help for ^jb6^

Jarque-Bera test for normality -----------------------------------------------

^jb6^ varname

Description -----------

^jb6^ calculates the Jarque-Bera asymptotic test for normality on the specified variable in level form.

Options -------

No options available

Example -------

. ^jb6^ varname

References ----------

See C.M. Jarque and A.K. Bera. 1987. "A Test for Normality of Observations and Regression Residuals. International Statistical Review 55:163-172; In Damodar Gujarati. 1995. Basic Econometrics. p. 143.

^jb6^ draws on the procedure originally written by Gregorio Impavido, gimpavido@@worldbank.org The formula and code were slightly modified by J. Sky David, jsdavid@@polisci.tamu.edu