*! version 1.0.1 DH 21Dec2004. * Changes in 1.0.1 - name changed from kapci to kappci (conflict with Stata Journal program) * bug fixed in formula for lower bound of Donner-Eliasziw interval (thanks to JMP de Souza) program define kappci, rclass version 8.0 syntax varlist(min=2) [if] [in] /* */ [, POSitive(string asis) Level(integer $S_level) /* */ Exact Wilson Agresti Jeffreys] tempvar touse mark `touse' `if' `in' qui count if `touse' if r(N) < 1 { error 2000 } local nvars : word count `varlist' tokenize `varlist' forvalues i=1/`nvars' { cap assert missing(``i'') if `touse' if _rc==0 { // drop variables with all missing values di as text "note: ``i'' contains all missing values; variable ignored" } else { // generate new variables identifying positive ratings tempvar pos`i' if `"`positive'"'!="" { qui gen byte `pos`i''=``i''==`positive' if !missing(``i'') & `touse' } else { confirm numeric var ``i'' qui gen byte `pos`i''=``i''!=0 if !missing(``i'') & `touse' } local poslist "`poslist' `pos`i''" } } local npos : word count `poslist' if `npos'==0 { di as error _n "no rating variables remain" exit 498 } if `npos'==1 { di as error _n "only one rating variable remains" exit 498 } if `npos'==2 { // two raters * call -kap- and store returns qui kap `poslist' local kappa=r(kappa) local z=r(z) local pval=1-norm(`z') local prop_e=r(prop_e) local prop_o=r(prop_o) return add * calculate ci for observed agreement tempname tab2x2 qui tab2 `poslist', matcell(`tab2x2') local n1=`tab2x2'[1,1] local n2=`tab2x2'[1,2]+`tab2x2'[2,1] local n3=`tab2x2'[2,2] local N=`n1'+`n2'+`n3' local p=(2*`n1'+`n2')/(2*`N') local agr=`n1'+`n3' qui cii `N' `agr', `exact' `wilson' `agresti' `jeffreys' level(`level') local prop_lb=r(lb) local prop_ub=r(ub) * calculate ci for kappa, following Donner & Eliasziw (1992) local chi1=invchi2tail(1,(100-`level')/100) local y1=((`n2'-2*`N'*`p'*(1-`p'))^2+4*(`N'^2)*(`p'^2)*((1-`p')^2))/(4*`N'*(`p'^2)*((1-`p')^2)*(`chi1'+`N'))-1 local y2=((`n2'^2)-4*`N'*`p'*(1-`p')*(1-4*`p'*(1-`p'))*`chi1')/(4*`N'*(`p'^2)*((1-`p')^2)*(`chi1'+`N'))-1 local y3=(`n2'+(1-2*`p'*(1-`p'))*`chi1')/(`p'*(1-`p')*(`chi1'+`N'))-1 local V=(`y3'^3)/27-(`y2'*`y3'-3*`y1')/6 local W=(((`y3')^2)/9-`y2'/3)^(3/2) local theta=acos(`V'/`W') local lb=sqrt((1/9)*(`y3')^2-`y2'/3)*(cos((`theta'+2*_pi)/3)+sqrt(3)*sin((`theta'+2*_pi)/3))-`y3'/3 local ub=2*sqrt((1/9)*(`y3')^2-`y2'/3)*(cos((`theta'+5*_pi)/3))-`y3'/3 * output results if "`wilson'"!="" { local citext "{hline 6} Wilson {hline 6}" } else if "`agresti'"!="" { local citext "{hline 2} Agresti-Coull {hline 3}" } else if "`jeffreys'"!="" { local citext "{hline 5} Jeffreys {hline 5}" } else { local citext "{hline 2} Binomial Exact {hline 2}" } di as text _n " Expected Observed `citext'" di as text "Agreement Agreement [`level'% Conf. Interval]" di as text "{hline 44}" di as result %8.2f 100*`prop_e' "% " %8.2f 100*`prop_o' "% " /* */ %8.2f 100*`prop_lb' "% " %8.2f 100*`prop_ub' "%" di as text _n " Kappa" _col(10) "[`level'% Conf. Interval]" _col(38) "Z" _col(44) "Prob>Z" di as text "{hline 49}" di as result %7.4f `kappa' _col(12) %7.4f `lb' _col(23) %7.4f `ub' /* */ _col(32) %7.2f `z' _col(43) %7.4f `pval' return scalar prop_ub=`prop_ub' return scalar prop_lb=`prop_lb' return scalar kappa_ub=`ub' return scalar kappa_lb=`lb' } else { // more than 2 raters * reformulate for -kappaci- tempvar pos neg m qui egen `pos'=rsum(`poslist') if `touse' qui egen `m'=robs(`poslist') if `touse' qui gen `neg'=`m'-`pos' kappaci `pos' `neg', level(`level') return add } end