*! November 5, 2008 by Paul F. Visintainer, PhD program define iccconf version 8.0 syntax anything [, level(real .95)] tokenize "`anything'" local icc `1' local k `2' /* number of observations */ local reps `3' confirm number `icc' confirm integer number `k' confirm integer number `reps' if `icc'<=0 | `icc'>=1 { di di in red "RE-enter " in ye "ICC" in red " between 0 and 1" error 197 } if `level' >=1.0 { di di in red " Confidence level must be between 0 and 1" error 197 } * Defining the components of the test local alpha = 1 - `level' local N = `k'*`reps' local df1 = `k' - 1 local df2 = `N' - `k' local F = ((`icc'*`reps') - `icc' + 1)/(1-`icc') local lFcrit = invF(`df1',`df2',(1-`alpha'/2)) local uFcrit = invF(`df1',`df2',(`alpha'/2)) *Compute confidence limits based on Rosner, "Fundamental of Bios, 6th", pg. 615 local ul = (`F'/`uFcrit'-1)/(`reps'+(`F'/`uFcrit')-1) local ll = (`F'/`lFcrit'-1)/(`reps'+(`F'/`lFcrit')-1) di di in gr " ******************************************************************************* " di in ye " Confidence Interval for the INTRACLASS COEFFICIENT " di in gr " ******************************************************************************* " di di in gr " The ICC with " in ye %3.0f `level'*100 "% " in gr "CI is: " %3.2f in ye `icc' " (" %3.2f in ye `ll' ", " %3.2f in ye `ul' ")" di di in gr " The number of subjects is: " %5.0f in ye `k' di di in gr " The number of repeated assessments is: " %2.0f in ye `reps' end