Hierarchical Regression
hireg depvar (indvar block 1) (indvar block 2) (indvar block N) [if] [in] [wt] , [regopts() nomiss xi]
hireg performs hierarchical regressions. You must specify a dependent variable as well as a list of independent variables. The independent variables are listed in blocks within parentheses (similar to the syntax for sw). You may have as many blocks as you wish and as many variables within the blocks as you wish. All options available to the regress command are available to hireg.
regopts Are all of the options available to the regress command. nomiss Will drop any observation having a missing value for any variable specified in the command. Please note that these observations will be dropped before any that may be dropped by using the "if" clause. xi Interaction expansion; indicates using the "xi:" prefix
. hireg income (sex race) (hours rate) (class tenure) . hireg income (sex race) (hours rate) (class tenure), r(beta robust) . hireg income (sex race) (hours rate) (class tenure), r(beta robust) nom . hireg income (sex race) (i.hours i.rate) (class tenure), r(beta robust) nom xi
Author Paul H. Bern, Syracuse University phbern@syr.edu
See Also Manual: [R] regress