{smcl} {* *! version 1.0 31may2014}{...} {cmd:help grouplabs} {hline} DESCRIPTION: ------------ {cmd:grouplabs} is a powerful command to create value labels for the groupped variables from the variable and value labels of the original variables. It supports string variables and reacts meaningfully to the presence of missing values. BASIC SYNTAX: ------------- The basic syntax mirrors the {cmd:egen} statement that was used to create the grouping variable and is applicable to binary attributes: grouplabs varlist, groupvar(varname) such as egen x=group(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) grouplabs x1 x2 x3 x4 x5, groupvar(x) Additional options and their effects are described in detail at the {browse "http://www.radyakin.org/stata/grouplabs/index.htm":grouplabs home page} <<-- web link. EXAMPLE OF OUTPUT: ------------------ Example of output based on value labels of multiple categorical variables in NLSW88 example is {view "http://www.radyakin.org/stata/grouplabs/output1.txt":here} To create a similar output after installing {cmd:grouplabs} execute the following example: {stata `"do "http://radyakin.org/stata/grouplabs/example1.do""':do "http://radyakin.org/stata/grouplabs/example1.do"} Here is a truncated frequencies table using labels generated from 5 binary attributes (cheap heavy safe waterproof imported): group(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- --- | 25 2.50 2.50 imported | 26 2.60 5.10 heavy | 31 3.10 8.20 heavy and imported | 22 2.20 10.40 waterproof | 38 3.80 14.20 waterproof and imported | 26 2.60 16.80 waterproof and heavy | 38 3.80 20.60 waterproof and heavy and imported | 41 4.10 24.70 ....table continues but truncated here...................................... AUTHOR: ======= {cmd:grouplabs} was written by {browse "http://econpapers.repec.org/scripts/search/search.asp?ft=radyakin":Sergiy Radyakin} Support and updates information will be posted to {browse "http://www.radyakin.org/stata/grouplabs/index.htm":grouplabs home page}.