{smcl} {hline} help for {cmd:gphepssj} {right:(Roger Newson)} {hline} {title:Translate a list of Stata graph files from .gph to .eps as used for figures in The Stata Journal} {p 8 15}{cmd:gphepssj} {it:name_list} {p} where {it:name_list} is a list of file names without extensions. {title:Description} {p} {cmd:gphepssj} translates a list of Stata .gph files to a list of Encapsulated PostScript .eps files with the same names and different extensions, containing figures of the usual default size used by The Stata Journal (SJ). If the list is {it:name_1 ... name_n}, then the .gph files are assumed to be named {it:name_1{sf:.gph} ... name_n{sf:.gph}}, and the .eps files are created as {it:name_1{sf:.eps} ... name_n{sf:.eps}}. If the .eps files already exist, then they are replaced. {title:Remarks} {p} {cmd:gphepssj} was written to save SJ authors the trouble of writing multiple {help translategph:translate} commands and finding out and remembering the default {cmd:xsize} and {cmd:ysize} options for {help translategph:translate} used by the SJ editors. It is intended for SJ authors who wish to preview their inserts using {help sjlatex:SJ LaTeX} with the figures at the right size. It should be stressed that the SJ editors prefer to be supplied with the original .gph files in a SJ submission, so they can manually adjust them. For further SJ submission guidelines, refer to the {browse "http://www.stata-journal.com/":SJ Web site}. {title:Example} {p 16 20}{inp:. gphepssj figurew figurex figurey figurez}{p_end} {title:Author} {p} Roger Newson, King's College, London, UK. Email: {browse "mailto:roger.newson@kcl.ac.uk":roger.newson@kcl.ac.uk} {title:Also see} {p 0 10} {bind: }Manual: {hi:[G] translate} {p_end} {p 0 10} On-line: help for {help graph}, {help translategph}, {help sj}, {help sjlatex} {p_end}