help iccvar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iccvar -- intraclass correlation values and stadard errors for 2, 3, and 4 level models after xtmixed.
Syntax iccvar, [unb]
iccvar has a special routine for 3-level models with unbalanced data. To enact this routine use the unb option.
iccvar is a post-estimation command for xtmixed. After fitting a 2, 3, or 4 level model with a random intercept (random slopes are not supported), iccvar will calculate the intraclass correlation (ICC) values and the associated standard errors based on the variance components and standard errors of the variance components estimated from xtmixed.
Saved results
iccvar saves the following in r():
Scalars r(p) the harmonic mean number of level 2 units per level 3 unit r(r) the harmonic mean number of level 3 units per level 4 unit r(tv) the total estimated variance r(lkvc) the k level variance component r(lkvc_v) the k level variance component variance
Macros r(model) the xtmixed model
Matrices r(b) the matrix of ICCs r(V) the variance-covariance matrix of ICCs
The algorithms used in this program are based on Hedges, L. V., E. C. Hedberg and A. M. Kuyper. 2012. The Variance of Intraclass Correlations in Three- and Four-Level Models. Educational and Psychological Measurement. DOI: 10.1177/0013164412445193. Click for paper: link.
This program was written by Eric Hedberg, National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. Any questions or comments can be directed to