.- help for ^inequal2^ (Philippe Van Ker > m) .-Measures of inequality (revised) ---------------------------------
^inequal2^ varname [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] ^[^weight^]^
^aweight^s and ^fweight^s are allowed; see help @weights@.
Description ------------ This ado computes a series of inequality measures of the variable varname. It is a slightly revised version of @inequal@ published by Edward Whitehouse in STB-23.
The inequality measures computed are: the "relative mean deviation", the "coefficient of variation", the "standard deviation of logs", the"Gini index", the "Mehran index", the "Piesch index", the "Kakwani index", "Theil entropy index", the "mean log deviation" and the "generalised entropy measure" with sensitivity parameter (-1) [see, e.g., Coulter [1989] for a definition of these measures].
Four changes have been made compared to @inequal@: - Inclusion of the "generalised entropy measure" with sensitivity parameter (-1); - Acceptation of ^aweight^s; - Inclusion of saved results in global macros; - With weighted data, ranks are computed differently.
Saved Results -------------- S_1 contains the "relative mean deviation" S_2 contains the "coefficient of variation" S_3 contains the "standard deviation of logs" S_4 contains the "Gini coefficient"' S_5 contains the "Mehran index" S_6 contains the "Piesch index" S_7 contains the "Kakwani index" S_8 contains the "Theil index (or generalised entropy measure with sensitivity parameter 1)" S_9 contains the "Mean Log Deviation (or generalised entropy measure with sensitivity parameter 0)" S_10 contains the "Generalised entropy measure with sensitivity parameter -1"
Author ------- Philippe VAN KERM <philippe.vankerm@@fundp.ac.be> University of Namur, Department of Economics Rempart de la Vierge 8 B-5000 Namur, Belgium.
References ----------- Coulter Ph. (1989), Measuring Inequality -A Methodological Handbook-, Westview Press USA.
Also see --------- STB: sg30 (STB-23) on-line: @inequal@ if installed, @ineqdeco@ if installed, @geivars@ if installed.