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Greek and other Unicode characters in Word Rich Text Format (RTF) documents

In Word RTF files, Greek letters and other Unicode characters can be included in the text as follows: a four digit decimal Unicode code preceded by "\u" and followed by "?". Complete Unicode code tables are available at For use in Word RTF files, the hexadecimal codes in the tables must be converted to decimal numbers.

For example, for the Greek lowercase character alpha, the hexadecimal Unicode code is 03B1, which is equivalent to 945 decimal, which we make into a four digit number by putting a "0" on the front, so the appropriate RTF code would be "\u0945?".

The Unicode characters displayed in the Word file are limited only by which Unicode characters are included in the font being used. For fonts like Times New Roman and Arial, a very wide range of characters are included.

Lowercase Greek letters Uppercase Greek letters

Complete Unicode code tables are available at For use in Word RTF files, the hexadecimal codes in the tables must be converted to decimal numbers. These can then be included in Word text as four digit decimals, preceded by \u and followed by ?.

Lowercase Greek letters

Greek letter RTF code --------------- alpha \u0945? beta \u0946? gamma \u0947? delta \u0948? epsilon \u0949? zeta \u0950? eta \u0951? theta \u0952? iota \u0953? kappa \u0954? lambda \u0955? mu \u0956? nu \u0957? xi \u0958? omicron \u0959? pi \u0960? rho \u0961? sigma \u0963? tau \u0964? upsilon \u0965? phi \u0966? chi \u0967? psi \u0968? omega \u0969? ---------------

Uppercase Greek letters

Greek letter RTF code --------------- ALPHA \u0913? BETA \u0914? GAMMA \u0915? DELTA \u0916? EPSILON \u0917? ZETA \u0918? ETA \u0919? THETA \u0920? IOTA \u0921? KAPPA \u0922? LAMBDA \u0923? MU \u0924? NU \u0925? XI \u0926? OMICRON \u0927? PI \u0928? RHO \u0929? SIGMA \u0931? TAU \u0932? UPSILON \u0933? PHI \u0934? CHI \u0935? PSI \u0936? OMEGA \u0937? ---------------