{smcl} {hline} {cmd:help: {helpb ghxt}}{space 55} {cmd:dialog:} {bf:{dialog ghxt}} {hline} {bf:{err:{dlgtab:Title}}} {p 4 8 2} {bf:ghxt: Panel Groupwise Heteroscedasticity Tests} {marker 00}{bf:{err:{dlgtab:Table of Contents}}} {p 4 8 2} {p 5}{helpb ghxt##01:Syntax}{p_end} {p 5}{helpb ghxt##02:Options}{p_end} {p 5}{helpb ghxt##03:Description}{p_end} {p 5}{helpb ghxt##04:Saved Results}{p_end} {p 5}{helpb ghxt##05:References}{p_end} {p 1}*** {helpb ghxt##06:Examples}{p_end} {p 5}{helpb ghxt##08:Author}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {marker 01}{bf:{err:{dlgtab:Syntax}}} {p 5 5 6} {opt ghxt} {depvar} {indepvars} {ifin} {weight} , {bf:{err:id(#)}} {err:[} {opt nocons:tant} {opth vce(vcetype)} {err:]}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {marker 02}{bf:{err:{dlgtab:Options}}} {p 1 1 1} {synoptset 3 tabbed}{...} {synopt :* {cmd: {opt id(#)} Number of Cross Sections in the Model}}{p_end} {col 7}{opt nocons:tant}{col 20}Exclude Constant Term from Equation {synopt :{opth vce(vcetype)} {opt ols}, {opt r:obust}, {opt cl:uster}, {opt boot:strap}, {opt jack:knife}, {opt hc2}, {opt hc3}}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {marker 03}{bf:{err:{dlgtab:Description}}} {p 2 2 2} {cmd:ghxt} computes the following Panel Groupwise Heteroscedasticity Tests.{p_end} * Ho: Panel Homoscedasticity - Ha: Panel Groupwise Heteroscedasticity - Lagrange Multiplier LM Test - Likelihood Ratio LR Test - Wald Test {p2colreset}{...} {marker 04}{bf:{err:{dlgtab:Saved Results}}} {p 2 4 2 }{cmd:ghxt} saves the following Panel Groupwise Heteroscedasticity Tests in {cmd:r()}: {col 4}{cmd:r(lmhglm)}{col 20}Lagrange Multiplier LM Test {col 4}{cmd:r(lmhglmp)}{col 20}Lagrange Multiplier LM Test P-Value {col 4}{cmd:r(lmhglr)}{col 20}Likelihood Ratio LR Test {col 4}{cmd:r(lmhglrp)}{col 20}Likelihood Ratio LR Test P-Value {col 4}{cmd:r(lmhgw)}{col 20}Wald Test {col 4}{cmd:r(lmhgwp)}{col 20}Wald Test P-Value {marker 05}{bf:{err:{dlgtab:References}}} {p 4 8 2}Greene, William (1993) {cmd: "Econometric Analysis",} {it:2nd ed., Macmillan Publishing Company Inc., New York, USA.}. {p 4 8 2}Greene, William (2007) {cmd: "Econometric Analysis",} {it:6th ed., Macmillan Publishing Company Inc., New York, USA.}. {p 4 8 2}Judge, Georege, R. Carter Hill, William . E. Griffiths, Helmut Lutkepohl, & Tsoung-Chao Lee (1988) {cmd: "Introduction To The Theory And Practice Of Econometrics",} {it:2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, USA}. {p 4 8 2}Judge, Georege, W. E. Griffiths, R. Carter Hill, Helmut Lutkepohl, & Tsoung-Chao Lee(1985) {cmd: "The Theory and Practice of Econometrics",} {it:2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, USA}. {p2colreset}{...} {marker 06}{bf:{err:{dlgtab:Examples}}} {stata clear all} {stata sysuse ghxt.dta, clear} {stata db ghxt} {stata ghxt y x1 , id(4)} ============================================================================== * Panel Groupwise Heteroscedasticity Tests ============================================================================== Ho: Homoscedasticity - Ha: Groupwise Heteroscedasticity - Lagrange Multiplier LM Test = 5.8261 P-Value > Chi2(3) 0.1204 - Likelihood Ratio LR Test = 5.5501 P-Value > Chi2(3) 0.1357 - Wald Test = 9.8611 P-Value > Chi2(4) 0.0428 {marker 08}{bf:{err:{dlgtab:Author}}} {hi:Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata} {hi:Assistant Professor} {hi:Agricultural Research Center - Agricultural Economics Research Institute - Egypt} {hi:Email: {browse "mailto:emadstat@hotmail.com":emadstat@hotmail.com}} {hi:WebPage:{col 27}{browse "http://emadstat.110mb.com/stata.htm"}} {hi:WebPage at IDEAS:{col 27}{browse "http://ideas.repec.org/f/psh494.html"}} {hi:WebPage at EconPapers:{col 27}{browse "http://econpapers.repec.org/RAS/psh494.htm"}} {bf:{err:{dlgtab:ghxt Citation}}} {phang}Shehata, Emad Abd Elmessih (2011){p_end} {phang}{cmd:GHXT: "Stata Module to Compute Panel Groupwise Heteroscedasticity Tests"}{p_end} {title:Online Help:} {p 2 12 2}{helpb lmhreg}, {helpb lmhreg2}, {helpb lmhreg3}, {helpb lmhxt}, {helpb ghxt}. {opt (if installed)}.{p_end} {psee} {p_end}