Horizontally list values of variables
hlist varlist [if exp] [in range] [, list_options ]
hlist lists data horizontally, that is, variables are listed as rows and observations are listed as columns. varlist must contain only numeric variables.
hlist will be expensive or absurd or impossible with large numbers of variables or observations. Users are urged to consider what they are asking.
list_options are options of list other than noobs and subvarname. Know that temporarily the dataset is xposed, so that there are variables _varname, holding variable names, and v1, v2, and so forth, holding numeric values, and other variables disappear.
. hlist mpg if foreign
. sort mpg . hlist mpg weight in -10/l
Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk
This problem was suggested by Stefan Lachenmaier.
Also see
Online: help for list; levels