help for ^ghistcum^

Graph histogram and cumulative distribution --------------------------------------------

^ghistcum^ varname [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] [^, b^in^(^#^)^ twoway_options ]

Description -----------

^ghistcum^ plots a histogram showing the frequency distribution of varname, overlaid with the cumulative distribution of the variable as generated by ^cumul^.

Options -------

^bin(^#^)^ specifies the number of bins to be used in the histogram. Default is 5.

two_way options are options allowed with ^graph, twoway^ except for

^bbox(0,0,20000,30000,850,390,0)^ ^gap( )^ ^noaxis^ ^symbol(i)^ ^yscale(0,1)^ which are hard-wired into the program, and ^by( )^ which is not supported. Defaults of other options are

^connect(J)^ for connecting cumulative distribution function ^pen(4)^ for showing c.d.f. ^t1title("Histogram and cumulative distribution of ^varname^")^ ^yla^

Examples --------

. ^ghistcum price^ . ^ghistcum price, bin(10)^ . ^ghistcum price, ylab(0(0.25)1.0)^

Authors -------

Christopher F Baum, Boston College, USA baum@@bc.edu Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk

Also see --------

On-line: help for @graph@, @cumul@, @histplot@ (if installed)