*! jl 1.0.2 17 August 2024 *! Copyright (C) 2023-24 David Roodman * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensejl * along with this program. If not, see . * Version history at bottom // Take 1 argument, possible path for julia executable, return workable path, if any, in caller's libpath and libname locals; error otherwise cap program drop wheresjulia program define wheresjulia, rclass version 14.1 tempfile tempfile cap { cap mata _fclose(fh) !`1'julia -e "using Libdl; println(dlpath(\"libjulia\"))" > `tempfile' // fails in RH Linux mata pathsplit(_fget(fh = _fopen("`tempfile'", "r")), _juliapath="", _julialibname="") } if _rc cap { !`1'julia -e 'using Libdl; println(dlpath( "libjulia" ))' > `tempfile' // fails in Windows mata pathsplit(_fget(fh = _fopen("`tempfile'", "r")), _juliapath="", _julialibname="") } local rc = _rc cap mata _fclose(fh) error `rc' mata st_local("libpath", _juliapath); st_local("libname", _julialibname) c_local libpath `libpath' c_local libname `libname' end cap program drop assure_julia_started program define assure_julia_started version 14.1 if `"$julia_loaded"' == "" { syntax, [threads(string)] if !inlist(`"`threads'"', "", "auto") { cap confirm integer number `threads' _assert !_rc & `threads'>0, msg(`"threads() option must be "auto" or a positive integer"') rc(198) } cap noi { cap wheresjulia cap if _rc & c(os)!="Windows" wheresjulia ~/.juliaup/bin/ cap if _rc & c(os)=="MacOSX" { forvalues v=9/20 { // https://github.com/JuliaLang/juliaup/issues/758#issuecomment-1836577702 cap wheresjulia /Applications/Julia-1.`v'.app/Contents/Resources/julia/bin/ if !_rc continue, break } } error _rc di as txt `"Starting Julia `=cond(`"`threads'"'!="", "with threads=`threads'", "")'"' mata displayflush() plugin call _julia, start "`libpath'/`libname'" "`libpath'" `threads' } if _rc { di as err "Can't access Julia. {cmd:jl} requires that Julia be installed and that you are" di as err `"able to start it by typing "julia" in a terminal window (though you won't normally need to)."' di as err `"Installation via {browse "https://github.com/JuliaLang/juliaup#installation":juliaup} is recommended."' exit 198 } plugin call _julia, eval `"Int(VERSION < v"1.9.4")"' if `__jlans' { di as err _n "jl requires that Julia 1.9.4 or higher be installed and accessible by default." di as err "See the Installation section of the {help jl##installation:jl help file}." global julia_loaded exit 198 } cap noi { plugin call _julia, evalqui "using Pkg" AddPkg DataFrames, minver(1.6.1) AddPkg CategoricalArrays, minver(0.10.8) plugin call _julia, evalqui "using DataFrames, CategoricalArrays" qui findfile stataplugininterface.jl plugin call _julia, evalqui `"pushfirst!(LOAD_PATH, dirname(expanduser(raw"`r(fn)'")))"' plugin call _julia, evalqui "using stataplugininterface" qui findfile jl.plugin plugin call _julia, evalqui `"stataplugininterface.setdllpath(expanduser(raw"`r(fn)'"))"' } global julia_loaded = !_rc } end cap program drop AddPkg program define AddPkg syntax name, [MINver(string)] plugin call _julia, eval `"Int(!("`namelist'" in keys(Pkg.project().dependencies)))"' local notinstalled: copy local __jlans if !`notinstalled' & "`minver'"!="" plugin call _julia, eval `"length([1 for v in values(Pkg.dependencies()) if v.name=="`namelist'" && v.versionVector{stataplugininterface.S2Jtypedict[t]}(undef,%i) for (n,t) in zip(eachsplit("`cols'"), eachsplit("`types'"))]) plugin call _julia `varlist' `if' `in', PutVarsToDF`missing' `"`destination'"' `"`dfcmd'"' `"`if'`in'"' if "`missing'"=="" plugin call _julia, evalqui `"stataplugininterface.NaN2missing(`destination')"' if "`doubleonly'"!="" plugin call _julia, evalqui `"rename!(`destination', vec(split("`cols'")))"' else if "`label'"=="" { foreach col in `cols' { local labname: value label `col' if "`labname'" != "" { local recodecmd qui levels `col' foreach l in `r(levels)' { local lab: label(`col') `l' if "`lab'"!="" { local recodecmd `recodecmd', `l'=>raw"`lab'" } } cap noi plugin call _julia, evalqui `"`destination'.`col' = CategoricalVector(recode(`destination'.`col' `recodecmd'))"' } } } end cap program drop jl program define jl, rclass version 14.1 if `"`0'"'=="version" { return local version 1.0.1 exit } cap _on_colon_parse `0' if _rc & `"`0'"'!="" { tokenize `"`0'"', parse(" ,") local cmd `1' macro shift local 0 `*' if `"`cmd'"'=="stop" { if 0$julia_loaded { plugin call _julia, stop global julia_loaded } exit } if `"`cmd'"'=="start" { syntax, [Threads(passthru)] if 0$julia_loaded & `"`threads'"'!="" di as txt "threads() option ignored because Julia is already running." assure_julia_started, `threads' exit } assure_julia_started if inlist(`"`cmd'"',"SetEnv","GetEnv") { qui if "`cmd'"=="SetEnv" { plugin call _julia, evalqui `"Pkg.activate(joinpath(dirname(Base.load_path_expand("@v#.#")), "`1'"))"' // move to an environment specific to this package AddPkg DataFrames AddPkg CategoricalArrays } return local env: subinstr local __jlans "\\" "\", all plugin call _julia, eval `"dirname(Base.active_project())"' local __jlans `__jlans' // strip quotes return local envdir: subinstr local __jlans "\\" "\", all plugin call _julia, eval `"dirname(Base.load_path_expand("@v#.#"))"' local __jlans: subinstr local __jlans "\\" "\", all if "`return(envdir)'" == `__jlans' return local env . else { plugin call _julia, eval `"splitpath(Base.active_project())[end-1]"' return local env `__jlans' // strip quotes } di as txt `"Current environment: `=cond("`return(env)'"==".","(default)","`return(env)'")', at `return(envdir)'"' _n jlcmd: Pkg.status() } else if `"`cmd'"'=="AddPkg" AddPkg `0' else if `"`cmd'"'=="use" { syntax namelist [using/], [clear] if c(changed) & "`clear'"=="" error 4 drop _all if `"`using'"'=="" { _assert `:word count `namelist''==1, msg("Just specify one source DataFrame.") rc(198) local source `namelist' plugin call _julia, eval `"join(names(`source'), " ")"' local cols `__jlans' } else { local source `using' local cols `namelist' } plugin call _julia, eval "size(`source',1)" qui set obs `__jlans' GetVarsFromDF `cols', source(`source') } else if `"`cmd'"'=="PutVarsToDF" { PutVarsToDF `0' } else if `"`cmd'"'=="save" { syntax [namelist(max=1)], [NOLABel DOUBLEonly NOMISSing] if "`namelist'"=="" local namelist df PutVarsToDF, dest(`namelist') `nolabel' `doubleonly' `nomissing' di as txt "Data saved to DataFrame `namelist' in Julia" } else if `"`cmd'"'=="PutVarsToMat" { syntax [varlist] [if] [in], DESTination(string) [noMISSing] plugin call _julia `varlist' `if' `in', `cmd'`missing' `"`destination'"' `"`if'`in'"' } else if `"`cmd'"'=="GetVarsFromMat" { syntax namelist [if] [in], source(string asis) [replace] if "`replace'"=="" confirm new var `namelist' foreach var in `namelist' { cap gen double `var' = . } plugin call _julia `namelist' `if' `in', GetVarsFromMat `"`source'"' `"`if'`in'"' } else if `"`cmd'"'=="GetVarsFromDF" { GetVarsFromDF `0' } else if `"`cmd'"'=="GetMatFromMat" { syntax name, [source(string asis)] if `"`source'"'=="" local source `namelist' plugin call _julia, eval `"size(`source',1)"' local rows: copy local __jlans plugin call _julia, eval `"size(`source',2)"' mat `namelist' = J(`rows', `__jlans', .) plugin call _julia, GetMatFromMat `namelist' `"`source'"' } else if `"`cmd'"'=="PutMatToMat" { syntax name, [DESTination(string)] if `"`destination'"'=="" local destination `namelist' plugin call _julia, PutMatToMat `namelist' `destination' } else { di as err `"`cmd' is not a valid subcommand."' exit 198 } } else { // "jl: ..." local after = `"`s(after)'"' local before `"`s(before)'"' assure_julia_started if `"`after'"' != "" { _assert strlen(`"`after'"')<4991, rc(1003) msg("jl command line longer than 4990 characters") jlcmd `before': `after' foreach macro in `locals' { c_local `macro': copy local `macro' } } else { display as txt "{hline 48} Julia (type {cmd:exit()} to exit) {hline}" while 1 { di as res "jl> " _request(_cmdline) local cmdline = strtrim(`"`cmdline'"') if `"`cmdline'"'=="" continue if `"`cmdline'"'=="exit()" { di as txt "{hline}" continue, break } plugin call _julia, reset // clear any previous command lines cap noi jlcmd `before':`cmdline' if 0`r(exit)' continue, break foreach macro in `locals' { c_local `macro': copy local `macro' } } } } return local ans: copy local ans end cap program drop jlcmd program define jlcmd, rclass cap _on_colon_parse `0' local __jlcmd = trim(`"`s(after)'"') local 0 `"`s(before)'"' syntax, [QUIetly INTERruptible noREPL] local varlist = cond(c(k),"*","") local noisily = "`quietly'"=="" & substr(`"`__jlcmd'"', strlen(`"`__jlcmd'"'), 1) != ";" // also suppress output if command ends with ";" if substr(`"`__jlcmd'"',1,1)=="?" { if `"`__jlcmd'"'=="?" { di as err "Julia help mode not supported. But you can prefix single commands with "?". Example: ?sum." exit } local __jlcmd = "@doc "+ substr(`"`__jlcmd'"',2,.) } local multiline = cond("`repl'"=="","multiline","") local __jlcomplete 0 while !`__jlcomplete' { local __jlcomplete 1 if "`interruptible'" != "" { // Run Julia 1 sec at a time to allow Ctrl-Break, checking if task finished every .01 sec plugin call _julia `varlist', evalqui `"stataplugininterface.julia_task = @async (`__jlcmd')"' local __jlans 1 while `__jlans' { cap noi plugin call _julia, eval `"stataplugininterface.julia_time=time()+1; for _ in 1:100 (istaskdone(stataplugininterface.julia_task) || time()>stataplugininterface.julia_time) && break; sleep(.01) end; Int(!istaskdone(stataplugininterface.julia_task))"' if _rc continue, break } if `noisily' cap noi plugin call _julia, eval fetch(stataplugininterface.julia_task) if _rc continue, break } else cap noi plugin call _julia `varlist', eval`multiline'`=cond(`noisily',"","qui")' `"`__jlcmd'"' if _rc | "`multiline'"=="" { plugin call _julia, reset // clear any previous command lines continue, break } if !`__jlcomplete' di as txt " .." _request(___jlcmd) // (plugin overwrites `__jlcomplete') if strtrim(`"`__jlcmd'"')=="exit()" { return local exit 1 exit } } if `noisily' | _rc { local rc = _rc local __jlans: subinstr local __jlans "`" "'", all c_local ans: copy local __jlans cap noi if `"`__jlans'"' != "nothing" { if `rc' { // print error type in red local t = strpos(`"`__jlans'"', ":") di as err substr(`"`__jlans'"', 1, `t') _c local __jlans = substr(`"`__jlans'"', `t'+1, .) } local t = strpos(`"`__jlans'"', char(10)) while `t' { di as txt substr(`"`__jlans'"', 1, `t'-1) local __jlans = substr(`"`__jlans'"', `t'+1, .) local t = strpos(`"`__jlans'"', char(10)) } di as txt `"`__jlans'"' } } c_local locals: copy local __jllocals foreach macro in `__jllocals' { c_local `macro': copy local `macro' } end cap program drop _julia program _julia, plugin using(jl.plugin) * Version history * 0.5.0 Initial commit * 0.5.1 Fixed memory leak in C code. Added documentation. Bug fixes. * 0.5.4 Bug and documentation fixes. * 0.5.5 Tweaks * 0.5.6 File reorganization * 0.6.0 Implemented dynamic runtime loading of libjulia for robustness to Julia installation type * 0.6.2 Fixed 0.6.0 crashes in Windows * 0.7.0 Dropped UpPkg and added minver() option to AddPkg * 0.7.1 Try single as well as double quotes in !julia. Further attack on Windows crashes on errors. * 0.7.2 Better handling of exceptions in Julia * 0.7.3 Fixed bug in PutMatToMat * 0.8.0 Added SetEnv command * 0.8.1 Recompiled in Ubuntu 20.04; fixed Unix AddPkg bug * 0.9.0 Added interruptible option and multithreaded variable copying * 0.9.1 Reverted to complex syntax for C++ variable copying routines, to avoid limit on # of vars * 0.10.0 Full support for Stata data types, including strings. Map CategoricalVector's to data labels. Add use and save commands. * 0.10.1 Fixed memory leak * 0.10.2 threads() option on start * 0.10.3 Bug fix for 0.10.2 * 1.0.0 Add GetEnv, support for closing ";", and interactive mode * 1.0.1 Drop confirm names on Julia source and destination matrices so they can be views or other things * 1.0.2 Fix crashes on really long included regressor lists; add status call to GetEnv & SetEnv; bug fixes