program define himod * part of a program to conduct a Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition of earnings. * Requires regression for subgroup of high wage persons to be * run first, followed by himod [,ds]. Then the regression for the * low wage persons, followed by lomod [,ds]. Then decomp is run. *! ver 1.7 8nov2010 - fixed bug regards estimation sample (was using means *! from full sample, now use wage equation sample means). *! Thanks to Anne Busch for drawing my attention to this. * ver 1.6 25jan05 - added Tobit correction & removed Heck option (now built-in) * ver 1.5 30sept04 - added Heckman option * ver 1.4 26nov02 - added weighting * ver 1.3 25july02 - fixed typo in himod and lomod * ver 1.2 4feb02 - changed output presentation * ver 1.1 14apr00 - original program developed version 8.2 syntax [fweight aweight] [, ds heck] mat beta=e(b) mat beta=beta' local total=0 local varnms : rownames(beta) local k=rowsof(beta) local depvar = e(depvar) gen __fullsample = e(sample) gen __wagesample = cond(__fullsample==1 & !mi(`depvar'), 1, 0) count if __wagesample==1 local numobs = r(N) if e(cmd)=="heckman" | e(cmd)=="tobit" { local n=0 while `n'<`k' { local `++n' local varnm: word `n' of `varnms' local reducednms="`reducednms' `varnm'" if "`varnm'"=="_cons"{ local k=`n' } } mat hicoef=J(`k',1,1) mat rownames hicoef=`reducednms' foreach r of numlist 1/`k'{ mat hicoef[`r',1]=beta[`r',1] } } else{ mat hicoef=beta } mat himean=J(`k',1,1) mat hipred=J(`k',1,1) foreach r of numlist 1/`k'{ local varnm: word `r' of `varnms' if `r'<`k'{ quietly sum `varnm' if __wagesample==1 [`weight' `exp'] local varmn=r(mean) mat himean[`r',1]=`varmn' } mat hipred[`r',1]=hicoef[`r',1]*himean[`r',1] local total=`total'+hipred[`r',1] } local dtotal=exp(`total') mat hifinal=hicoef,himean,hipred mat colnames hifinal=Coeffs Means Predictions if "`ds'" ~="" { di di as text "{title:Coefficients, means & predictions for high model}" di di as text "{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 40}" di as text "{ralign 12: Variable} {c |} {ralign 13: Coefficent}" /* */ "{ralign 12: Mean} {ralign 13: Prediction}" di in text "{hline 13}{c +}{hline 40}" foreach r of numlist 1/`k'{ local varnm: word `r' of `varnms' local varnm=abbrev("`varnm'",15) di as text "{ralign 12:`varnm'} {c |} {col 20}" /* */ as result %9.3f hifinal[`r',1] "{col 32}" /* */ as result %9.3f hifinal[`r',2] "{col 46}" /* */ as result %9.3f hifinal[`r',3] } di as text "{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 40}" di di as text "Prediction (ln): " as result %9.3f `total' di as text "Prediction ($): " as result %9.2f `dtotal' di as text "Number of observations: " as result %9.0fc `numobs' } capture drop __wagesample capture drop __fullsample end