help for ^gphdt^                                            (STB-34:  gr20)

Low level graphics in data coordinates --------------------------------------


^gphdt c^lear y_1 x_1 y_2 x_2

^gphdt t^ext y x #_rotation #_alignment text

^gphdt vt^ext varname_y varname_x varname_str [^if^ exp] [^in^ range]

^gphdt l^ine y_1 x_1 y_2 x_2

^gphdt vl^ine varname_y varname_x [^if^ exp] [^in^ range]

^gphdt vpol^y varname_y_1 varname_x_1 varname_y_2 varname_x_2 ... varname_y_p varname_x_p [^if^ exp] [^in^ range]

^gphdt b^ox y_1 x_1 y_2 x_2 #_shade

^gphdt p^oint y x #_delta_c #_symbol

^gphdt vpoi^nt varname_y varname_x [varname_delta_c varname_symbol] [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] [^, size(^#_delta_c^) symbol(^#_symbol^)^]

Description -----------

In this section we refer to a data coordinate as (x,y) where x and y are the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the point. In the arguments of the ^gphdt^ commands we have preserved Stata's usual practice of putting the vertical position first.

^gphdt clear^ y_1 x_1 y_2 x_2 clears the rectangle having opposite corners (x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2).

^gphdt text^ y x #_rotation #_alignment text displays text at data coordinate (x,y). See ^[R] gph^ for information about the rotation and alignment arguments.

^gphdt vtext^ varname_y varname_x varname_str [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] displa > ys N centered lines of horizontal text where the location and text for the lines are contained in the three variables.

^gphdt line^ y_1 x_1 y_2 x_2 draws a line from data coordinate (x_1,y_1) to (x_2,y_2).

^gphdt vline^ varname_y varname_x [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] draws a series of connected lines where the consecutive data coordinates are contained in the two variables.

^gphdt vpoly^ varname_y_1 varname_x_1 varname_y_2 varname_x_2 ... varname_y_p varname_x_p [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] draws a series of connected lines for > each observation in the input variables.

^gphdt box^ y_1 x_1 y_2 x_2 #_shade draws a rectangle having opposite corner > s having data coordinates (x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2). The shading argument must be between 0 and 5 where the shading gets darker from 0 to 4, and 5 means there is no shading.

^gphdt point^ y x #_delta_c #_symbol displays a point at data coordinate (x,y). See ^[R] gph^ for information on the size and symbol arguments.

^gphdt vpoint^ varname_y varname_x [varname_delta_c varname_symbol] [^if^ exp] > [^in^ range] [^, size(^#_delta_c^) symbol(^#_symbol^)^] displays points at > the data coordinates contained in the variables. See ^[R] gph^ for information on the size and symbol arguments.

Remarks -------

For the ^gphdt^ commands to work properly, one must call ^gphsave^ immediately after calling ^graph^. This puts the elements of ^_result(5)^ through ^_result( > 8)^ into the global macros ^GPH_ay^, ^GPH_by^, ^GPH_ax^, and ^GPH_bx^ for the ^gphd > t^ commands to use.

Examples --------

A standard example of adding graphic components to a plot is to add the least squares regression line to a scatterplot as well as line segments showing vertical deviations of observed points to the line. Here is a simple program called ^slrplot^ for doing this for a given dependent variable ^y^ and independent variable ^x^. The program uses ^gphdt vpoly^ to draw the line segments and ^gphdt line^ to draw the regression line.

^program define slrplot^ ^version 5.0^ ^local y "`1'"^ ^local x "`2'"^ ^tempvar yhat^

^gph open^

^graph `y' `x', xlab ylab^ ^gphsave^

^regress `y' `x'^ ^predict `yhat'^

^gphdt vpoly `y' `x' `yhat' `x'^

^sum `x'^ ^local x1 = _result(5)^ ^local x2 = _result(6)^ ^local y1 = _b[_cons] + _b[`x']*`x1'^ ^local y2 = _b[_cons] + _b[`x']*`x2'^

^gphdt line `y1' `x1' `y2' `x2'^ ^gph close^ ^end^

^. slrplot price mpg^

Authors -------

H. Joseph Newton Statistics Department Texas A&M University email: jnewton@@stat.tamu.edu

James W. Hardin Stata Corp. email: tech@@stata.com

Also see --------

STB: gr20 (STB-34) Manual: ^[R] gph^ On-line: help @gph@