help for hmap

Heatmap graphs

hmap varlist [, monochrome scatter ]

hmap uses the three variables in varlist to graph a heatmap. The first two variables specify x and y coordinates; the third specifies the "heat" or amplitude to graph at that (x,y) coordinate. Option monochrome specifies a grayscale heatmap. Option scatter places numerical values of the amplitude at each grid point.


clear all set obs 64 g n=int(uniform()*10) g x=1+int((_n-1)/8) g y=1+mod((_n-1),8) la def xlab 1 "one" 2 "two" 7 "seven" 8 "eight" la def ylab 3 "three" 4 "four" 5 "five" 6 "six" la val x xlab la val y ylab ta y x [fw=n] hmap x y n hmap x y n, sc Author of hmap

Austin Nichols <austinnichols@gmail.com>


This program was suggested by Brendan Halpin <brendan.halpin@ul.ie>.

Also see

On-line: help for tddens (if installed; findit tddens to download).