*! 1.3.74 ipfraking_report: weight reports as a follow-up to ipfraking -- Stas Kolenikov program define ipfraking_report, rclass version 12 syntax using/ , raked_weight(varname numeric min=1 max=1) [by(varlist numeric) matrices(string) xls replace force] * (i) extract everything we need from chars local oldweight : char `raked_weight'[source] local k=1 while "`: char `raked_weight'[over`k']'" != "" { local over`k' : char `raked_weight'[over`k'] if "`over`k''" == "" { di "{err}No meta data were saved with `raked_weight'. Re-run raking with -meta- option." exit 2000 } local totalof`k' : char `raked_weight'[totalof`k'] local mat`k' : char `raked_weight'[mat`k'] cap confirm matrix `mat`k'' if _rc == 111 { di "{err}Control total matrix `mat`k'' not found" local lost`k' 1 } else local lost`k' 0 local allover `allover' `over`k'' local alliover `alliover' i.`over`k'' * base category, for later regression fvset base freq `over`k'' local ++k } * total number of margins local p = `k' - 1 * (ii) check integrity tempname hash1 mata : st_view(w=.,.,"`raked_weight'") mata : st_numscalar("`hash1'",hash1(w,.,2) ) if "`: char `raked_weight'[hash1]'" == "" { di "{err}WARNING: check sums was not created for `raked_weight'; re-run ipfraking with -meta- option." local changed unknown } else if scalar(`hash1') != `: char `raked_weight'[hash1]' { di "{err}WARNING: check sums are different from when the weights were created to the current version;" di "{err}the data set may have changed since the weight variable `raked_weight' was created." local changed changed } tempvar touse rkratio lrkratio qui gen byte `touse' = !mi( `raked_weight' ) qui gen double `rkratio' = `raked_weight' / `oldweight' qui gen double `lrkratio' = log( `rkratio' ) * (iii) set up the post tempname postf postfile `postf' /// str64( Weight_Variable) /// str64( C_Total_Margin_Variable_Name) /// str240(C_Total_Margin_Variable_Label) /// str64( Variable_Class ) /// str64( C_Total_Arg_Variable_Name) /// str240(C_Total_Arg_Variable_Label) /// /// long( C_Total_Margin_Category_Number) /// str240(C_Total_Margin_Category_Label) /// byte(C_Total_Margin_Category_Cell) /// /// double(Category_Total_Target) /// double(Category_Total_Prop) /// /// long( Unweighted_Count) /// double(Unweighted_Prop Unweighted_Prop_Discrep) /// /// double(Category_Total_SRCWGT) /// double(Category_Prop_SRCWGT) /// double(Category_Total_Discrep_SRCWGT) /// /// double(Category_Prop_Discrep_SRCWGT) /// /// double(Category_RelDiff_SRCWGT) /// double(Overall_Total_SRCWGT) /// /// double(Min_SRCWGT) /// double(P25_SRCWGT) /// double(P50_SRCWGT) /// double(P75_SRCWGT) /// double(Max_SRCWGT) /// /// double(Mean_SRCWGT) /// double(SD_SRCWGT) /// double(DEFF_SRCWGT) /// /// double(Category_Total_RKDWGT) /// double(Category_Prop_RKDWGT) /// double(Category_Total_Discrep_RKDWGT) /// double(Category_Prop_Discrep_RKDWGT) /// double(Category_RelDiff_RKDWGT) /// double(Overall_Total_RKDWGT) /// /// double(Min_RKDWGT) /// double(P25_RKDWGT) /// double(P50_RKDWGT) /// double(P75_RKDWGT) /// double(Max_RKDWGT) /// double(Mean_RKDWGT) /// double(SD_RKDWGT) /// double(DEFF_RKDWGT) /// /// double(Min_RKRATIO) /// double(P25_RKRATIO) /// double(P50_RKRATIO) /// double(P75_RKRATIO) /// double(Max_RKRATIO) /// double(Mean_RKRATIO) /// double(SD_RKRATIO) /// double(DEFF_RKRATIO) /// /// str36(Source) /// str240(Comment) /// using `using', `replace' * (iv) cycle over the margins tempname sumSRCWGT sumRKDWGT overall_target cat_target forvalues k=1/`p' { * di "{txt}{hline}" di "{txt}Margin variable {res}`over`k''{txt} (total variable: {res}`totalof`k''{txt}; " _c local comment_var * (iv.a) are there any missing values lurking around qui count if mi(`over`k'') & !mi(`raked_weight') if r(N) local comment_var `"`comment_var' `=r(N)' missing values of `over`k''. "' qui count if mi(`totalof`k'') & !mi(`raked_weight') if r(N) local comment_var `"`comment_var' `=r(N)' missing values of `totalof`k''. "' * (iv.b) sums of weights qui sum `oldweight' [aw=`totalof`k''] if `touse' & !mi( `over`k'' ) & !mi( `totalof`k'' ) scalar `sumSRCWGT' = r(sum) qui sum `raked_weight' [aw=`totalof`k''] if `touse' & !mi( `over`k'' ) & !mi( `totalof`k'' ) scalar `sumRKDWGT' = r(sum) if !`lost`k'' { mata : st_numscalar( "`overall_target'", sum( st_matrix( "`mat`k''" ) ) ) } * (iv.c) cycle over categories qui levelsof `over`k'' if !mi(`raked_weight') di "{txt}categories: {res}`r(levels)'{txt})." foreach c of numlist `r(levels)' { local comment_cat qui count if `over`k''==`c' & mi(`totalof`k'') if r(N) local comment_cat `"`comment_cat' `=r(N)' missing values of `totalof`k'' encountered with `over`k''==`c'."' * fixed text: margin name, etc. local topost ("`raked_weight'") ("`over`k''") ("`: var label `over`k'''") ("Raking margin") local topost `topost' ("`totalof`k''") ("`: var label `totalof`k'''") * category text local topost `topost' (`c') ("`: label (`over`k'') `c' '") * figure out if this came from wgtcellcollapse, and whether it is a collapsed cell if strpos("`: char `over`k''[]'","nrules") { * has the footprint chars of -wgtcellcollapse- present, so it can be checked if collapsed local sources : char `over`k''[sources] if `: word count `sources'' == 2 { local cellsof : word 2 of `sources' cap confirm numeric variable `cellsof' if _rc == 0 { * the variable is still in the data set, we can parse it local factor : char `cellsof'[factor] sum `cellsof', mean local cmax = 10^(ceil(log10(r(max)))) if mod(`c',`cmax'*`cmax')<`cmax' { * uncollapsed! local topost `topost' (0) } else { * collapsed! local topost `topost' (1) } } } else local topost `topost' (.n) } else local topost `topost' (.n) * category target if !`lost`k'' { local where = colnumb("`mat`k''","`c'") scalar `cat_target'= `mat`k''[1,`where'] } else scalar `cat_target'= . local topost `topost' (`=scalar(`cat_target')') (`=scalar(`cat_target')/scalar(`overall_target')') * unweighted count and prop of category qui sum `c'.`over`k'' if `touse' local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)') (`=r(mean)') (`=r(mean) - scalar(`cat_target')/scalar(`overall_target')') * weighted with source weights qui sum `oldweight' [aw=`totalof`k''] if `touse' & `over`k'' == `c' local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)') (`=r(sum)/scalar(`sumSRCWGT')') (`=r(sum)-scalar(`cat_target')') local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)/scalar(`sumSRCWGT') - scalar(`cat_target')/scalar(`overall_target')') local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)/scalar(`cat_target')-1') (`=scalar(`sumSRCWGT')') qui sum `oldweight' if `touse' & `over`k'' == `c', det local topost `topost' (`=r(min)') (`=r(p25)') (`=r(p50)') (`=r(p75)') (`=r(max)') local topost `topost' (`=r(mean)') (`=r(sd)') (`=1+( r(sd)/ r(mean) )^2') * weighted with raked weights qui sum `raked_weight' [aw=`totalof`k''] if `touse' & `over`k'' == `c' local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)') (`=r(sum)/scalar(`sumRKDWGT')') (`=r(sum)-scalar(`cat_target')') local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)/scalar(`sumRKDWGT') - scalar(`cat_target')/scalar(`overall_target')') local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)/scalar(`cat_target')-1') (`=scalar(`sumRKDWGT')') qui sum `raked_weight' if `touse' & `over`k'' == `c', det local topost `topost' (`=r(min)') (`=r(p25)') (`=r(p50)') (`=r(p75)') (`=r(max)') local topost `topost' (`=r(mean)') (`=r(sd)') (`=1+( r(sd)/ r(mean) )^2') * raking ratio summary statistics qui sum `rkratio' if `touse' & `over`k'' == `c', det local topost `topost' (`=r(min)') (`=r(p25)') (`=r(p50)') (`=r(p75)') (`=r(max)') local topost `topost' (`=r(mean)') (`=r(sd)') (`=1+( r(sd)/ r(mean) )^2') * source: matrix local topost `topost' ("`mat`k''") post `postf' `topost' ("`comment_var' `comment_cat'") } } * (v) cycle over other known target variables if "`matrices'" != "" { forvalues k=1/`: word count `matrices'' { local thismat : word `k' of `matrices' * is this really a known matrix? cap confirm matrix `thismat' if _rc { di "{err}Matrix `thismat' could not be found." continue } * the variable local over : rownames `thismat' local overall `overall' `over' local totalof : coleq `thismat' local totalof : word 1 of `totalof' cap confirm numeric variable `over' if _rc { di "{err}Matrix `thismat' refers to a variable `over' which was not found." continue } * has it been processed before local donebefore 0 forvalues m=1/`: word count `allover'' { local donebefore = `donebefore' + ("`over'" == "`: word `m' of `allover''") } if `donebefore' { di "{err}Warning: {txt}matrix {res}`thismat'{txt} refers to a variable {res}`over'{txt} that was already processed." if "`force'" == "" continue } di "{txt}Known targets variable {res}`over'{txt} (total variable: {res}`totalof'{txt}; " _c local comment_var * (v.a) are there any missing values lurking around qui count if mi(`over') & !mi(`raked_weight') if r(N) local comment_var `"`comment_var' `=r(N)' missing values of `over'. "' qui count if mi(`totalof') & !mi(`raked_weight') if r(N) local comment_var `"`comment_var' `=r(N)' missing values of `totalof'. "' * (v.b) sums of weights qui sum `oldweight' [aw=`totalof'] if `touse' & !mi( `over' ) & !mi( `totalof' ) scalar `sumSRCWGT' = r(sum) qui sum `raked_weight' [aw=`totalof'] if `touse' & !mi( `over' ) & !mi( `totalof' ) scalar `sumRKDWGT' = r(sum) mata : st_numscalar( "`overall_target'", sum( st_matrix( "`thismat'" ) ) ) * (v.c) cycle over categories qui levelsof `over' if !mi(`raked_weight') di "{txt}categories: {res}`r(levels)'{txt})." foreach c of numlist `r(levels)' { local comment_cat qui count if `over'==`c' & mi(`totalof') if r(N) local comment_cat `"`comment_cat' `=r(N)' missing values of `totalof' encountered with `over'==`c'."' * fixed text: margin name, etc. local topost ("`raked_weight'") ("`over'") ("`: var label `over''") ("Other known target") local topost `topost' ("`totalof'") ("`: var label `totalof''") * category text local thiscatlab : label (`over') `c' local topost `topost' (`c') ("`thiscatlab'") cap confirm number `thiscatlab' if _rc == 0 | `"`thiscatlab'"'==`""' { di "{txt}NOTE: category {res}`thiscatlab'{txt} of variable {res}`over'{txt} appears unlabeled." } * figure out if this came from wgtcellcollapse, and whether it is a collapsed cell if strpos("`: char `over'[]'","nrules") { * has the footprint chars of -wgtcellcollapse- present, so it can be checked if collapsed local sources : char `over'[sources] if `: word count `sources'' == 2 { local cellsof : word 2 of `sources' cap confirm numeric variable `cellsof' if _rc == 0 { * the variable is still in the data set, we can parse it local factor : char `cellsof'[factor] sum `cellsof', mean local cmax = 10^(ceil(log10(r(max)))) if mod(`c',`cmax'*`cmax')<`cmax' { * uncollapsed! local topost `topost' (0) } else { * collapsed! local topost `topost' (1) } } } else local topost `topost' (.n) } // end of treating -wgtcellcollapse-d variables else local topost `topost' (.n) * category target local where = colnumb("`thismat'","`c'") if "`where'" == "." { di `"{err}WARNING: category "`c'" not found in matrix `thismat'."' _n "This may be -total `totalof', over(`over', nolab)- issue." } scalar `cat_target'= `thismat'[1,`where'] local topost `topost' (`=scalar(`cat_target')') (`=scalar(`cat_target')/scalar(`overall_target')') * unweighted count and prop of category qui sum `c'.`over' if `touse' local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)') (`=r(mean)') (`=r(mean) - scalar(`cat_target')/scalar(`overall_target')') * weighted with source weights qui sum `oldweight' [aw=`totalof'] if `touse' & `over' == `c' local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)') (`=r(sum)/scalar(`sumSRCWGT')') (`=r(sum)-scalar(`cat_target')') local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)/scalar(`sumSRCWGT') - scalar(`cat_target')/scalar(`overall_target')') local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)/scalar(`cat_target')-1') (`=scalar(`sumSRCWGT')') qui sum `oldweight' if `touse' & `over' == `c', det local topost `topost' (`=r(min)') (`=r(p25)') (`=r(p50)') (`=r(p75)') (`=r(max)') local topost `topost' (`=r(mean)') (`=r(sd)') (`=1+( r(sd)/ r(mean) )^2') * weighted with raked weights qui sum `raked_weight' [aw=`totalof'] if `touse' & `over' == `c' local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)') (`=r(sum)/scalar(`sumRKDWGT')') (`=r(sum)-scalar(`cat_target')') local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)/scalar(`sumRKDWGT') - scalar(`cat_target')/scalar(`overall_target')') local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)/scalar(`cat_target')-1') (`=scalar(`sumRKDWGT')') qui sum `raked_weight' if `touse' & `over' == `c', det local topost `topost' (`=r(min)') (`=r(p25)') (`=r(p50)') (`=r(p75)') (`=r(max)') local topost `topost' (`=r(mean)') (`=r(sd)') (`=1+( r(sd)/ r(mean) )^2') * raking ratio summary statistics qui sum `rkratio' if `touse' & `over' == `c', det local topost `topost' (`=r(min)') (`=r(p25)') (`=r(p50)') (`=r(p75)') (`=r(max)') local topost `topost' (`=r(mean)') (`=r(sd)') (`=1+( r(sd)/ r(mean) )^2') * source: matrix local topost `topost' ("`thismat'") post `postf' `topost' ("`comment_var' `comment_cat'") } } } * (vi) cycle over by-variables tempvar one gen byte `one' = 1 forvalues k=1/`: word count `by'' { local byvar : word `k' of `by' if strpos( "`allover'", "`byvar'" ) { di "{err}Warning: variable {res}`byvar'{txt} was already processed." continue } di "{txt}Auxiliary variable {res}`byvar'{txt} " _c local comment_var * (v.a) are there any missing values lurking around qui count if mi(`byvar') & !mi(`raked_weight') if r(N) local comment_var `"`comment_var' `=r(N)' missing values of `byvar'. "' qui count if mi(`one') & !mi(`raked_weight') if r(N) local comment_var `"`comment_var' `=r(N)' missing values of `one'. "' * (v.b) sums of weights qui sum `oldweight' [aw=`one'] if `touse' & !mi( `byvar' ) & !mi( `one' ) scalar `sumSRCWGT' = r(sum) qui sum `raked_weight' [aw=`one'] if `touse' & !mi( `byvar' ) & !mi( `one' ) scalar `sumRKDWGT' = r(sum) scalar `overall_target' = . * (v.c) cycle over categories qui levelsof `byvar' if !mi(`raked_weight') di "{txt}(categories: {res}`r(levels)'{txt})." foreach c of numlist `r(levels)' { local comment_cat qui count if `byvar'==`c' & mi(`one') if r(N) local comment_cat `"`comment_cat' `=r(N)' missing values of `one' encountered with `byvar'==`c'."' * fixed text: margin name, etc. local topost ("`raked_weight'") ("`byvar'") ("`: var label `byvar''") ("Auxiliary variable") local topost `topost' ("Identically one") ("Identically one") * category text local topost `topost' (`c') ("`: label (`byvar') `c' '") * figure out if this came from wgtcellcollapse, and whether it is a collapsed cell if strpos("`: char `byvar'[]'","nrules") { * has the footprint chars of -wgtcellcollapse- present, so it can be checked if collapsed local sources : char `byvar'[sources] if `: word count `sources'' == 2 { local cellsof : word 2 of `sources' cap confirm numeric variable `cellsof' if _rc == 0 { * the variable is still in the data set, we can parse it local factor : char `cellsof'[factor] sum `cellsof', mean local cmax = 10^(ceil(log10(r(max)))) if mod(`c',`cmax'*`cmax')<`cmax' { * uncollapsed! local topost `topost' (0) } else { * collapsed! local topost `topost' (1) } } } else local topost `topost' (.n) } else local topost `topost' (.n) * category target scalar `cat_target'= . local topost `topost' (`=scalar(`cat_target')') (`=scalar(`cat_target')/scalar(`overall_target')') * unweighted count and prop of category qui sum `c'.`byvar' if `touse' local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)') (`=r(mean)') (.) * weighted with source weights qui sum `oldweight' [aw=`one'] if `touse' & `byvar' == `c' local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)') (`=r(sum)/scalar(`sumSRCWGT')') (`=r(sum)-scalar(`cat_target')') local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)/scalar(`sumSRCWGT') - scalar(`cat_target')/scalar(`overall_target')') local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)/scalar(`cat_target')-1') (`=scalar(`sumSRCWGT')') qui sum `oldweight' if `touse' & `byvar' == `c', det local topost `topost' (`=r(min)') (`=r(p25)') (`=r(p50)') (`=r(p75)') (`=r(max)') local topost `topost' (`=r(mean)') (`=r(sd)') (`=1+( r(sd)/ r(mean) )^2') * weighted with source weights qui sum `raked_weight' [aw=`one'] if `touse' & `byvar' == `c' local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)') (`=r(sum)/scalar(`sumRKDWGT')') (`=r(sum)-scalar(`cat_target')') local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)/scalar(`sumRKDWGT') - scalar(`cat_target')/scalar(`overall_target')') local topost `topost' (`=r(sum)/scalar(`cat_target')-1') (`=scalar(`sumRKDWGT')') qui sum `raked_weight' if `touse' & `byvar' == `c', det local topost `topost' (`=r(min)') (`=r(p25)') (`=r(p50)') (`=r(p75)') (`=r(max)') local topost `topost' (`=r(mean)') (`=r(sd)') (`=1+( r(sd)/ r(mean) )^2') * raking ratio summary statistics qui sum `rkratio' if `touse' & `byvar' == `c', det local topost `topost' (`=r(min)') (`=r(p25)') (`=r(p50)') (`=r(p75)') (`=r(max)') local topost `topost' (`=r(mean)') (`=r(sd)') (`=1+( r(sd)/ r(mean) )^2') post `postf' `topost' ("") ("`comment_var' `comment_cat'") } } * (vii) done with the posting postclose `postf' preserve di use `using', clear label data `"Raking report for `raked_weight' ($S_DATE $S_TIME)"' * (vii) relabel the variables foreach x of varlist * { local thislab `x' local thislab : subinstr local thislab "_" " ", all local thislab : subinstr local thislab "C Total" "Control Total", all local thislab : subinstr local thislab "Arg" "Multiplier", all local thislab : subinstr local thislab "Prop" "Proportion ", all if length("`x'") < 12 local thislab : subinstr local thislab "SRCWGT" "of Source Weight", all else local thislab : subinstr local thislab "SRCWGT" ", with Source Weight", all if length("`x'") < 12 local thislab : subinstr local thislab "RKDWGT" "of Raked Weight", all else local thislab : subinstr local thislab "RKDWGT" ", with Raked Weight", all if length("`x'") < 12 local thislab : subinstr local thislab "RKRATIO" "of raking ratio", all else local thislab : subinstr local thislab "RKRATIO" ", with raking ratio", all local thislab : subinstr local thislab "RelDiff" "Relative Difference", all local thislab : subinstr local thislab "SD" "Std. dev.", all local thislab : subinstr local thislab " , " ", ", all lab var `x' "`thislab'" } if "`xls'" != "" { local xlsfname : subinstr local using ".dta" ".xls", all if strpos(`"`xlsfname'"',".xls")==0 local xlsfname `xlsfname'.xls export excel `"`xlsfname'"', `replace' firstrow(varlabels) if _caller() >= 14.2 { * some extra functions mata : b = xl() mata : b.load_book(`"`xlsfname'"') * wrap the text in the first row mata : b.set_text_wrap((1,1),(1,60),"on") * make labels wide mata : b.set_column_width(8,8,40) * done, write and exit mata : b.close_book() } } lab def collapsed 0 "Not collapsed" 1 "Collapsed" .n "N/A" lab val C_Total_Margin_Category_Cell collapsed lab var C_Total_Margin_Category_Cell "Collapsed interaction cell?" qui count if !mi(C_Total_Margin_Category_Cell) if r(N) == 0 drop C_Total_Margin_Category_Cell lab data "Weighting report on `raked_weight'" qui compress save, replace restore * (ix) regression of the log raking ratio on the margins regress `lrkratio' `alliover' di * process the variables and the categories tempname bb mat `bb' = e(b) forvalues k=1/`p' { local bmin = c(maxfloat) local bmax = - c(maxfloat) local omitted qui levelsof `over`k'' if !mi(`raked_weight') & e(sample) foreach c of numlist `r(levels)' { * hope it's not omitted if strpos( "`: colfullnames `bb''", "`c'o.`over`k''" ) { local omitted `omitted' `c' } else { * find the coefficient local where = colnumb( `bb', "`c'.`over`k''" ) if !mi(`where') { if _b[`c'.`over`k''] > `bmax' { local bmax = _b[`c'.`over`k''] local wmax = `c' } if _b[`c'.`over`k''] < `bmin' { local bmin = _b[`c'.`over`k''] local wmin = `c' } } } } di `"{txt}Raking adjustments for {res}`over`k''{txt} variable"' _c if !mi(`"`: var label `over`k'' '"') di `"{txt} ({res}`: var label `over`k'' '{txt})"' _c di "{txt}:" di " {txt}the smallest was {res}" %12.3f exp(_b[_cons]+`bmin') "{txt} for category {res}`wmin'" _c if `"`: label (`over`k'') `wmin' '"' != `""' di `"{txt} ({res}`: label (`over`k'') `wmin' '{txt})"' di " {txt}the greatest was {res}" %12.3f exp(_b[_cons]+`bmax') "{txt} for category {res}`wmax'" _c if `"`: label (`over`k'') `wmax' '"' != `""' di `"{txt} ({res}`: label (`over`k'') `wmax' '{txt})"' if "`omitted'" != "" di "{txt} Note that the following categories were omitted: {res}`omitted'" } end // of ipfraking_report exit /* History aligned with same version of ipfraking picks up the source weight and the final weight from char[`raked_weight'] allows additional diagnostics with -by- 1.2 Don't know what version of ipfraking it is, but... . added variable describing the class of the analysis variable . added variable: unweighted % discrepancy 1.2.1 Checks hash/meta 1.2.2 Checks missing categories of the other known matrices (nolab issue) 1.2.3 Improved "processed before" identification: specific words rather than blunt strpos that misses interactions 1.2.4 -force- option to process the variables that may have already been encountered Source variable provides the reference to the source / matrix 1.2.5 Better treatment of continuous targets 1.2.6 Summary statistics of raking ratio 1.3.62 Version numbers are unified 1.3.63 Columns of the Excel file are formatted a bit better for Stata 14.2+ 1.3.70 Added "Collapsed cell" indicator variable 1.3.72 fixed bugs with -else topost- and poor management of empty `: char `over'[]' 1.3.74 version numbers are aligned */