// Switch to Mata interpreter/compiler mata: // Drops class object if it already exists // mata drop canvas() // Definition of HTML Tag canvas Mata Class // Used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript)// Information retrieved from http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_canvas.asp class canvas extends htmlglobal { // Define private member variables private: // Static/final variables static string scalar opens, opene, close // String scalar attributes string scalar htmlheight, htmlwidth // Make class args non-static to prevent assignment of class args to all instances of class string scalar classargs // Define public members/methods public: // Class constructor method void new() // Setter methods class canvas scalar setClassArgs(), setHeight(), setWidth() // Getter methods string scalar getOpens(), getOpene(), getClose(), print(), getClassArgs(), getHeight(), getWidth() } // End of class declaration // Class constructor method declaration void canvas::new() { // Defines the start of the opening tag for the class this.opens = " character to allow attributes return(this.opens) } // End of getter method for opens member of class canvas // Getter method for opening bracket closing character string scalar canvas::getOpene() { // Returns the closing character for the opening bracket return(this.opene) } // End of getter method for opene member of class canvas // Getter method for closing bracket string scalar canvas::getClose() { // Returns the closing bracket/tag return(this.close) } // End of getter method for close member of class canvas // Getter method for class arguments string scalar canvas::getClassArgs() { // Returns the class arguments that appear between the HTML tags return(this.classargs) } // End of getter method for class arguments member of class canvas // Getter method for height member variable string scalar canvas::getHeight() { // Returns the height variable return(this.htmlheight) } // End of getter method for height member of class canvas // Getter method for width member variable string scalar canvas::getWidth() { // Returns the width variable return(this.htmlwidth) } // End of getter method for width member of class canvas // Get the HTML tag w/attributes and arguments string scalar canvas::print() { // Create local variables to piece together return string string scalar open, args, close // Create opening string open = getOpens() + getHeight() + getWidth() + globalAttrs() + getOpene() // Get class arguments args = getClassArgs() // Get closing tag close = getClose() // Return the complete HTML string return(char((10)) + subinstr(open, " >", ">") + args + close + char((10))) } // End of print method for class canvas // End of Mata session end