{smcl} {* *! version 1.0 2/21/2018} {title:Title} {p 4 15 2} {cmd:gfi} {hline 2} defines and works with the formula for the structure of a designated focal variable’s interactive effect on the “modeled” outcome. {title:Description} {p 4 4 2} {cmd:gfi} produces algebraic expression for the effect of a focal variable as it changes with the moderators, a sign change analysis of the effect and an optional visualization in a path-style diagram. Must run {help intspec} before running {cmd:gfi}. See Kaufman (2018) for detailed explanation and step-by-step examples of using this and other ICALC add-on commands. {title:Syntax} {p 4 10 2} {cmd:gfi} {cmd:,} [ {opt fact:orchg} {opt ndig:its}(#) {opt path}({opt type} , {opt ti:tle}({it:string}) {opt name}({it:string}) {opt boxw:idth}(#) {opt ygap}(#) {opt xgap}(#) {opt ndig:its}(#) ) ] {p2colset 4 23 23 2} {p2col: {it:options}}Description {p_end} {hline} {p2col:{cmd:factorchg}}algebraic expression for moderated effect of focal variable also shown as a factor change if this keyword is specified {p2col:{cmd:ndigits(#)}}number of digits after decimal for effects and coefficients in algebraic expression and sign change table. {bf:Default = 4}. {p2col:{cmd:path(type, suboptions)}}Create path diagram of structure of interaction effect {p_end} {p2colset 7 23 23 2} {p2col:{it:type}}{it:focal} or {it:all}. {it:focal} shows only coefficient values for variables involving focal variable. {it:all} shows all coefficient values. {bf:Default is focal}. {p_end} {p2colset 7 24 24 2} {p2col:{it:suboptions}}{cmd:title({it:string})} {it:string} is title for path diagram {p_end} {p 23 23 2} {cmd:name({it:string}}) save as memory graph with name given by {it:string} {p_end} {p 23 23 2} {cmd:ndigits(#)} # of digits used to report coefficient values in diagram {p_end} {p 23 25 2} {cmd:boxwidth(#)}, {cmd:ygap(#)}, {cmd:xgap(#)} use to fine-tune graph. boxwidth sets width of boxes; ygap sets vertical distance between boxes; xgap sets horizontal distance between boxes. {bf:Defaults are boxwidth(1.25), ygap(.625), xgap(1.25)}. {p 7 13 2 } {bf:Note:} Moderator {cmd:range( )} specifications define points at which moderated effect is calculated in sign change analysis. For categorical variables all categories define calculation points. {title:Example: two-way interaction} {p 0 0 2} For a model predicting poor mental health days ({it:pmhdays}) by the interaction of work-family conflict ({it:wfconflict}) and job status ({it:sei}), {cmd:intspec} specfies {it:wfconflict} as the focal variable and {it:sei} as its moderator. {cmd:gfi} produces the formula for how Job STatus ({it:sei}) moderates the effect of Work Famly Conlict ({it:wfconflict}) on {it:pmhdays} and a table portraying when, if at all, the moderated effect of {it:wfconflict} changes sign. {p 6 10 2} nbreg pmhdays c.wfconflict##c.sei ... {p_end} {p 6 10 2} intspec, focal(c.wfconlifct) main( (c.sei name(JobStatus) range(17(10)97)) (c.wfconflict name(WorkFamConflict) range(1/4))) int2vars(c.wfconflict#c.sei) {p_end} {p 6 10 2} gfi , ndigits(5) {p 4 4 2} *** Also show formula for moderated effect of wfconflict as a factor change {p 6 4 2} gfi , ndigits(5) factorchg {p 4 4 2} *** Also draw path-style diagram of the effect of wfconflict moderated by sei {p 6 4 2} gfi , ndigits(5) factorchg path(all) {title:Author and Citation} {p 4 4 2} I would appreciate users of this and other ICALC commands citing {p 6 6 2} Robert L. Kaufman. 2018. {it: Interaction Effects in Linear and Generalized Linear Models}, Sage Publcations.