help for johans, lrjtest, wjtest                                       [P.Joly]

Johansen's maximum likelihood cointegration rank test

johans depvarlist [if exp] [in range] [, lags(#) noconstant trend exog(varlist) nonormal standard regress level(#) ]

lrjtest varlist [, cir(#) restrict ]

wjtest varlist [, cir(#) ]

johans is for use with time-series data. You must tsset your data before using johans; see help tsset. Your version of Stata must also be up-to-date. Type update query to find out whether updating is required; see help update.

johans may be used with panel data if the estimation sample is restricted to a single panel. Observations for which the panel variable is missing are omitted from the sample.

by ... : may be used with johans; see help by.

depvarlist and varlist may contain time-series operators; see help varlist.


johans calculates the eigenvalues and the maximal eigenvalue and trace statistics for the VAR defined by depvarlist. These statistics can be used to test for the number of cointegrating vectors in the system. If option normal or standard is specified, maximum likelihood estimates of the cointegrating vectors and of the matrix of weights are displayed. johans uses Johansen's method for computing the estimates and test statistics. See the references for more information on the method.

lrjtest and wjtest are used after johans to test the null hypothesis that one or more of the variables in the VAR do not enter the cointegrating relationship(s). lrjtest calculates the likelihood-ratio test. wjtest calculates the Wald test.


lags(#) specifies the number of lags in the original VAR (in levels). The default is 1.

noconstant suppresses the constant in the first stage VAR.

trend includes a trend term in each equation of the VAR.

exog(varlist) specifies exogenous variables that enter each equation of the VAR.

nonormal suppresses the display of the normalized Alpha and Beta' matrices.

standard requests the display of the standardized Alpha and Beta' matrices instead of the normalized matrices.

regress indicates that the VAR estimates are to be displayed.

cir(#) is for use with lrjtest and wjtest and indicates the number of cointegrating relationships in the system. The default is 1.

restrict is relevant only with lrjtest and requests the display of the restricted estimates of the eigenvalues and of the Alpha and Beta' matrices.

level(#) specifies the confidence level, in percent, for confidence intervals of the test statistics. # must be one of 50, 80, 90, 95, 97.5, or 99; 95 is the default.

Methods & Formulas

Consider a vector autoregression of order k, VAR(k),

k x_t = SUM B_i * x_t-i + f * D_t + m_0 + m_1 * t + e_t i=1

(t = 1,...,T )

where x_t (p x1) vector of p stochastic variables; B_i (p xp ) matrix of coefficients; D_t (optional) matrix of zero-mean seasonal dummies with corresponding coefficient vector f; and m_0, m_1 (optional) (p x1) vectors of coefficients on intercept and trend terms, respectively.

Any such VAR(k) may be re-parameterized as

k-1 d.x_t = SUM G_i * d.x_t-i + P * x_t-1 + f * D_t + m_0 + m_1 * t + e_t i=1

P = ab'

where "d." represents the first-difference operator and G_i, P, are (p xp ) matrices of coefficients. As shown above, matrix P can be further decomposed into the product ab' where b' represents the matrix of (r) cointegrating vectors and a, the matrix of weights on the vectors in each equation of the system. Both a and b are of dimension (p xr ). (The notation P = ab' is a departure from the convention of using uppercase (lowercase) letters for matrices (scalars) but has become embedded in the cointegration literature so we stick to it.)

The Johansen cointegration rank test is a test of the rank of the ab' matrix. If, after inference, the rank is deemed to be (r), then there are (r) cointegrating relationships or vectors in the system. The rank of any matrix can be determined by the number of non-zero eigenvalues for that matrix.

Two features of the Johansen procedure are worth noting. First, the test is really a sequence of tests. The null hypothesis of rank (r)=0 (i.e. no cointegrating relationship) is first tested and, if rejected, subsequent null hypotheses (Ho: r=1, Ho: r=2, etc.) are tested until a null can no longer be rejected. This is eminently sensible since we must first enquire whether any cointegrating relation exists at all, and only in the affirmative are we interested in finding out exactly how many can be identified.

The second distinguishing feature of the procedure is that it provides two ways (two test statistics, that is) of testing the same null hypothesis. The difference lies in the alternative hypotheses implied by each. The maximum-eigenvalue statistic tests the null hypothesis that there are at most (r) cointegrating vectors against the alternative of (r+1) vectors. The trace statistic tests the same null hypothesis against the alternative that there are at most p cointegrating relations (where is p is always equal to the number of variables in the x_t vector). It is important to note that the two statistics may lead to conflicting results.

However, before making inference using the max-lambda and trace statistics, certain assumptions regarding the deterministic components (intercept, trend terms) must be made. These assumptions will determine which table of critical values should be used. Following Osterwald-Lenum's notation (see references), let y_t represent a subset or portion of the re-parameterized VAR (the 2nd equation above), specifically, let

y_t = ab' * x_t-1 + m_0 + m_1 * t

The precise form of this y_t term depends on the assumptions regarding the presence of intercept or trend terms and whether such terms appear within or outside the cointegrating equation(s) (CE). By outside it is meant that a deterministic term lies in the remainder of the VAR, that is, that portion of the VAR other than the CE. The possible assumptions or cases are:

Table/Case 0: no intercept, no trend y_t = ab' * x_t-1

Table/Case 1*: intercept in CE only y_t = a(b', b_0) * (x'_t-1, 1)'

Table/Case 1: intercept in VAR y_t = ab' * x_t-1 + m_0

Table/Case 2*: intercept in VAR, trend in CE only y_t = a(b', b_1) * (x'_t-1, t)' + m_0

Table/Case 2: intercept in VAR, trend in VAR y_t = ab' * x_t-1 + m_0 + m_1 * t

where b_0 and b_1 are of dimension (r x 1). The case number refers to the table identifier in Osterwald-Lenum. The corresponding critical values are reported by johans. This may seem confusing but it shouldn't be. Recall that a constant (trend) in an equation in difference-form implies a trend (quadratic trend) in levels. Therefore, cases 0 and 1* are appropriate when the series in x_t do not exhibit some apparent trend (when plotted in levels); otherwise cases 1 and 2* should be used. Case 2 is rare and only consistent with explosive series. Case 1 is the most common and is the default in johans.

For instance, using the first of the examples provided in the Examples section below,

. use http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/macro/wgmacro.dta, clear (Quarterly SA West German macro data, Bil DM, from Lutkepohl 1993 Table E.1)

. johans investment income consumption, l(4) nonormal Johansen-Juselius cointegration rank test Sample: 1960q4 to 1982q4 Number of obs = 88 H1: H0: | Max-lambda Trace Eigenvalues rank<=(r) | statistics statistics (lambda) r | (rank<=(r+1)) (rank<=(p=3)) ------------------------+-------------------------------- .21617042 0 | 21.433602 33.527577 .11390069 1 | 10.64151 12.093974 .01636981 2 | 1.4524647 1.4524647

Osterwald-Lenum Critical values (95% interval):

Table/Case: 1* (assumption: intercept in CE)

H0: | Max-lambda Trace -----------+-------------------------------- 0 | 22.00 34.91 1 | 15.67 19.96 2 | 9.24 9.24

Table/Case: 1 (assumption: intercept in VAR)

H0: | Max-lambda Trace -----------+-------------------------------- 0 | 20.97 29.68 1 | 14.07 15.41 2 | 3.76 3.76

If we believe there is an intercept term in the VAR but not in the CE, we refer to the quantiles in Table 1 of Osterwald-Lenum. Using the Max-lambda statistic, we test the null hypothesis that (r) = 0 against the alternative that (r) is at most 1. Our test statistic of 21.43 exceeds the critical value of 20.97 which leads to the rejection of the hypothesis of no cointegrating relationship. The Trace statistic of 33.53 also exceeds its corresponding critical value of 29.68 which is consistent with the result using the Max-lambda statistic.

We now move on to testing the null hypothesis that the rank of ab' is 1. In this instance however, the Max-lambda statistic of 10.64 is smaller than the critical value of 14.07 and we cannot reject the null hypothesis. The Trace test leads to the same conclusion. Therefore, regardless of which statistic is used, we cannot reject the hypothesis that we have 1 cointegrating vector.


. use http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/macro/wgmacro.dta, clear

. johans investment income consumption, l(4) . lrjtest investment, c(1) . wjtest investment, c(1) . lrjtest income, c(1)

. * generate zero-mean (centered) seasonal dummies . forvalues i = 1/4 { gen byte q`i' = 0 } . forvalues i = 1/4 { replace q`i' = 1 if quarter(dofq(qtr))==`i' } . forvalues i = 1/4 { replace q`i' = q4-q`i' } . johans investment income consumption, l(4) exog(q1 q2 q3)

With longitudinal data, for each unit of a panel,

. use http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/Greene2000/TBL15-1, clear

. tsset firm year, yearly . by firm: johans i f c, l(3)

. johans i f c if firm==3, l(3) . lrjtest i, c(1) restrict . lrjtest c, c(1) restrict


Johansen, S. (1988). "Statistical Analysis of Cointegration Vectors". Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 12. 231-254.

Johansen, S. and K. Juselius. (1990). "Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference on Cointegration - With Applications to the Demand for Money". Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 52. 169-210.

For inference, the most comprehensive set of critical values can be found in:

Osterwald-Lenum, M. (1992). "A Note with Quantiles of the Asymptotic Distribution of the Maximum Likelihood Cointegration Rank Test Statistics". Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 54. 461-472.


Thanks to Richard Sperling for suggestions on the displayed output.


Ken Heinecke and Charles Morris, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

Patrick Joly, Industry Canada pat.joly@utoronto.ca

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