*inflate command: inflates to real dollars using the all urban cpi *2022-01-05 Sean McCulloch *2024-06-22 Update to use import fred rather than freduse and requires *inputting an API key *2024-06-29 Make checks not case sensitive cap prog drop inflate prog define inflate version 16 syntax [varlist(default=none)] [if] [in] , /// [end(string) /// /// /// GENerate(string) /// replace /// /// /// start(string) /// Year(varname numeric) /// Half(varname numeric)) /// Month(varname numeric)) /// Quarter(varname numeric)) /// /// keepcpi /// update cpicheck /// apikey(string)] local inflatepath "`c(sysdir_plus)'/i/" *----------------- *Download CPI using FRED API if dta file does not exist or update specified cap confirm file "`inflatepath'/cpi.dta" if ((_rc != 0) | ("`update'" == "update")) { disp "Importing CPI from FRED API to `inflatepath'/cpi.dta" *check that api key is inputted if downloading new CPI data if "`apikey'" == "" { disp as error "FRED API key required to the download CPI series. Please input a FRED API key in the argument apikey()" exit } inflateopencpiframe // Open cpi inflateimportfred, update_path(`inflatepath') apikey(`apikey') frame drop cpi // Close cpi *exit if update if "`update'" == "update" { exit } } if "`cpicheck'" == "cpicheck" { di "option cpicheck will clear current working dataset. Is this ok (Y/N)?", /// _request(check) if "$check" == "Y" | "$check" == "y" { di "continue..." } else { exit } use "`c(sysdir_plus)'/i/cpi.dta", clear exit } *---------------- *Check Errors before initiating *Make sure expression fed in if "`varlist'" == "" { di as error "No variable to inflate entered." exit } if "`end'" == "" { di as error "Option end() required." exit } *check variables to inflate are numeric confirm numeric variable `varlist' loc numvars: word count `varlist' // used later loop through/inflate variables *Check variable names not already taken loc genvars start_cpi end_cpi inflator if "`generate'" != "" { loc numgenvars: word count `generate' *Also check number of variables in varlist = number of varnames in gen cap assert `numvars' == `numgenvars' if _rc != 0 { di as error "number of variable names in generate() != number of variables to inflate" exit } foreach g of loc generate { loc genvars `genvars' `g' } } else if "`replace'" != "" { loc pass } else { foreach v of loc varlist { loc genvars `genvars' `v'_real } } confirm new variable `genvars' *----------- if "`start'" == "" & "`year'" == "" { di as error "option start() or year() required" exit } if "`start'" != "" & "`year'" != "" { di as error "Can specify either a starting time period or time variable to merge on but not both." exit } local timeopts = ("`half'" != "") + ("`quarter'" != "") + ("`month'" != "") if (`timeopts' > 0) & "`year'" == "" { di as error "Must specify a year variable if merging on half, quarter, or month." exit } if (`timeopts' > 1) { di as error "Can only specify one time period variable to merge on half, quarter, or month." exit } *Check if in and replace specified if "`replace'" != "" & "`if'`in'" != "" { di as error "Warning: replace specified with if/in range." di as error "Will inflate some observations but not others. Is this ok (Y/N)?", /// _request(check) if "$check" == "Y" | "$check" == "y" { di "continue..." } else { exit } } *------------------ *Parse inputted dates *start if "`start'" != "" { inflateparsedate, date("`start'") startend("start") loc start_cond = r(start_cond) loc start_timep = r(start_timep) loc start_year = r(start_year) } *end inflateparsedate, date("`end'") startend("end") loc end_cond = r(end_cond) loc end_timep = r(end_timep) loc end_year = r(end_year) if "`start'" != "" & "`start_timep'" != "`end_timep'" { di as error "Start and end time periods are not consistent, e.g. year versus quarter." di as error "You specified starting time period as `start_timep' and the end as `end_timep'. Is this correct? (Y/N)", _request(check) if "$check" == "Y" | "$check" == "y" { di "continue..." } else { exit 197 } } *--------- *Load cpi into separate frame in memory inflateopencpiframe // Open cpi frame cpi: use "`inflatepath'/cpi.dta" *Retrieve relevant CPI values for end [and start] time period[s] frame cpi: qui: sum CPIAUCNS if `end_cond' assert r(N) == 1 gen end_cpi = r(mean) `if' `in' *If simple start year adjust based on individual time period values if "`start'" != "" { frame cpi: qui: sum CPIAUCNS if `start_cond' assert r(N) == 1 gen start_cpi = r(mean) `if' `in' } *----------------------------- *For multiple time period datasets merge with cpi data and inflate else { foreach t in year half quarter month { if "``t''" != "" { loc merge_timeperiods `merge_timeperiods' `t' loc merge_vars `merge_vars' ``t'' } } *Need to rename to so can merge frame cpi: keep CPIAUCNS year half quarter month periodtype *Keep only relevant period type if "`merge_timeperiods'" == "year" { frame cpi: keep if periodtype == "Y" } else if "`merge_timeperiods'" == "year half" { frame cpi: keep if periodtype == "H" } else if "`merge_timeperiods'" == "year quarter" { frame cpi: keep if periodtype == "Q" } else if "`merge_timeperiods'" == "year month" { frame cpi: keep if periodtype == "M" } else { di as error "Period Type Unknown" exit } foreach t of loc merge_timeperiods { frame cpi: rename `t' ``t'' } frlink m:1 `merge_vars', frame(cpi) gen(mergekeycpi) frget start_cpi = CPIAUCNS, from(mergekeycpi) *Impose if/in conditions gen inifvar39238 = 1 `if' gen inrangvar94850 = 1 `in' replace start_cpi = . if inifvar39238 != 1 replace start_cpi = . if inrangvar94850 != 1 drop inifvar39238 drop inrangvar94850 *---- drop mergekeycpi } *Close cpi frame frame drop cpi // Close *---------------------------- *Make inflated variables gen inflator = end_cpi / start_cpi `if' `in' forvalues i = 1(1)`numvars' { loc v: word `i' of `varlist' di "Inflating `v'..." if "`generate'" != "" { loc g: word `i' of `generate' gen `g' = `v'*inflator `if' `in' label var `g' "`v' in real `end' $" order `g', after(`v') } else if "`replace'" == "replace" { replace `v' = `v'*inflator `if' `in' label var `v' "`v' in real `end' $" } else { gen `v'_real = `v'*inflator `if' `in' label var `v'_real "`v' in real `end' $" order `v'_real, after(`v') } } *Drop intermediate variables unless keepcpi specified. loc ordervar: word 1 of `varlist' if "`keepcpi'" == "keepcpi" { label var start_cpi "CPI-U in `start'`year' `half'`quarter'`month'" label var end_cpi "CPI-U in `end'" label var inflator "end_cpi / start_cpi" order start_cpi end_cpi inflator, after(`ordervar') } else { drop start_cpi end_cpi inflator } end *----------------------------------------------- cap prog drop inflateopencpiframe prog define inflateopencpiframe *---------------- *Check cpi frame does not already exist in memory, then make cpi frame cap frame create cpi if _rc != 0 { di "inflate will drop existing cpi frame from memory is this alright (Y/N)?", /// _request(check) if "$check" == "Y" | "$check" == "y" { di "continue..." frame drop cpi frame create cpi } else { exit } } end cap prog drop inflateimportfred prog define inflateimportfred syntax[anything], update_path(string) apikey(string) set fredkey "`apikey'" *Load CPI into separate frame in memory frame cpi { import fred CPIAUCNS, clear *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, *Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items in U.S. City Average [CPIAUCNS], *retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *Not Seasonally Adjusted, base 1982-1984 = 100 *make annual, half, quarter averages gen year = year(daten) gen half = halfyear(daten) gen quarter = quarter(daten) gen month = month(daten) gen periodtype = "M" loc ts year half quarter loc tabbs Y H Q forvalues i=1(1)3 { loc t: word `i' of `ts' loc tabb: word `i' of `tabbs' preserve if "`t'" == "year" { loc collapseby year } else { loc collapseby year `t' } gen counter = 1 collapse (sum) counter (mean) CPIAUCNS, by(`collapseby') gen periodtype = "`tabb'" tempfile `t'avg save ``t'avg' restore } append using `yearavg' append using `halfavg' append using `quarteravg' drop if periodtype == "Y" & counter < 12 drop if periodtype == "H" & counter < 6 drop if periodtype == "Q" & counter < 3 *--------------- save "`update_path'/cpi.dta", replace } end *Parse inputted date and output if conditions to retrieve cpi cap prog drop inflateparsedate prog define inflateparsedate, rclass syntax[anything], date(string) startend(string) local curyear = substr("$S_DATE", -4, 4) loc timep "Y" // default to year unless specified if regexm("`date'", "^[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][HhQqMm][0-9][0-9]$") /// | regexm("`date'", "^[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][HhQqMm][0-9]$") { loc year = substr("`date'", 1, 4) if `year' < 1913 | `year' > `curyear' { di as error "`startend' year entered out of range." exit 197 } loc date_select "`date_select' year == `year' " loc timep = strupper(substr("`date'", 5, 1)) loc date_select `" `date_select' & periodtype == "`timep'" "' loc periodnum = substr("`date'", 6, .) loc periodnum = `periodnum' if ("`timep'" == "H" | "`timep'" == "h" ) { loc periodvar "half" if `periodnum' < 1 | `periodnum' > 2 { di as error "`startend' half entered out of range." exit 197 } } else if ("`timep'" == "Q" | "`timep'" == "q" ) { loc periodvar "quarter" if `periodnum' < 1 | `periodnum' > 4 { di as error "`startend' quarter entered out of range." exit 197 } } else if ("`timep'" == "M" | "`timep'" == "m" ) { loc periodvar "month" if `periodnum' < 1 | `periodnum' > 12 { di as error "`startend' month entered out of range." exit 197 } } loc date_select "`date_select' & `periodvar' == `periodnum' " } else if regexm("`date'", "^[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$") { loc year = `date' if `year' < 1913 | `year' > `curyear' { di as error "`startend' year entered out of range." exit 197 } loc date_select `" `date_select' year == `year' & periodtype == "`timep'" "' } else { di as error `"`startend' date not formatted as expected. Dates should be entered as a year or year-half/quarter/month."' di as error `"Example: for the year 2020 enter just "2020"."' di as error `"Example: for February, 1975 enter "1975M02" or "1975M2"."' exit 197 } *------------ *return year, period type, period num to store as locals return local `startend'_year = `year' return local `startend'_timep = "`timep'" return local `startend'_cond "`date_select'" end