if "`frequency'" == "m" & "`datemask'" == "YM" { gen temp = date(`time2',"`datemask'") drop `time2' rename temp `time2' format `time2' %td gen `time2'`frequency' = `frequency'ofd(`time2') format `time2'`frequency' %t`frequency' } if ~(("`frequency'" == "q" & "`datemask'" == "YQ") | ("`frequency'" == "m" & "`datemask'" == "YM")) { gen temp = date(`time2',"`datemask'") drop `time2' rename temp `time2' format `time2' %td gen `time2'`frequency' = `frequency'ofd(`time2') format `time2'`frequency' %t`frequency' } } if ("`frequency'" == "c" | "`frequency'" == "C") & "`datemask'" != "" { gen temp = clock(`time2',"`datemask'") drop `time2' rename temp `time2' format `time2' %t`frequency' } } **************************************************** **|| Producing ISO 3166-1 Country Variables ||** **************************************************** if !("`isocountrycodes1'" == "alpha2" | "`isocountrycodes1'" == "alpha3" | "`isocountrycodes1'" == "num") & "`isocountrycodes1'" != "" { nois di in red "ERROR: specify the isocountrycodes option with appropriate arguments" } if "`isocountrycodes1'" == "alpha2" | "`isocountrycodes1'" == "alpha3" | "`isocountrycodes1'" == "num" { **| Value Labels if "`isocountrycodes1'" == "num" | "`isocountrycodes2'" == "num" | "`isocountrycodes3'" == "num" { cap label drop country_iso_num label def country_iso_num 1 "World", modify label def country_iso_num 4 "Afghanistan", modify label def country_iso_num 8 "Albania", modify label def country_iso_num 10 "Antarctica", modify label def country_iso_num 12 "Algeria", modify label def country_iso_num 16 "American Samoa", modify label def country_iso_num 20 "Andorra", modify label def country_iso_num 24 "Angola", modify label def country_iso_num 28 "Antigua and Barbuda", modify label def country_iso_num 31 "Azerbaijan", modify label def country_iso_num 32 "Argentina", modify label def country_iso_num 36 "Australia", modify label def country_iso_num 40 "Austria", modify label def country_iso_num 44 "Bahamas", modify label def country_iso_num 48 "Bahrain", modify label def country_iso_num 50 "Bangladesh", modify label def country_iso_num 51 "Armenia", modify label def country_iso_num 52 "Barbados", modify label def country_iso_num 56 "Belgium", modify label def country_iso_num 60 "Bermuda", modify label def country_iso_num 64 "Bhutan", modify label def country_iso_num 68 "Bolivia", modify label def country_iso_num 70 "Bosnia and Herzegovina", modify label def country_iso_num 72 "Botswana", modify label def country_iso_num 74 "Bouvet Island", modify label def country_iso_num 76 "Brazil", modify label def country_iso_num 84 "Belize", modify label def country_iso_num 86 "British Indian Ocean Territory", modify label def country_iso_num 90 "Solomon Islands", modify label def country_iso_num 92 "Virgin Islands (British)", modify label def country_iso_num 96 "Brunei Darussalam", modify label def country_iso_num 100 "Bulgaria", modify label def country_iso_num 104 "Myanmar", modify label def country_iso_num 108 "Burundi", modify label def country_iso_num 112 "Belarus", modify label def country_iso_num 116 "Cambodia", modify label def country_iso_num 120 "Cameroon", modify label def country_iso_num 124 "Canada", modify label def country_iso_num 132 "Cabo Verde", modify label def country_iso_num 136 "Cayman Islands", modify label def country_iso_num 140 "Central African Republic", modify label def country_iso_num 144 "Sri Lanka", modify label def country_iso_num 148 "Chad", modify label def country_iso_num 152 "Chile", modify label def country_iso_num 156 "China", modify label def country_iso_num 158 "Taiwan (Province of China)", modify label def country_iso_num 162 "Christmas Island", modify label def country_iso_num 166 "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", modify label def country_iso_num 170 "Colombia", modify label def country_iso_num 174 "Comoros", modify label def country_iso_num 175 "Mayotte", modify label def country_iso_num 178 "Congo", modify label def country_iso_num 180 "Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)", modify label def country_iso_num 184 "Cook Islands", modify label def country_iso_num 188 "Costa Rica", modify label def country_iso_num 191 "Croatia", modify label def country_iso_num 192 "Cuba", modify label def country_iso_num 196 "Cyprus", modify label def country_iso_num 203 "Czech Republic", modify label def country_iso_num 204 "Benin", modify label def country_iso_num 208 "Denmark", modify label def country_iso_num 212 "Dominica", modify label def country_iso_num 214 "Dominican Republic", modify label def country_iso_num 218 "Ecuador", modify label def country_iso_num 222 "El Salvador", modify label def country_iso_num 226 "Equatorial Guinea", modify label def country_iso_num 231 "Ethiopia", modify label def country_iso_num 232 "Eritrea", modify label def country_iso_num 233 "Estonia", modify label def country_iso_num 234 "Faroe Islands", modify label def country_iso_num 238 "Aland Islands [Malvinas]", modify label def country_iso_num 239 "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", modify label def country_iso_num 242 "Fiji", modify label def country_iso_num 246 "Finland", modify label def country_iso_num 248 "Falkland Islands", modify label def country_iso_num 250 "France", modify label def country_iso_num 254 "French Guiana", modify label def country_iso_num 258 "French Polynesia", modify label def country_iso_num 260 "French Southern Territories", modify label def country_iso_num 262 "Djibouti", modify label def country_iso_num 266 "Gabon", modify label def country_iso_num 268 "Georgia", modify label def country_iso_num 270 "Gambia", modify label def country_iso_num 275 "Palestine, State of", modify label def country_iso_num 276 "Germany", modify label def country_iso_num 288 "Ghana", modify label def country_iso_num 292 "Gibraltar", modify label def country_iso_num 296 "Kiribati", modify label def country_iso_num 300 "Greece", modify label def country_iso_num 304 "Greenland", modify label def country_iso_num 308 "Grenada", modify label def country_iso_num 312 "Guadeloupe", modify label def country_iso_num 316 "Guam", modify label def country_iso_num 320 "Guatemala", modify label def country_iso_num 324 "Guinea", modify label def country_iso_num 328 "Guyana", modify label def country_iso_num 332 "Haiti", modify label def country_iso_num 334 "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", modify label def country_iso_num 336 "Holy See", modify label def country_iso_num 340 "Honduras", modify label def country_iso_num 344 "Hong Kong", modify label def country_iso_num 348 "Hungary", modify label def country_iso_num 352 "Iceland", modify label def country_iso_num 356 "India", modify label def country_iso_num 360 "Indonesia", modify label def country_iso_num 364 "Iran", modify label def country_iso_num 368 "Iraq", modify label def country_iso_num 372 "Ireland", modify label def country_iso_num 376 "Israel", modify label def country_iso_num 380 "Italy", modify label def country_iso_num 384 "Cote d'Ivoire", modify label def country_iso_num 388 "Jamaica", modify label def country_iso_num 392 "Japan", modify label def country_iso_num 398 "Kazakhstan", modify label def country_iso_num 400 "Jordan", modify label def country_iso_num 404 "Kenya", modify label def country_iso_num 408 "Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)", modify label def country_iso_num 410 "Korea (the Republic of)", modify label def country_iso_num 414 "Kuwait", modify label def country_iso_num 417 "Kyrgyzstan", modify label def country_iso_num 418 "Lao People's Democratic Republic", modify label def country_iso_num 422 "Lebanon", modify label def country_iso_num 426 "Lesotho", modify label def country_iso_num 428 "Latvia", modify label def country_iso_num 430 "Liberia", modify label def country_iso_num 434 "Libya", modify label def country_iso_num 438 "Liechtenstein", modify label def country_iso_num 440 "Lithuania", modify label def country_iso_num 442 "Luxembourg", modify label def country_iso_num 446 "Macao", modify label def country_iso_num 450 "Madagascar", modify label def country_iso_num 454 "Malawi", modify label def country_iso_num 458 "Malaysia", modify label def country_iso_num 462 "Maldives", modify label def country_iso_num 466 "Mali", modify label def country_iso_num 470 "Malta", modify label def country_iso_num 474 "Martinique", modify label def country_iso_num 478 "Mauritania", modify label def country_iso_num 480 "Mauritius", modify label def country_iso_num 484 "Mexico", modify label def country_iso_num 492 "Monaco", modify label def country_iso_num 496 "Mongolia", modify label def country_iso_num 498 "Moldova", modify label def country_iso_num 499 "Montenegro", modify label def country_iso_num 500 "Montserrat", modify label def country_iso_num 504 "Morocco", modify label def country_iso_num 508 "Mozambique", modify label def country_iso_num 512 "Oman", modify label def country_iso_num 516 "Namibia", modify label def country_iso_num 520 "Nauru", modify label def country_iso_num 524 "Nepal", modify label def country_iso_num 528 "Netherlands", modify label def country_iso_num 531 "Curacao", modify label def country_iso_num 533 "Aruba", modify label def country_iso_num 534 "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)", modify label def country_iso_num 535 "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", modify label def country_iso_num 540 "New Caledonia", modify label def country_iso_num 548 "Vanuatu", modify label def country_iso_num 554 "New Zealand", modify label def country_iso_num 558 "Nicaragua", modify label def country_iso_num 562 "Niger", modify label def country_iso_num 566 "Nigeria", modify label def country_iso_num 570 "Niue", modify label def country_iso_num 574 "Norfolk Island", modify label def country_iso_num 578 "Norway", modify label def country_iso_num 580 "Northern Mariana Islands", modify label def country_iso_num 581 "United States Minor Outlying Islands", modify label def country_iso_num 583 "Micronesia", modify label def country_iso_num 584 "Marshall Islands", modify label def country_iso_num 585 "Palau", modify label def country_iso_num 586 "Pakistan", modify label def country_iso_num 591 "Panama", modify label def country_iso_num 598 "Papua New Guinea", modify label def country_iso_num 600 "Paraguay", modify label def country_iso_num 604 "Peru", modify label def country_iso_num 608 "Philippines", modify label def country_iso_num 612 "Pitcairn", modify label def country_iso_num 616 "Poland", modify label def country_iso_num 620 "Portugal", modify label def country_iso_num 624 "Guinea-Bissau", modify label def country_iso_num 626 "Timor-Leste", modify label def country_iso_num 630 "Puerto Rico", modify label def country_iso_num 634 "Qatar", modify label def country_iso_num 638 "Reunion", modify label def country_iso_num 642 "Romania", modify label def country_iso_num 643 "Russian Federation", modify label def country_iso_num 646 "Rwanda", modify label def country_iso_num 652 "Saint Barthelemy", modify label def country_iso_num 654 "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", modify label def country_iso_num 659 "Saint Kitts and Nevis", modify label def country_iso_num 660 "Anguilla", modify label def country_iso_num 662 "Saint Lucia", modify label def country_iso_num 663 "Saint Martin (French part)", modify label def country_iso_num 666 "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", modify label def country_iso_num 670 "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", modify label def country_iso_num 674 "San Marino", modify label def country_iso_num 678 "Sao Tome and Principe", modify label def country_iso_num 682 "Saudi Arabia", modify label def country_iso_num 686 "Senegal", modify label def country_iso_num 688 "Serbia", modify label def country_iso_num 690 "Seychelles", modify label def country_iso_num 694 "Sierra Leone", modify label def country_iso_num 702 "Singapore", modify label def country_iso_num 703 "Slovakia", modify label def country_iso_num 704 "Viet Nam", modify label def country_iso_num 705 "Slovenia", modify label def country_iso_num 706 "Somalia", modify label def country_iso_num 710 "South Africa", modify label def country_iso_num 716 "Zimbabwe", modify label def country_iso_num 724 "Spain", modify label def country_iso_num 728 "South Sudan", modify label def country_iso_num 729 "Sudan", modify label def country_iso_num 732 "Western Sahara*", modify label def country_iso_num 740 "Suriname", modify label def country_iso_num 744 "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", modify label def country_iso_num 748 "Swaziland", modify label def country_iso_num 752 "Sweden", modify label def country_iso_num 756 "Switzerland", modify label def country_iso_num 760 "Syrian Arab Republic", modify label def country_iso_num 762 "Tajikistan", modify label def country_iso_num 764 "Thailand", modify label def country_iso_num 768 "Togo", modify label def country_iso_num 772 "Tokelau", modify label def country_iso_num 776 "Tonga", modify label def country_iso_num 780 "Trinidad and Tobago", modify label def country_iso_num 784 "United Arab Emirates", modify label def country_iso_num 788 "Tunisia", modify label def country_iso_num 792 "Turkey", modify label def country_iso_num 795 "Turkmenistan", modify label def country_iso_num 796 "Turks and Caicos Islands", modify label def country_iso_num 798 "Tuvalu", modify label def country_iso_num 800 "Uganda", modify label def country_iso_num 804 "Ukraine", modify label def country_iso_num 807 "Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)", modify label def country_iso_num 818 "Egypt", modify label def country_iso_num 826 "United Kingdom", modify label def country_iso_num 831 "Guernsey", modify label def country_iso_num 832 "Jersey", modify label def country_iso_num 833 "Isle of Man", modify label def country_iso_num 834 "Tanzania, United Republic of", modify label def country_iso_num 840 "United States of America", modify label def country_iso_num 850 "Virgin Islands (U.S.)", modify label def country_iso_num 854 "Burkina Faso", modify label def country_iso_num 858 "Uruguay", modify label def country_iso_num 860 "Uzbekistan", modify label def country_iso_num 862 "Venezuela", modify label def country_iso_num 876 "Wallis and Futuna", modify label def country_iso_num 882 "Samoa", modify label def country_iso_num 887 "Yemen", modify label def country_iso_num 894 "Zambia", modify ** Withdrawn ISO coding (withdrawn ISO 3166-1 Numeric + 1000) label def country_iso_num 1000 "Former Economies", modify label def country_iso_num 1200 "Czechoslovakia", modify label def country_iso_num 1278 "Former German Democratic Republic", modify label def country_iso_num 1280 "Former Federal Republic of Germany", modify label def country_iso_num 1810 "USSR", modify label def country_iso_num 1890 "Yugoslavia", modify ** EUROSTAT Specific Coding * EU = 2100 + Nr countries label def country_iso_num 2100 "European Union", modify label def country_iso_num 2106 "European Union (6 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2109 "European Union (9 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2110 "European Union (10 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2112 "European Union (12 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2115 "European Union (15 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2125 "European Union (25 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2127 "European Union (27 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2128 "European Union (28 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2129 "European Union (29 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2130 "European Union (30 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2131 "European Union (31 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2132 "European Union (32 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2133 "European Union (33 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2134 "European Union (34 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2135 "European Union (35 Countries)", modify * EA = 2150 + Nr countries label def country_iso_num 2150 "Euro Area", modify label def country_iso_num 2161 "Euro Area (11 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2162 "Euro Area (12 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2163 "Euro Area (13 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2164 "Euro Area (14 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2165 "Euro Area (15 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2166 "Euro Area (16 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2167 "Euro Area (17 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2168 "Euro Area (18 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2169 "Euro Area (19 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2170 "Euro Area (20 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2171 "Euro Area (21 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2172 "Euro Area (22 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2173 "Euro Area (23 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2174 "Euro Area (24 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2175 "Euro Area (25 Countries)", modify ** OECD Specific Coding label def country_iso_num 2200 "OECD Total", modify label def country_iso_num 2201 "OECD (23 Countries)", modify label def country_iso_num 2203 "OECD Pacific Countries", modify label def country_iso_num 2209 "Non-OECD Member Countries", modify label def country_iso_num 2211 "22 OECD European countries (break 1991, 1993)", modify label def country_iso_num 2231 "Rest of the World", modify label def country_iso_num 2240 "Oil Producers", modify label def country_iso_num 2241 "OPEC", modify label def country_iso_num 2242 "Other Oil Producers", modify label def country_iso_num 2249 "Remaining Countries that are not oil producers", modify label def country_iso_num 2260 "Dynamic Asian Economies", modify label def country_iso_num 2270 "NAFTA", modify label def country_iso_num 2280 "Other Groups", modify } **| Check which geo variables are to be created * Check whether the original variable is a string cap replace `geo2' = "testifstring" if `geo2' == "testifstring" if _rc == 0 local originalisstring = 1 if _rc != 0 local originalisstring = 0 * Create geo variables needed if ("`isocountrycodes1'" == "alpha2" | "`isocountrycodes2'" == "alpha2" | "`isocountrycodes3'" == "alpha2") gen `geo2'_alpha2 = "" if ("`isocountrycodes1'" == "alpha3" | "`isocountrycodes2'" == "alpha3" | "`isocountrycodes3'" == "alpha3") gen `geo2'_alpha3 = "" if ("`isocountrycodes1'" == "num" | "`isocountrycodes2'" == "num" | "`isocountrycodes3'" == "num") gen `geo2'_num = . if ("`isocountrycodes1'" == "alpha3" | "`isocountrycodes2'" == "alpha3" | "`isocountrycodes3'" == "alpha3") local alpha3 = "alpha3" if ("`isocountrycodes1'" == "alpha2" | "`isocountrycodes2'" == "alpha2" | "`isocountrycodes3'" == "alpha2") local alpha2 = "alpha2" if ("`isocountrycodes1'" == "num" | "`isocountrycodes2'" == "num" | "`isocountrycodes3'" == "num") local vargeonum = "vargeonum" **| IMF Specific Country Coding if "`provider'" == "IMF" & ("`alpha2'" == "alpha2" | "`alpha3'" == "alpha3") { getdata_imf_alpha3 `geo2' } if "`provider'" == "IMF" & ("`vargeonum'" == "vargeonum") { getdata_imf_num `geo2' } **| Create Alpha2 if requested * If original geo variable is already string, make it equal to original if `originalisstring' == 1 & "`alpha2'" == "alpha2" cap replace `geo2'_alpha2 = `geo2' * If original geo variable is not a string, convert from Numeric to Alpha2 if `originalisstring' == 0 & "`alpha2'" == "alpha2" { replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AF" if `geo2' == 4 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AL" if `geo2' == 8 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AQ" if `geo2' == 10 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "DZ" if `geo2' == 12 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AS" if `geo2' == 16 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AD" if `geo2' == 20 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AO" if `geo2' == 24 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AG" if `geo2' == 28 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AZ" if `geo2' == 31 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AR" if `geo2' == 32 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AU" if `geo2' == 36 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AT" if `geo2' == 40 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BS" if `geo2' == 44 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BH" if `geo2' == 48 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BD" if `geo2' == 50 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AM" if `geo2' == 51 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BB" if `geo2' == 52 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BE" if `geo2' == 56 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BM" if `geo2' == 60 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BT" if `geo2' == 64 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BO" if `geo2' == 68 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BA" if `geo2' == 70 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BW" if `geo2' == 72 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BV" if `geo2' == 74 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BR" if `geo2' == 76 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BZ" if `geo2' == 84 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "IO" if `geo2' == 86 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SB" if `geo2' == 90 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "VG" if `geo2' == 92 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BN" if `geo2' == 96 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BG" if `geo2' == 100 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MM" if `geo2' == 104 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BI" if `geo2' == 108 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BY" if `geo2' == 112 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KH" if `geo2' == 116 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CM" if `geo2' == 120 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CA" if `geo2' == 124 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CV" if `geo2' == 132 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KY" if `geo2' == 136 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CF" if `geo2' == 140 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "LK" if `geo2' == 144 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TD" if `geo2' == 148 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CL" if `geo2' == 152 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CN" if `geo2' == 156 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TW" if `geo2' == 158 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CX" if `geo2' == 162 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CC" if `geo2' == 166 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CO" if `geo2' == 170 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KM" if `geo2' == 174 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "YT" if `geo2' == 175 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CG" if `geo2' == 178 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CD" if `geo2' == 180 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CK" if `geo2' == 184 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CR" if `geo2' == 188 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "HR" if `geo2' == 191 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CU" if `geo2' == 192 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CY" if `geo2' == 196 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CZ" if `geo2' == 203 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BJ" if `geo2' == 204 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "DK" if `geo2' == 208 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "DM" if `geo2' == 212 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "DO" if `geo2' == 214 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "EC" if `geo2' == 218 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SV" if `geo2' == 222 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GQ" if `geo2' == 226 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "ET" if `geo2' == 231 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "ER" if `geo2' == 232 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "EE" if `geo2' == 233 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "FO" if `geo2' == 234 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "FK" if `geo2' == 238 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GS" if `geo2' == 239 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "FJ" if `geo2' == 242 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "FI" if `geo2' == 246 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AX" if `geo2' == 248 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "FR" if `geo2' == 250 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GF" if `geo2' == 254 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PF" if `geo2' == 258 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TF" if `geo2' == 260 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "DJ" if `geo2' == 262 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GA" if `geo2' == 266 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GE" if `geo2' == 268 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GM" if `geo2' == 270 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PS" if `geo2' == 275 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "DE" if `geo2' == 276 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GH" if `geo2' == 288 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GI" if `geo2' == 292 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KI" if `geo2' == 296 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GR" if `geo2' == 300 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GL" if `geo2' == 304 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GD" if `geo2' == 308 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GP" if `geo2' == 312 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GU" if `geo2' == 316 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GT" if `geo2' == 320 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GN" if `geo2' == 324 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GY" if `geo2' == 328 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "HT" if `geo2' == 332 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "HM" if `geo2' == 334 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "VA" if `geo2' == 336 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "HN" if `geo2' == 340 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "HK" if `geo2' == 344 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "HU" if `geo2' == 348 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "IS" if `geo2' == 352 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "IN" if `geo2' == 356 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "ID" if `geo2' == 360 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "IR" if `geo2' == 364 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "IQ" if `geo2' == 368 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "IE" if `geo2' == 372 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "IL" if `geo2' == 376 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "IT" if `geo2' == 380 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CI" if `geo2' == 384 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "JM" if `geo2' == 388 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "JP" if `geo2' == 392 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KZ" if `geo2' == 398 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "JO" if `geo2' == 400 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KE" if `geo2' == 404 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KP" if `geo2' == 408 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KR" if `geo2' == 410 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KW" if `geo2' == 414 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KG" if `geo2' == 417 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "LA" if `geo2' == 418 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "LB" if `geo2' == 422 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "LS" if `geo2' == 426 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "LV" if `geo2' == 428 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "LR" if `geo2' == 430 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "LY" if `geo2' == 434 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "LI" if `geo2' == 438 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "LT" if `geo2' == 440 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "LU" if `geo2' == 442 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MO" if `geo2' == 446 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MG" if `geo2' == 450 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MW" if `geo2' == 454 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MY" if `geo2' == 458 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MV" if `geo2' == 462 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "ML" if `geo2' == 466 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MT" if `geo2' == 470 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MQ" if `geo2' == 474 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MR" if `geo2' == 478 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MU" if `geo2' == 480 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MX" if `geo2' == 484 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MC" if `geo2' == 492 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MN" if `geo2' == 496 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MD" if `geo2' == 498 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "ME" if `geo2' == 499 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MS" if `geo2' == 500 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MA" if `geo2' == 504 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MZ" if `geo2' == 508 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "OM" if `geo2' == 512 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "NA" if `geo2' == 516 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "NR" if `geo2' == 520 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "NP" if `geo2' == 524 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "NL" if `geo2' == 528 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CW" if `geo2' == 531 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AW" if `geo2' == 533 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SX" if `geo2' == 534 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BQ" if `geo2' == 535 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "NC" if `geo2' == 540 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "VU" if `geo2' == 548 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "NZ" if `geo2' == 554 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "NI" if `geo2' == 558 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "NE" if `geo2' == 562 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "NG" if `geo2' == 566 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "NU" if `geo2' == 570 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "NF" if `geo2' == 574 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "NO" if `geo2' == 578 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MP" if `geo2' == 580 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "UM" if `geo2' == 581 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "FM" if `geo2' == 583 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MH" if `geo2' == 584 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PW" if `geo2' == 585 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PK" if `geo2' == 586 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PA" if `geo2' == 591 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PG" if `geo2' == 598 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PY" if `geo2' == 600 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PE" if `geo2' == 604 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PH" if `geo2' == 608 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PN" if `geo2' == 612 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PL" if `geo2' == 616 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PT" if `geo2' == 620 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GW" if `geo2' == 624 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TL" if `geo2' == 626 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PR" if `geo2' == 630 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "QA" if `geo2' == 634 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "RE" if `geo2' == 638 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "RO" if `geo2' == 642 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "RU" if `geo2' == 643 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "RW" if `geo2' == 646 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BL" if `geo2' == 652 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SH" if `geo2' == 654 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KN" if `geo2' == 659 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AI" if `geo2' == 660 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "LC" if `geo2' == 662 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MF" if `geo2' == 663 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "PM" if `geo2' == 666 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "VC" if `geo2' == 670 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SM" if `geo2' == 674 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "ST" if `geo2' == 678 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SA" if `geo2' == 682 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SN" if `geo2' == 686 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "RS" if `geo2' == 688 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SC" if `geo2' == 690 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SL" if `geo2' == 694 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SG" if `geo2' == 702 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SK" if `geo2' == 703 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "VN" if `geo2' == 704 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SI" if `geo2' == 705 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SO" if `geo2' == 706 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "ZA" if `geo2' == 710 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "ZW" if `geo2' == 716 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "ES" if `geo2' == 724 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SS" if `geo2' == 728 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SD" if `geo2' == 729 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "EH" if `geo2' == 732 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SR" if `geo2' == 740 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SJ" if `geo2' == 744 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SZ" if `geo2' == 748 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SE" if `geo2' == 752 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CH" if `geo2' == 756 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SY" if `geo2' == 760 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TJ" if `geo2' == 762 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TH" if `geo2' == 764 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TG" if `geo2' == 768 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TK" if `geo2' == 772 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TO" if `geo2' == 776 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TT" if `geo2' == 780 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AE" if `geo2' == 784 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TN" if `geo2' == 788 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TR" if `geo2' == 792 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TM" if `geo2' == 795 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TC" if `geo2' == 796 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TV" if `geo2' == 798 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "UG" if `geo2' == 800 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "UA" if `geo2' == 804 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MK" if `geo2' == 807 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "EG" if `geo2' == 818 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GB" if `geo2' == 826 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "GG" if `geo2' == 831 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "JE" if `geo2' == 832 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "IM" if `geo2' == 833 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TZ" if `geo2' == 834 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "US" if `geo2' == 840 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "VI" if `geo2' == 850 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BF" if `geo2' == 854 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "UY" if `geo2' == 858 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "UZ" if `geo2' == 860 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "VE" if `geo2' == 862 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "WF" if `geo2' == 876 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "WS" if `geo2' == 882 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "YE" if `geo2' == 887 replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "ZM" if `geo2' == 894 } * Convert from String to Alpha2 if "`alpha2'" == "alpha2" { replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AF" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "AFG" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AL" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "ALB" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AQ" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "ATA" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "DZ" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "DZA" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AS" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "ASM" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AD" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "AND" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AO" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "AGO" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AG" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "ATG" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AZ" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "AZE" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AR" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "ARG" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AU" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "AUS" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AT" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "AUT" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BS" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BHS" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BH" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BHR" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BD" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BGD" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "AM" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "ARM" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BB" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BRB" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BE" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BEL" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BM" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BMU" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BT" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BTN" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BO" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BOL" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BA" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BIH" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BW" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BWA" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BV" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BVT" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BR" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BRA" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BZ" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BLZ" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "IO" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "IOT" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "SB" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "SLB" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "VG" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "VGB" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BN" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BRN" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BG" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BGR" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "MM" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "MMR" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BI" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BDI" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BY" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BLR" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KH" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "KHM" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CM" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CMR" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CA" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CAN" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CV" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CPV" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KY" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CYM" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CF" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CAF" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "LK" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "LKA" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TD" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "TCD" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CL" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CHL" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CN" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CHN" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "TW" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "TWN" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CX" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CXR" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CC" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CCK" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CO" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "COL" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "KM" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "COM" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "YT" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "MYT" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CG" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "COG" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CD" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "COD" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CK" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "COK" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CR" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CRI" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "HR" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "HRV" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CU" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CUB" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CY" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CYP" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "CZ" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "CZE" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "BJ" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "BEN" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "DK" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "DNK" replace `geo2'_alpha2 = "DM" if `geo2'_alpha2 == "DMA" replace 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replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "DZA" if `geo2' == 12 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ASM" if `geo2' == 16 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "AND" if `geo2' == 20 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "AGO" if `geo2' == 24 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ATG" if `geo2' == 28 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "AZE" if `geo2' == 31 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ARG" if `geo2' == 32 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "AUS" if `geo2' == 36 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "AUT" if `geo2' == 40 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BHS" if `geo2' == 44 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BHR" if `geo2' == 48 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BGD" if `geo2' == 50 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ARM" if `geo2' == 51 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BRB" if `geo2' == 52 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BEL" if `geo2' == 56 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BMU" if `geo2' == 60 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BTN" if `geo2' == 64 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BOL" if `geo2' == 68 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BIH" if `geo2' == 70 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BWA" if `geo2' == 72 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BVT" if `geo2' == 74 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BRA" if `geo2' == 76 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BLZ" if `geo2' == 84 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "IOT" if `geo2' == 86 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "SLB" if `geo2' == 90 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "VGB" if `geo2' == 92 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BRN" if `geo2' == 96 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BGR" if `geo2' == 100 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "MMR" if `geo2' == 104 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BDI" if `geo2' == 108 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BLR" if `geo2' == 112 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "KHM" if `geo2' == 116 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CMR" if `geo2' == 120 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CAN" if `geo2' == 124 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CPV" if `geo2' == 132 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CYM" if `geo2' == 136 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CAF" if `geo2' == 140 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "LKA" if `geo2' == 144 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "TCD" if `geo2' == 148 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CHL" if `geo2' == 152 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CHN" if `geo2' == 156 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "TWN" if `geo2' == 158 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CXR" if `geo2' == 162 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CCK" if `geo2' == 166 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "COL" if `geo2' == 170 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "COM" if `geo2' == 174 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "MYT" if `geo2' == 175 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "COG" if `geo2' == 178 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "COD" if `geo2' == 180 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "COK" if `geo2' == 184 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CRI" if `geo2' == 188 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "HRV" if `geo2' == 191 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CUB" if `geo2' == 192 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CYP" if `geo2' == 196 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CZE" if `geo2' == 203 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BEN" if `geo2' == 204 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "DNK" if `geo2' == 208 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "DMA" if `geo2' == 212 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "DOM" if `geo2' == 214 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ECU" if `geo2' == 218 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "SLV" if `geo2' == 222 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GNQ" if `geo2' == 226 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ETH" if `geo2' == 231 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ERI" if `geo2' == 232 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "EST" if `geo2' == 233 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "FRO" if `geo2' == 234 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "FLK" if `geo2' == 238 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "SGS" if `geo2' == 239 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "FJI" if `geo2' == 242 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "FIN" if `geo2' == 246 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ALA" if `geo2' == 248 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "FRA" if `geo2' == 250 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GUF" if `geo2' == 254 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "PYF" if `geo2' == 258 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ATF" if `geo2' == 260 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "DJI" if `geo2' == 262 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GAB" if `geo2' == 266 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GEO" if `geo2' == 268 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GMB" if `geo2' == 270 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "PSE" if `geo2' == 275 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "DEU" if `geo2' == 276 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GHA" if `geo2' == 288 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GIB" if `geo2' == 292 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "KIR" if `geo2' == 296 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GRC" if `geo2' == 300 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GRL" if `geo2' == 304 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GRD" if `geo2' == 308 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GLP" if `geo2' == 312 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GUM" if `geo2' == 316 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GTM" if `geo2' == 320 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GIN" if `geo2' == 324 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "GUY" if `geo2' == 328 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "HTI" if `geo2' == 332 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "HMD" if `geo2' == 334 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "VAT" if `geo2' == 336 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "HND" if `geo2' == 340 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "HKG" if `geo2' == 344 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "HUN" if `geo2' == 348 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ISL" if `geo2' == 352 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "IND" if `geo2' == 356 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "IDN" if `geo2' == 360 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "IRN" if `geo2' == 364 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "IRQ" if `geo2' == 368 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "IRL" if `geo2' == 372 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ISR" if `geo2' == 376 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ITA" if `geo2' == 380 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "CIV" if `geo2' == 384 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "JAM" if `geo2' == 388 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "JPN" if `geo2' == 392 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "KAZ" if `geo2' == 398 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "JOR" if `geo2' == 400 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "KEN" if `geo2' == 404 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "PRK" if `geo2' == 408 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "KOR" if `geo2' == 410 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "KWT" if `geo2' == 414 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "KGZ" if `geo2' == 417 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "LAO" if `geo2' == 418 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "LBN" if `geo2' == 422 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "LSO" if `geo2' == 426 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "LVA" if `geo2' == 428 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "LBR" if `geo2' == 430 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "LBY" if `geo2' == 434 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "LIE" if `geo2' == 438 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "LTU" if `geo2' == 440 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "LUX" if `geo2' == 442 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "MAC" if `geo2' == 446 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "MDG" if `geo2' == 450 replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "MWI" if `geo2' == 454 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"AS" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "AND" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "AD" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "AGO" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "AO" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ATG" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "AG" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "AZE" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "AZ" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ARG" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "AR" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "AUS" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "AU" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "AUT" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "AT" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BHS" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "BS" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BHR" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "BH" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BGD" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "BD" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ARM" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "AM" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BRB" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "BB" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BEL" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "BE" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BMU" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "BM" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BTN" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "BT" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BOL" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "BO" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BIH" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "BA" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BWA" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "BW" 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`geo2'_alpha3 = "USA" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "US" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "VIR" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "VI" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "BFA" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "BF" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "URY" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "UY" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "UZB" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "UZ" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "VEN" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "VE" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "WLF" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "WF" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "WSM" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "WS" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "YEM" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "YE" replace `geo2'_alpha3 = "ZMB" if `geo2'_alpha3 == "ZM" } **| Create Numeric if requested * If original geo variable is already numeric, make it equal to original if `originalisstring' == 0 & "`vargeonum'" == "vargeonum" cap replace `geo2'_num = `geo2' * If original geo variable is not numeric, convert from String to Numeric if `originalisstring' == 1 & "`vargeonum'" == "vargeonum" { replace `geo2'_num = 4 if `geo2' == "AF" replace `geo2'_num = 8 if `geo2' == "AL" replace `geo2'_num = 10 if `geo2' == "AQ" replace `geo2'_num = 12 if `geo2' == "DZ" replace `geo2'_num = 16 if `geo2' == "AS" replace `geo2'_num = 20 if `geo2' == "AD" replace `geo2'_num = 24 if `geo2' == "AO" replace `geo2'_num = 28 if `geo2' == "AG" replace `geo2'_num = 31 if `geo2' == "AZ" replace `geo2'_num = 32 if `geo2' == "AR" replace `geo2'_num = 36 if `geo2' == "AU" replace `geo2'_num = 40 if `geo2' == "AT" replace `geo2'_num = 44 if `geo2' == "BS" replace `geo2'_num = 48 if `geo2' == "BH" replace `geo2'_num = 50 if `geo2' == "BD" replace `geo2'_num = 51 if `geo2' == "AM" replace `geo2'_num = 52 if `geo2' == "BB" replace `geo2'_num = 56 if `geo2' == "BE" replace `geo2'_num = 60 if `geo2' == "BM" replace `geo2'_num = 64 if `geo2' == "BT" replace `geo2'_num = 68 if `geo2' == "BO" replace `geo2'_num = 70 if `geo2' == "BA" replace `geo2'_num = 72 if `geo2' == "BW" replace `geo2'_num = 74 if `geo2' == "BV" replace `geo2'_num = 76 if `geo2' == "BR" replace `geo2'_num = 84 if `geo2' == "BZ" replace `geo2'_num = 86 if `geo2' == "IO" replace `geo2'_num = 90 if `geo2' == "SB" replace `geo2'_num = 92 if `geo2' == "VG" replace `geo2'_num = 96 if `geo2' == "BN" replace `geo2'_num = 100 if `geo2' == "BG" replace `geo2'_num = 104 if `geo2' == "MM" replace `geo2'_num = 108 if `geo2' == "BI" replace `geo2'_num = 112 if `geo2' == "BY" replace `geo2'_num = 116 if `geo2' == "KH" replace `geo2'_num = 120 if `geo2' == "CM" replace `geo2'_num = 124 if `geo2' == "CA" replace `geo2'_num = 132 if `geo2' == "CV" replace `geo2'_num = 136 if `geo2' == "KY" replace `geo2'_num = 140 if `geo2' == "CF" replace `geo2'_num = 144 if `geo2' == "LK" replace `geo2'_num = 148 if `geo2' == "TD" replace `geo2'_num = 152 if `geo2' == "CL" replace `geo2'_num = 156 if `geo2' == "CN" replace `geo2'_num = 158 if `geo2' == "TW" replace `geo2'_num = 162 if `geo2' == "CX" replace `geo2'_num = 166 if `geo2' == "CC" replace `geo2'_num = 170 if `geo2' == "CO" replace `geo2'_num = 174 if `geo2' == "KM" replace `geo2'_num = 175 if `geo2' == "YT" 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`geo2'_num = 248 if `geo2' == "AX" replace `geo2'_num = 250 if `geo2' == "FR" replace `geo2'_num = 254 if `geo2' == "GF" replace `geo2'_num = 258 if `geo2' == "PF" replace `geo2'_num = 260 if `geo2' == "TF" replace `geo2'_num = 262 if `geo2' == "DJ" replace `geo2'_num = 266 if `geo2' == "GA" replace `geo2'_num = 268 if `geo2' == "GE" replace `geo2'_num = 270 if `geo2' == "GM" replace `geo2'_num = 275 if `geo2' == "PS" replace `geo2'_num = 276 if `geo2' == "DE" replace `geo2'_num = 288 if `geo2' == "GH" replace `geo2'_num = 292 if `geo2' == "GI" replace `geo2'_num = 296 if `geo2' == "KI" replace `geo2'_num = 300 if `geo2' == "GR" replace `geo2'_num = 304 if `geo2' == "GL" replace `geo2'_num = 308 if `geo2' == "GD" replace `geo2'_num = 312 if `geo2' == "GP" replace `geo2'_num = 316 if `geo2' == "GU" replace `geo2'_num = 320 if `geo2' == "GT" replace `geo2'_num = 324 if `geo2' == "GN" replace `geo2'_num = 328 if `geo2' == "GY" replace `geo2'_num = 332 if `geo2' == "HT" replace `geo2'_num = 334 if `geo2' == "HM" replace `geo2'_num = 336 if `geo2' == "VA" replace `geo2'_num = 340 if `geo2' == "HN" replace `geo2'_num = 344 if `geo2' == "HK" replace `geo2'_num = 348 if `geo2' == "HU" replace `geo2'_num = 352 if `geo2' == "IS" replace `geo2'_num = 356 if `geo2' == "IN" replace `geo2'_num = 360 if `geo2' == "ID" replace `geo2'_num = 364 if `geo2' == "IR" replace `geo2'_num = 368 if `geo2' == "IQ" replace `geo2'_num = 372 if `geo2' == "IE" replace `geo2'_num = 376 if `geo2' == "IL" replace `geo2'_num = 380 if `geo2' == "IT" replace `geo2'_num = 384 if `geo2' == "CI" replace `geo2'_num = 388 if `geo2' == "JM" replace `geo2'_num = 392 if `geo2' == "JP" replace `geo2'_num = 398 if `geo2' == "KZ" replace `geo2'_num = 400 if `geo2' == "JO" replace `geo2'_num = 404 if `geo2' == "KE" replace `geo2'_num = 408 if `geo2' == "KP" replace `geo2'_num = 410 if `geo2' == "KR" replace `geo2'_num = 414 if `geo2' == "KW" replace `geo2'_num = 417 if `geo2' == "KG" replace `geo2'_num = 418 if 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"ME" replace `geo2'_num = 500 if `geo2' == "MS" replace `geo2'_num = 504 if `geo2' == "MA" replace `geo2'_num = 508 if `geo2' == "MZ" replace `geo2'_num = 512 if `geo2' == "OM" replace `geo2'_num = 516 if `geo2' == "NA" replace `geo2'_num = 520 if `geo2' == "NR" replace `geo2'_num = 524 if `geo2' == "NP" replace `geo2'_num = 528 if `geo2' == "NL" replace `geo2'_num = 531 if `geo2' == "CW" replace `geo2'_num = 533 if `geo2' == "AW" replace `geo2'_num = 534 if `geo2' == "SX" replace `geo2'_num = 535 if `geo2' == "BQ" replace `geo2'_num = 540 if `geo2' == "NC" replace `geo2'_num = 548 if `geo2' == "VU" replace `geo2'_num = 554 if `geo2' == "NZ" replace `geo2'_num = 558 if `geo2' == "NI" replace `geo2'_num = 562 if `geo2' == "NE" replace `geo2'_num = 566 if `geo2' == "NG" replace `geo2'_num = 570 if `geo2' == "NU" replace `geo2'_num = 574 if `geo2' == "NF" replace `geo2'_num = 578 if `geo2' == "NO" replace `geo2'_num = 580 if `geo2' == "MP" replace `geo2'_num = 581 if `geo2' == "UM" 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= 740 if `geo2' == "SR" replace `geo2'_num = 744 if `geo2' == "SJ" replace `geo2'_num = 748 if `geo2' == "SZ" replace `geo2'_num = 752 if `geo2' == "SE" replace `geo2'_num = 756 if `geo2' == "CH" replace `geo2'_num = 760 if `geo2' == "SY" replace `geo2'_num = 762 if `geo2' == "TJ" replace `geo2'_num = 764 if `geo2' == "TH" replace `geo2'_num = 768 if `geo2' == "TG" replace `geo2'_num = 772 if `geo2' == "TK" replace `geo2'_num = 776 if `geo2' == "TO" replace `geo2'_num = 780 if `geo2' == "TT" replace `geo2'_num = 784 if `geo2' == "AE" replace `geo2'_num = 788 if `geo2' == "TN" replace `geo2'_num = 792 if `geo2' == "TR" replace `geo2'_num = 795 if `geo2' == "TM" replace `geo2'_num = 796 if `geo2' == "TC" replace `geo2'_num = 798 if `geo2' == "TV" replace `geo2'_num = 800 if `geo2' == "UG" replace `geo2'_num = 804 if `geo2' == "UA" replace `geo2'_num = 807 if `geo2' == "MK" replace `geo2'_num = 818 if `geo2' == "EG" replace `geo2'_num = 826 if `geo2' == "GB" replace `geo2'_num = 831 if `geo2' == "GG" replace `geo2'_num = 832 if `geo2' == "JE" replace `geo2'_num = 833 if `geo2' == "IM" replace `geo2'_num = 834 if `geo2' == "TZ" replace `geo2'_num = 840 if `geo2' == "US" replace `geo2'_num = 850 if `geo2' == "VI" replace `geo2'_num = 854 if `geo2' == "BF" replace `geo2'_num = 858 if `geo2' == "UY" replace `geo2'_num = 860 if `geo2' == "UZ" replace `geo2'_num = 862 if `geo2' == "VE" replace `geo2'_num = 876 if `geo2' == "WF" replace `geo2'_num = 882 if `geo2' == "WS" replace `geo2'_num = 887 if `geo2' == "YE" replace `geo2'_num = 894 if `geo2' == "ZM" replace `geo2'_num = 1278 if `geo2' == "DD" replace `geo2'_num = 1280 if `geo2' == "DEW" replace `geo2'_num = 1810 if `geo2' == "SU" replace `geo2'_num = 1810 if `geo2' == "SU" replace `geo2'_num = 1890 if `geo2' == "YU" replace `geo2'_num = 300 if `geo2' == "EL" replace `geo2'_num = 826 if `geo2' == "UK" replace `geo2'_num = 1 if `geo2' == "WLD" replace `geo2'_num = 4 if `geo2' == "AFG" replace `geo2'_num = 8 if `geo2' == "ALB" replace `geo2'_num = 10 if `geo2' == "ATA" replace `geo2'_num = 12 if `geo2' == "DZA" replace `geo2'_num = 16 if `geo2' == "ASM" replace `geo2'_num = 20 if `geo2' == "AND" replace `geo2'_num = 24 if `geo2' == "AGO" replace `geo2'_num = 28 if `geo2' == "ATG" replace `geo2'_num = 31 if `geo2' == "AZE" replace `geo2'_num = 32 if `geo2' == "ARG" replace `geo2'_num = 36 if `geo2' == "AUS" replace `geo2'_num = 40 if `geo2' == "AUT" replace `geo2'_num = 44 if `geo2' == "BHS" replace `geo2'_num = 48 if `geo2' == "BHR" replace `geo2'_num = 50 if `geo2' == "BGD" replace `geo2'_num = 51 if `geo2' == "ARM" replace `geo2'_num = 52 if `geo2' == "BRB" replace `geo2'_num = 56 if `geo2' == "BEL" replace `geo2'_num = 60 if `geo2' == "BMU" replace `geo2'_num = 64 if `geo2' == "BTN" replace `geo2'_num = 68 if `geo2' == "BOL" replace `geo2'_num = 70 if `geo2' == "BIH" replace `geo2'_num = 72 if `geo2' == "BWA" replace `geo2'_num = 74 if `geo2' == "BVT" replace `geo2'_num = 76 if `geo2' == "BRA" 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"COL" replace `geo2'_num = 174 if `geo2' == "COM" replace `geo2'_num = 175 if `geo2' == "MYT" replace `geo2'_num = 178 if `geo2' == "COG" replace `geo2'_num = 180 if `geo2' == "COD" replace `geo2'_num = 184 if `geo2' == "COK" replace `geo2'_num = 188 if `geo2' == "CRI" replace `geo2'_num = 191 if `geo2' == "HRV" replace `geo2'_num = 192 if `geo2' == "CUB" replace `geo2'_num = 196 if `geo2' == "CYP" replace `geo2'_num = 203 if `geo2' == "CZE" replace `geo2'_num = 204 if `geo2' == "BEN" replace `geo2'_num = 208 if `geo2' == "DNK" replace `geo2'_num = 212 if `geo2' == "DMA" replace `geo2'_num = 214 if `geo2' == "DOM" replace `geo2'_num = 218 if `geo2' == "ECU" replace `geo2'_num = 222 if `geo2' == "SLV" replace `geo2'_num = 226 if `geo2' == "GNQ" replace `geo2'_num = 231 if `geo2' == "ETH" replace `geo2'_num = 232 if `geo2' == "ERI" replace `geo2'_num = 233 if `geo2' == "EST" replace `geo2'_num = 234 if `geo2' == "FRO" replace `geo2'_num = 238 if `geo2' == "FLK" replace `geo2'_num = 239 if `geo2' == "SGS" replace `geo2'_num = 242 if `geo2' == "FJI" replace `geo2'_num = 246 if `geo2' == "FIN" replace `geo2'_num = 248 if `geo2' == "ALA" replace `geo2'_num = 250 if `geo2' == "FRA" replace `geo2'_num = 254 if `geo2' == "GUF" replace `geo2'_num = 258 if `geo2' == "PYF" replace `geo2'_num = 260 if `geo2' == "ATF" replace `geo2'_num = 262 if `geo2' == "DJI" replace `geo2'_num = 266 if `geo2' == "GAB" replace `geo2'_num = 268 if `geo2' == "GEO" replace `geo2'_num = 270 if `geo2' == "GMB" replace `geo2'_num = 275 if `geo2' == "PSE" replace `geo2'_num = 276 if `geo2' == "DEU" replace `geo2'_num = 288 if `geo2' == "GHA" replace `geo2'_num = 292 if `geo2' == "GIB" replace `geo2'_num = 296 if `geo2' == "KIR" replace `geo2'_num = 300 if `geo2' == "GRC" replace `geo2'_num = 304 if `geo2' == "GRL" replace `geo2'_num = 308 if `geo2' == "GRD" replace `geo2'_num = 312 if `geo2' == "GLP" replace `geo2'_num = 316 if `geo2' == "GUM" replace `geo2'_num = 320 if `geo2' == "GTM" replace `geo2'_num = 324 if `geo2' == "GIN" replace `geo2'_num = 328 if `geo2' == "GUY" replace `geo2'_num = 332 if `geo2' == "HTI" replace `geo2'_num = 334 if `geo2' == "HMD" replace `geo2'_num = 336 if `geo2' == "VAT" replace `geo2'_num = 340 if `geo2' == "HND" replace `geo2'_num = 344 if `geo2' == "HKG" replace `geo2'_num = 348 if `geo2' == "HUN" replace `geo2'_num = 352 if `geo2' == "ISL" replace `geo2'_num = 356 if `geo2' == "IND" replace `geo2'_num = 360 if `geo2' == "IDN" replace `geo2'_num = 364 if `geo2' == "IRN" replace `geo2'_num = 368 if `geo2' == "IRQ" replace `geo2'_num = 372 if `geo2' == "IRL" replace `geo2'_num = 376 if `geo2' == "ISR" replace `geo2'_num = 380 if `geo2' == "ITA" replace `geo2'_num = 384 if `geo2' == "CIV" replace `geo2'_num = 388 if `geo2' == "JAM" replace `geo2'_num = 392 if `geo2' == "JPN" replace `geo2'_num = 398 if `geo2' == "KAZ" replace `geo2'_num = 400 if `geo2' == "JOR" replace `geo2'_num = 404 if `geo2' == "KEN" replace `geo2'_num = 408 if `geo2' == "PRK" replace `geo2'_num = 410 if `geo2' == "KOR" replace `geo2'_num = 414 if `geo2' == "KWT" replace `geo2'_num = 417 if `geo2' == "KGZ" replace `geo2'_num = 418 if `geo2' == "LAO" replace `geo2'_num = 422 if `geo2' == "LBN" replace `geo2'_num = 426 if `geo2' == "LSO" replace `geo2'_num = 428 if `geo2' == "LVA" replace `geo2'_num = 430 if `geo2' == "LBR" replace `geo2'_num = 434 if `geo2' == "LBY" replace `geo2'_num = 438 if `geo2' == "LIE" replace `geo2'_num = 440 if `geo2' == "LTU" replace `geo2'_num = 442 if `geo2' == "LUX" replace `geo2'_num = 446 if `geo2' == "MAC" replace `geo2'_num = 450 if `geo2' == "MDG" replace `geo2'_num = 454 if `geo2' == "MWI" replace `geo2'_num = 458 if `geo2' == "MYS" replace `geo2'_num = 462 if `geo2' == "MDV" replace `geo2'_num = 466 if `geo2' == "MLI" replace `geo2'_num = 470 if `geo2' == "MLT" replace `geo2'_num = 474 if `geo2' == "MTQ" replace `geo2'_num = 478 if `geo2' == "MRT" replace `geo2'_num = 480 if `geo2' == "MUS" replace `geo2'_num = 484 if `geo2' == "MEX" replace `geo2'_num = 492 if `geo2' == "MCO" replace `geo2'_num = 496 if `geo2' == "MNG" replace `geo2'_num = 498 if `geo2' == "MDA" replace `geo2'_num = 499 if `geo2' == "MNE" replace `geo2'_num = 500 if `geo2' == "MSR" replace `geo2'_num = 504 if `geo2' == "MAR" replace `geo2'_num = 508 if `geo2' == "MOZ" replace `geo2'_num = 512 if `geo2' == "OMN" replace `geo2'_num = 516 if `geo2' == "NAM" replace `geo2'_num = 520 if `geo2' == "NRU" replace `geo2'_num = 524 if `geo2' == "NPL" replace `geo2'_num = 528 if `geo2' == "NLD" replace `geo2'_num = 531 if `geo2' == "CUW" replace `geo2'_num = 533 if `geo2' == "ABW" replace `geo2'_num = 534 if `geo2' == "SXM" replace `geo2'_num = 535 if `geo2' == "BES" replace `geo2'_num = 540 if `geo2' == "NCL" replace `geo2'_num = 548 if `geo2' == "VUT" replace `geo2'_num = 554 if `geo2' == "NZL" replace `geo2'_num = 558 if `geo2' == "NIC" replace `geo2'_num = 562 if `geo2' == "NER" replace `geo2'_num = 566 if `geo2' == "NGA" replace `geo2'_num = 570 if `geo2' == "NIU" replace `geo2'_num = 574 if `geo2' == "NFK" replace `geo2'_num = 578 if `geo2' == "NOR" replace `geo2'_num = 580 if `geo2' == "MNP" replace `geo2'_num = 581 if `geo2' == "UMI" replace `geo2'_num = 583 if `geo2' == "FSM" replace `geo2'_num = 584 if `geo2' == "MHL" replace `geo2'_num = 585 if `geo2' == "PLW" replace `geo2'_num = 586 if `geo2' == "PAK" replace `geo2'_num = 591 if `geo2' == "PAN" replace `geo2'_num = 598 if `geo2' == "PNG" replace `geo2'_num = 600 if `geo2' == "PRY" replace `geo2'_num = 604 if `geo2' == "PER" replace `geo2'_num = 608 if `geo2' == "PHL" replace `geo2'_num = 612 if `geo2' == "PCN" replace `geo2'_num = 616 if `geo2' == "POL" replace `geo2'_num = 620 if `geo2' == "PRT" replace `geo2'_num = 624 if `geo2' == "GNB" replace `geo2'_num = 626 if `geo2' == "TLS" replace `geo2'_num = 630 if `geo2' == "PRI" replace `geo2'_num = 634 if `geo2' == "QAT" replace `geo2'_num = 638 if `geo2' == "REU" replace `geo2'_num = 642 if `geo2' == "ROU" replace `geo2'_num = 643 if `geo2' == "RUS" replace `geo2'_num = 646 if `geo2' == "RWA" replace `geo2'_num = 652 if `geo2' == "BLM" replace `geo2'_num = 654 if `geo2' == "SHN" replace `geo2'_num = 659 if `geo2' == "KNA" replace `geo2'_num = 660 if `geo2' == "AIA" replace `geo2'_num = 662 if `geo2' == "LCA" replace `geo2'_num = 663 if `geo2' == "MAF" replace `geo2'_num = 666 if `geo2' == "SPM" replace `geo2'_num = 670 if `geo2' == "VCT" replace `geo2'_num = 674 if `geo2' == "SMR" replace `geo2'_num = 678 if `geo2' == "STP" replace `geo2'_num = 682 if `geo2' == "SAU" replace `geo2'_num = 686 if `geo2' == "SEN" replace `geo2'_num = 688 if `geo2' == "SRB" replace `geo2'_num = 690 if `geo2' == "SYC" replace `geo2'_num = 694 if `geo2' == "SLE" replace `geo2'_num = 702 if `geo2' == "SGP" replace `geo2'_num = 703 if `geo2' == "SVK" replace `geo2'_num = 704 if `geo2' == "VNM" replace `geo2'_num = 705 if `geo2' == "SVN" replace `geo2'_num = 706 if `geo2' == "SOM" replace `geo2'_num = 710 if `geo2' == "ZAF" replace `geo2'_num = 716 if `geo2' == "ZWE" replace `geo2'_num = 724 if `geo2' == "ESP" replace `geo2'_num = 728 if `geo2' == "SSD" replace `geo2'_num = 729 if `geo2' == "SDN" replace `geo2'_num = 732 if `geo2' == "ESH" replace `geo2'_num = 740 if `geo2' == "SUR" replace `geo2'_num = 744 if `geo2' == "SJM" replace `geo2'_num = 748 if `geo2' == "SWZ" replace `geo2'_num = 752 if `geo2' == "SWE" replace `geo2'_num = 756 if `geo2' == "CHE" replace `geo2'_num = 760 if `geo2' == "SYR" replace `geo2'_num = 762 if `geo2' == "TJK" replace `geo2'_num = 764 if `geo2' == "THA" replace `geo2'_num = 768 if `geo2' == "TGO" replace `geo2'_num = 772 if `geo2' == "TKL" replace `geo2'_num = 776 if `geo2' == "TON" replace `geo2'_num = 780 if `geo2' == "TTO" replace `geo2'_num = 784 if `geo2' == "ARE" replace `geo2'_num = 788 if `geo2' == "TUN" replace `geo2'_num = 792 if `geo2' == "TUR" replace `geo2'_num = 795 if `geo2' == "TKM" replace `geo2'_num = 796 if `geo2' == "TCA" replace `geo2'_num = 798 if `geo2' == "TUV" replace `geo2'_num = 800 if `geo2' == "UGA" replace `geo2'_num = 804 if `geo2' == "UKR" replace `geo2'_num = 807 if `geo2' == "MKD" replace `geo2'_num = 818 if `geo2' == "EGY" replace `geo2'_num = 826 if `geo2' == "GBR" replace `geo2'_num = 831 if `geo2' == "GGY" replace `geo2'_num = 832 if `geo2' == "JEY" replace `geo2'_num = 833 if `geo2' == "IMN" replace `geo2'_num = 834 if `geo2' == "TZA" replace `geo2'_num = 840 if `geo2' == "USA" replace `geo2'_num = 850 if `geo2' == "VIR" replace `geo2'_num = 854 if `geo2' == "BFA" replace `geo2'_num = 858 if `geo2' == "URY" replace `geo2'_num = 860 if `geo2' == "UZB" replace `geo2'_num = 862 if `geo2' == "VEN" replace `geo2'_num = 876 if `geo2' == "WLF" replace `geo2'_num = 882 if `geo2' == "WSM" replace `geo2'_num = 887 if `geo2' == "YEM" replace `geo2'_num = 894 if `geo2' == "ZMB" replace `geo2'_num = 1200 if `geo2' == "CSHH" replace `geo2'_num = 1278 if `geo2' == "DDDE" replace `geo2'_num = 1280 if `geo2' == "DEW" replace `geo2'_num = 1810 if `geo2' == "SOV" replace `geo2'_num = 1810 if `geo2' == "SUHH" replace `geo2'_num = 1810 if `geo2' == "USSR" replace `geo2'_num = 1890 if `geo2' == "YUCS" replace `geo2'_num = 300 if `geo2' == "GRC" replace `geo2'_num = 826 if `geo2' == "GBR" replace `geo2'_num = 2100 if `geo2' == "EU" replace `geo2'_num = 2106 if `geo2' == "EU6" replace `geo2'_num = 2109 if `geo2' == "EU9" replace `geo2'_num = 2110 if `geo2' == "EU10" replace `geo2'_num = 2112 if `geo2' == "EU12" replace `geo2'_num = 2115 if `geo2' == "EU15" replace `geo2'_num = 2125 if `geo2' == "EU25" replace `geo2'_num = 2127 if `geo2' == "EU27" replace `geo2'_num = 2128 if `geo2' == "EU28" replace `geo2'_num = 2129 if `geo2' == "EU29" replace `geo2'_num = 2130 if `geo2' == "EU30" replace `geo2'_num = 2131 if `geo2' == "EU31" replace `geo2'_num = 2132 if `geo2' == "EU32" replace `geo2'_num = 2133 if `geo2' == "EU33" replace `geo2'_num = 2134 if `geo2' == "EU34" replace `geo2'_num = 2135 if `geo2' == "EU35" replace `geo2'_num = 2150 if `geo2' == "EA" replace `geo2'_num = 2161 if `geo2' == "EA11" replace `geo2'_num = 2162 if `geo2' == "EA12" replace `geo2'_num = 2163 if `geo2' == "EA13" replace `geo2'_num = 2164 if `geo2' == "EA14" replace `geo2'_num = 2165 if `geo2' == "EA15" replace `geo2'_num = 2166 if `geo2' == "EA16" replace `geo2'_num = 2167 if `geo2' == "EA17" replace `geo2'_num = 2168 if `geo2' == "EA18" replace `geo2'_num = 2169 if `geo2' == "EA19" replace `geo2'_num = 2170 if `geo2' == "EA20" replace `geo2'_num = 2171 if `geo2' == "EA21" replace `geo2'_num = 2172 if `geo2' == "EA22" replace `geo2'_num = 2173 if `geo2' == "EA23" replace `geo2'_num = 2174 if `geo2' == "EA24" replace `geo2'_num = 2175 if `geo2' == "EA25" replace `geo2'_num = 2176 if `geo2' == "EA26" replace `geo2'_num = 2177 if `geo2' == "EA27" replace `geo2'_num = 2178 if `geo2' == "EA28" replace `geo2'_num = 2179 if `geo2' == "EA29" replace `geo2'_num = 2180 if `geo2' == "EA30" replace `geo2'_num = 1000 if `geo2' == "FRME" replace `geo2'_num = 2200 if `geo2' == "OTO" replace `geo2'_num = 2201 if `geo2' == "OECD23" replace `geo2'_num = 2203 if `geo2' == "PAC" replace `geo2'_num = 2209 if `geo2' == "NMEC" replace `geo2'_num = 2211 if `geo2' == "EUR" replace `geo2'_num = 2231 if `geo2' == "RWD" replace `geo2'_num = 2240 if `geo2' == "OIL" replace `geo2'_num = 2241 if `geo2' == "OPEC" replace `geo2'_num = 2242 if `geo2' == "OOP" replace `geo2'_num = 2249 if `geo2' == "ROW" replace `geo2'_num = 2260 if `geo2' == "DAE" replace `geo2'_num = 2270 if `geo2' == "NAT" replace `geo2'_num = 2280 if `geo2' == "GRPS" replace `geo2'_num = 1 if `geo2' == "WLD" } if "`provider'" == "IMF" & ("`vargeonum'" == "vargeonum") { getdata_imf_num `geo2' } if "`vargeonum'" == "vargeonum" label values `geo2'_num country_iso_num **| Set default geo variable drop `geo2' if "`isocountrycodes1'" == "alpha2" rename `geo2'_alpha2 `geo2' if "`isocountrycodes1'" == "alpha3" rename `geo2'_alpha3 `geo2' if "`isocountrycodes1'" == "num" rename `geo2'_num `geo2' } **************************************************** **|| Merge the Data ||** **************************************************** if "`structure'" == "cs" { if `N_init' > 0 { order _all, alpha order `geo2' tempfile temp_data qui save `temp_data', replace ds `geo2', not local check_new_var = "`r(varlist)'" restore cap drop _merge ds `geo2', not local check_restore = "`r(varlist)'" foreach variable of local check_new_var { cap ds `variable' if _rc == 0 { if "`update'" == "update" { di in red "WARNING: A variable named `variable' already existed and has been updated" } if "`replace'" == "replace" { di in red "WARNING: A variable named `variable' already existed and has been replaced" cap drop `variable' } } } **| merge options if "`update'" == "" & "`replace'" == "" { merge `merge' `geo2' using `temp_data', nogenerate force sort `geo2' order `geo2' } if "`update'" == "update" { merge `merge' `geo2' using `temp_data', nogenerate force update sort `geo2' order `geo2' } if "`replace'" == "replace" { merge `merge' `geo2' using `temp_data', nogenerate force update replace sort `geo2' order `geo2' } } sort `geo2' order _all, alpha order `geo2' } if "`structure'" == "ts" { if `N_init' > 0 { order _all, alpha order `time2' tempfile temp_data qui save `temp_data', replace if "`datemask'" != "" { ds `time2' `time2'`frequency', not } if "`datemask'" == "" { ds `time2', not } local check_new_var = "`r(varlist)'" restore cap drop _merge cap ds `time2' `time2'`frequency', not if _rc != 0 ds `time2', not local check_restore = "`r(varlist)'" foreach variable of local check_new_var { cap ds `variable' if _rc == 0 { if "`update'" == "update" { di in red "WARNING: A variable named `variable' already existed and has been updated" } if "`replace'" == "replace" { di in red "WARNING: A variable named `variable' already existed and has been replaced" cap drop `variable' } } } **| merge options if "`update'" == "" & "`replace'" == "" { merge `merge' `time2' using `temp_data', nogenerate force sort `time2' order `time2' } if "`update'" == "update" { merge `merge' `time2' using `temp_data', nogenerate force update sort `time2' order `time2' } if "`replace'" == "replace" { merge `merge' `time2' using `temp_data', nogenerate force update replace sort `time2' order `time2' } } sort `time2' order _all, alpha order `time2' } if "`structure'" == "xt" { if `N_init' > 0 { order _all, alpha order `time2' `geo2' tempfile temp_data qui save `temp_data', replace if "`datemask'" != "" { ds `geo2' `time2' `time2'`frequency', not } if "`datemask'" == "" { ds `geo2' `time2', not } local check_new_var = "`r(varlist)'" restore cap drop _merge cap ds `geo2' `time2' `time2'`frequency', not if _rc != 0 ds `geo2' `time2', not local check_restore = "`r(varlist)'" foreach variable of local check_new_var { cap ds `variable' if _rc == 0 { if "`update'" == "update" { di in red "WARNING: A variable named `variable' already existed and has been updated" } if "`replace'" == "replace" { di in red "WARNING: A variable named `variable' already existed and has been replaced" cap drop `variable' } } } **| merge options if "`update'" == "" & "`replace'" == "" { merge `merge' `time2' `geo2' using `temp_data', nogenerate force sort `geo2' `time2' order `geo2' `time2' } if "`update'" == "update" { merge `merge' `time2' `geo2' using `temp_data', nogenerate force update sort `geo2' `time2' order `geo2' `time2' } if "`replace'" == "replace" { merge `merge' `time2' `geo2' using `temp_data', nogenerate force update replace sort `geo2' `time2' order `geo2' `time2' } } sort `geo2' `time2' order _all, alpha order `geo2' `time2' } **************************************************** **|| Set Time Series or Panel ||** **************************************************** if "`structure'" == "ts" & "`set'" == "set" { if "`datemask'" == "" cap noisily tsset `time2' if "`datemask'" != "" cap noisily tsset `time2'`frequency' } if "`structure'" == "xt" & "`set'" == "set" { cap replace `geo2' = "testifstring" if `geo2' == "testifstring" if _rc == 0 { cap count if `geo2'_num == . if _rc != 0 di in red "WARNING: xtset requires a numeric geographical variable without any missing values. Check help getdata and the isocountrycodes(num) option." if _rc == 0 { if "`datemask'" == "" cap noisily xtset `geo2'_num `time2' if "`datemask'" != "" cap noisily xtset `geo2'_num `time2'`frequency' if _rc != 0 di in red "WARNING: Check whether `geo2'_num has any missing values; this would imply `geo2' has non-ISO codes. Either drop those obs or fill in the gaps to do xtset." } } if _rc != 0 { if "`datemask'" == "" cap noisily xtset `geo2' `time2' if "`datemask'" != "" cap noisily xtset `geo2' `time2'`frequency' if _rc != 0 di in red "WARNING: Check whether the geographical numeric variable has any missing values due to non-ISO codes by using isocountrycodes(alpha3 alpha2 num) instead of just isocountrycodes(num)." } } } end