/***************************************************************************** LIVING INCOME CALCULATIONS AND OUTPUTS This stata ado-file produces tables and bar charts of the Gap to the Living Income Benchmark It produces graphs similar to what can be seen at: https://www.kit.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Analysis-of-the-income.pdf https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/0c5ab3_93560a9b816d40c3a28daaa686e972a5.pdf It assumes that key variables have already been calculated. Type help kitli_gap2bm for more details --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This opensource file was created and is maintained by Marcelo Tyszler (m.tyszler@kit.nl), from KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam. This project was jointly done with COSA, and it was supported by ISEAL, Living Income Community of Practice and GIZ You are free to use it and modify for your needs. BUT PLEASE CITE US: Tyszler, et al. (2020). Living Income Calculations Toolbox. KIT ROYAL TROPICAL INSTITUTE and COSA. Available at: https://github.com/mtyszler/KIT_LivingIncome/ This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Update: 07/08/2020 *****************************************************************************/ capture program drop kitli_gap2bm program define kitli_gap2bm, sortpreserve rclass syntax varname(numeric) [if] [in], /// hh_income(varname numeric) /// [main_income(varname numeric) /// food_value(varname numeric) /// metric(string) /// grouping_var(varname numeric) /// label_benchmark(string) /// label_currency(string) /// label_time(string) /// label_hh_income(string) /// label_main_income(string) /// label_other_than_main_income(string) /// label_food_value(string) /// color_hh_income(string) /// color_main_income(string) /// color_other_than_main_income(string) /// color_food_value(string) /// color_gap(string) /// show_graph /// save_graph_as(string) /// as_share /// ] version 14 ******************************************** ** Prepare observations which will be used marksample touse, novarlist qui: replace `touse' = 0 if `varlist' == . qui: replace `touse' = 0 if `hh_income' == . if "`main_income'" != "" & "`metric'" != "FGT" { qui: replace `touse' = 0 if `main_income' == . } if "`food_value'" !="" { qui: replace `touse' = 0 if `food_value' == . } if "`grouping_var'" !="" { qui: replace `touse' = 0 if `grouping_var' == . } ******************************************** ** check for valid combination of inputs: * food value matching matching elements if "`label_food_value'" !="" & "`food_value'" == "" { display as error "WARNING: {it:label_food_value} will be ignored if {it:food_value} is not provided." } if "`color_food_value'" !="" & "`food_value'" == "" { display as error "WARNING: {it:color_food_value} will be ignored if {it:food_value} is not provided." } ** User needs to provide either hh_income only, or hh_income + main_income ** if hh_income only is provided, only label_hh_income and color_hh_income are used ** if hh_income + main_income is provided, only label_main_income + label_other_than_main_income and color_main_income + color_other_than_main_income are used * hh_income only is provided: if "`label_main_income'" !="" & "`main_income'" == "" { display as error "WARNING: {it:label_main_income} will be ignored if {it:main_income} is not provided." } if "`label_other_than_main_income'" !="" & "`main_income'" == "" { display as error "WARNING: {it:label_other_than_main_income} will be ignored if {it:main_income} is not provided." } if "`color_main_income'" !="" & "`main_income'" == "" { display as error "WARNING: {it:color_main_income} will be ignored if {it:main_income} is not provided." } if "`color_other_than_main_income'" !="" & "`main_income'" == "" { display as error "WARNING: {it:color_other_than_main_income} will be ignored if {it:main_income} is not provided." } * hh_income + main_income is provided: if "`label_hh_income'" !="" & "`main_income'" != "" { display as error "WARNING: {it:label_hh_income} will be ignored if {it:main_income} is provided. Please use {it:label_main_income} and {it:label_other_than_main_income}" } if "`color_hh_income'" !="" & "`main_income'" != "" { display as error "WARNING: {it:color_hh_income} will be ignored if {it:main_income} is provided. Please use {it:color_main_income} and {it:color_other_than_main_income}" } ** color can only be provided if graph is requested: if "`show_graph'" == "" & ("`color_hh_income'" !="" | "`color_main_income'" !="" | "`color_other_than_main_income'" !="" | "`color_food_value'" !="" | "`color_gap'" !="") { display as error "WARNING: Graph colors will be ignored if {it:show_graph} is not requested." } * Save graph can only be used if graph is requested if "`save_graph_as'" !="" & "`show_graph'" == "" { display as error "WARNING: {it:save_graph_as} will be ignored if {it:show_graph} is not requested." } ******************************************** ** load defaults in case optional arguments are skipped: capture confirm existence `metric' if _rc == 6 { local metric = "mean" } capture confirm existence `label_benchmark' if _rc == 6 { local label_benchmark = "Living Income Benchmark" } capture confirm existence `label_currency' if _rc == 6 { local label_currency = "USD" } capture confirm existence `label_time' if _rc == 6 { local label_time = "year" } capture confirm existence `label_other_than_main_income' if _rc == 6 { local label_other_than_main_income = "Other income" } capture confirm existence `label_hh_income' if _rc == 6 { local label_hh_income = "Total income" } capture confirm existence `label_main_income' if _rc == 6 { local label_main_income = "Income from main crop" } capture confirm existence `label_food_value' if _rc == 6 { local label_food_value = "Value of crops consumed at home" } capture confirm existence `color_hh_income' if _rc == 6 { if `c(stata_version)' < 15 { local color_hh_income = "blue" } else { local color_hh_income = "blue%30" } } capture confirm existence `color_main_income' if _rc == 6 { if `c(stata_version)' < 15 { local color_main_income = "blue" } else { local color_main_income = "blue%30" } } capture confirm existence `color_other_than_main_income' if _rc == 6 { if `c(stata_version)' < 15 { local color_other_than_main_income = "ebblue" } else { local color_other_than_main_income = "ebblue%30" } } capture confirm existence `color_gap' if _rc == 6 { if `c(stata_version)' < 15 { local color_gap = "red" } else { local color_gap = "red%80" } } capture confirm existence `color_food_value' if _rc == 6 { if `c(stata_version)' < 15 { local color_food_value = "orange" } else { local color_food_value = "orange%30" } } ******************************************** ** check for valid metrics and as_share combination if "`metric'" != "mean" & "`metric'" != "median" & "`metric'" != "FGT" { display as error "ERROR: metric can only be one of {it:mean, median, FGT}" error 198 exit } ** check for valid combination of inputs if "`metric'" == "FGT" & "`as_share'" == "as_share" { display as error "ERROR: {it:FGT} cannot be combined with {it:as_share} " error 184 exit } ** check for valid combination of inputs if "`metric'" == "FGT" & "`main_income'" != "" { display as error "WARNING: {it:main_income} will be ignored if metric is {it:FGT}" } ******************************************** ** compose base ytitle for graphs and tables local this_ytitle = "`label_currency'/`label_time'/household" local benchmark_unit = "`this_ytitle'" ******************************************** *** create tempvars * key components tempvar temp_totalincome temp_mainincome temp_foodvalue temp_benchmark * gap components tempvar temp_gap2benchmark tempvar temp_other_than_main ** rename key variable: local li_benchmark = "`varlist'" ******************************************** ** Prepare calculations: median, mean or FGT if "`metric'" == "median" { *** Prepare gap to the MEDIAN INCOME if "`grouping_var'" !="" { if "`main_income'" != "" { qui: by `grouping_var', sort: egen `temp_mainincome' = median(`main_income') if `touse' } if "`food_value'" !="" { qui: by `grouping_var', sort: egen `temp_foodvalue' = median(`food_value') if `touse' } qui: by `grouping_var', sort: egen `temp_totalincome' = median(`hh_income') if `touse' qui: by `grouping_var', sort: egen `temp_benchmark' = median(`li_benchmark') if `touse' local this_over = ", over(`grouping_var')" } else { if "`main_income'" != "" { qui: egen `temp_mainincome' = median(`main_income') if `touse' } if "`food_value'" !="" { qui: egen `temp_foodvalue' = median(`food_value') if `touse' } qui: egen `temp_totalincome' = median(`hh_income') if `touse' qui: egen `temp_benchmark' = median(`li_benchmark') if `touse' local this_over = ", " } * Elements for the tables: local text_tbl = "Gap of the median income to the (median) `label_benchmark'" * Elements for the graphs local this_title = "Median values" } else if "`metric'" == "mean" { *** Prepare gap to the MEAN INCOME if "`grouping_var'" !="" { if "`main_income'" != "" { qui: by `grouping_var', sort: egen `temp_mainincome' = mean(`main_income') if `touse' } if "`food_value'" !="" { qui: by `grouping_var', sort: egen `temp_foodvalue' = mean(`food_value') if `touse' } qui: by `grouping_var', sort: egen `temp_totalincome' = mean(`hh_income') if `touse' qui: by `grouping_var', sort: egen `temp_benchmark' = mean(`li_benchmark') if `touse' local this_over = ", over(`grouping_var')" } else { if "`main_income'" != "" { qui: egen `temp_mainincome' = mean(`main_income') if `touse' } if "`food_value'" !="" { qui: egen `temp_foodvalue' = mean(`food_value') if `touse' } qui: egen `temp_totalincome' = mean(`hh_income') if `touse' qui: egen `temp_benchmark' = mean(`li_benchmark') if `touse' local this_over = ", " } * Elements for the tables: local text_tbl = "Gap of the mean income to the (mean) `label_benchmark'" * Elements for the graphs local this_title = "Mean values" } else if "`metric'" == "FGT" { *** Prepare FGT metric (no means nor median) if "`grouping_var'" !="" { if "`food_value'" != "" { qui: gen `temp_foodvalue' = `food_value' if `touse' } qui: gen `temp_totalincome' = `hh_income' if `touse' qui: gen `temp_benchmark' = `li_benchmark' if `touse' local this_over = ", over(`grouping_var')" } else { if "`food_value'" != "" { qui: gen `temp_foodvalue' = `food_value' if `touse' } qui: gen `temp_totalincome' = `hh_income' if `touse' qui: gen `temp_benchmark' = `li_benchmark' if `touse' local this_over = ", " } * Elements for the tables: local text_tbl = "FGT gap to the `label_benchmark'" * Elements for the graphs local this_title = "FGT index" } ******************************************** ** Compute gap and other elements qui: gen `temp_gap2benchmark' = `temp_benchmark' - `temp_totalincome' if `touse' if "`main_income'" != "" & "`metric'" != "FGT" { qui: gen `temp_other_than_main' = `temp_totalincome' - `temp_mainincome' if `touse' } if "`food_value'" != "" { qui: replace `temp_gap2benchmark' = `temp_gap2benchmark' - `temp_foodvalue' if `touse' } * Elements for the tables: local show_pct = " " ** Adjustments if share if "`as_share'" == "as_share" { qui: replace `temp_gap2benchmark' = `temp_gap2benchmark'/`temp_benchmark'*100 if `touse' if "`main_income'" != "" { qui: replace `temp_mainincome' = `temp_mainincome'/`temp_benchmark'*100 if `touse' qui: replace `temp_other_than_main' = `temp_other_than_main'/`temp_benchmark'*100 if `touse' } else { qui: replace `temp_totalincome' = `temp_totalincome'/`temp_benchmark'*100 if `touse' } if "`food_value'" != "" { qui: replace `temp_foodvalue' = `temp_foodvalue'/`temp_benchmark'*100 if `touse' } * Elements for the tables: local show_pct = "%" * Elements for the graphs local this_title = "`this_title'" + " in relation to the benchmark value" local this_ytitle = "% of the benchmark value" local this_ylabel = " ylabel(0(10)100, grid)" } * Adjustments for FGT: if "`metric'" == "FGT" { qui: replace `temp_gap2benchmark' = 0 if `touse' & `temp_gap2benchmark' <0 & `temp_gap2benchmark' !=. qui: replace `temp_gap2benchmark' = `temp_gap2benchmark'/`temp_benchmark'*100 if `touse' * Elements for the graphs local this_ytitle = "Index value" local this_ylabel = " ylabel(0(10)100, grid)" } ******************************************** * display table with results (and store in r-class) local txt_spacing = 35 if "`metric'" != "FGT" { // mean of median if "`main_income'" != "" { local txt_spacing = max(`txt_spacing', strlen("`label_main_income':")) local txt_spacing = max(`txt_spacing', strlen( "`label_other_than_main_income':")) } else { local txt_spacing = max(`txt_spacing', strlen("`label_hh_income':")) } if "`food_value'" != "" { local txt_spacing = max(`txt_spacing', strlen("`label_food_value':")) } local txt_spacing = max(`txt_spacing', strlen("Gap to the `label_benchmark':")) } else { //FGT local txt_spacing = max(`txt_spacing', strlen("FGT index:")) } return local metric = "`metric'" if "`metric'" != "FGT" { if "`as_share'" == "as_share" { return local calculation = "share" } else { return local calculation = "level" } } display in b _newline display in b "`text_tbl'" if "`grouping_var'" !="" { // show per group return local grouping_var = "`grouping_var'" qui: levelsof `grouping_var' if `touse', local(group_levels) ** per groups foreach group in `group_levels' { local group_label: label (`grouping_var') `group' qui: sum `temp_gap2benchmark' if `grouping_var' == `group' & `touse' return scalar N_`group' = `r(N)' display in b "" display in b "`group_label'" display in b "n = `r(N)'" display in b "" display as text %`txt_spacing's "" as text "`this_ytitle'" di as text "{hline 73}" if "`metric'" != "FGT" { // mean of median if "`main_income'" != "" { qui: sum `temp_mainincome' if `grouping_var' == `group' & `touse' return scalar main_income_`group' = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "`label_main_income':" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' "`show_pct'" qui: sum `temp_other_than_main' if `grouping_var' == `group' & `touse' return scalar other_than_main_income_`group' = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "`label_other_than_main_income':" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' "`show_pct'" } else { qui: sum `temp_totalincome' if `grouping_var' == `group' & `touse' return scalar total_income_`group' = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "`label_hh_income':" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' "`show_pct'" } if "`food_value'" != "" { qui: sum `temp_foodvalue' if `grouping_var' == `group' & `touse' return scalar food_value_`group' = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "`label_food_value':" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' "`show_pct'" } qui: sum `temp_gap2benchmark' if `grouping_var' == `group' & `touse' return scalar gap_`group' = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "Gap to the `label_benchmark':" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' "`show_pct'" } else { //FGT qui: sum `temp_gap2benchmark' if `grouping_var' == `group' & `touse' return scalar FGT_`group' = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "FGT index:" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' "%" } di as text "{hline 73}" if "`as_share'" == "as_share" | "`metric'" == "FGT" { display as text %`txt_spacing's "" as text "`benchmark_unit'" } qui: sum `temp_benchmark' if `grouping_var' == `group' & `touse' return scalar benchmark_`group' = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "`label_benchmark'" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' } } else { // no groups qui: sum `temp_gap2benchmark' if `touse' return scalar N = `r(N)' display in b "" display in b "n = `r(N)'" display in b "" display as text %`txt_spacing's "" as text "`this_ytitle'" di as text "{hline 73}" if "`metric'" != "FGT" { // mean of median if "`main_income'" != "" { qui: sum `temp_mainincome' if `touse' return scalar main_income = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "`label_main_income':" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' "`show_pct'" qui: sum `temp_other_than_main' if `touse' return scalar other_than_main_income = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "`label_other_than_main_income':" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' "`show_pct'" } else { qui: sum `temp_totalincome' if `touse' return scalar total_income = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "`label_hh_income':" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' "`show_pct'" } if "`food_value'" != "" { qui: sum `temp_foodvalue' if `touse' return scalar food_value = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "`label_food_value':" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' "`show_pct'" } qui: sum `temp_gap2benchmark' if `touse' return scalar gap = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "Gap to the `label_benchmark':" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' "`show_pct'" } else { //FGT qui: sum `temp_gap2benchmark' if `touse' return scalar FGT = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "FGT index:" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' "%" } di as text "{hline 73}" if "`as_share'" == "as_share" | "`metric'" == "FGT" { display as text %`txt_spacing's "" as text "`benchmark_unit'" } qui: sum `temp_benchmark' if `touse' return scalar benchmark = `r(mean)' display as text %`txt_spacing's "`label_benchmark'" /* */ as result /* */ %9.0f `r(mean)' } ******************************************** * Generate graphs if "`show_graph'" !="" { ** prepare notes for the graphs: if "`grouping_var'" !="" { local Note_full = `""Based on:""' qui: levelsof `grouping_var' if `touse', local(group_levels) ** per groups foreach group in `group_levels' { local group_label: label (`grouping_var') `group' qui: sum `temp_gap2benchmark' if `grouping_var' == `group' & `touse' local Note_full = `"`Note_full' "`group_label': `r(N)' observations""' } } else { // no groups qui: sum `temp_gap2benchmark' if `touse' local Note_full = `""Based on `r(N)' observations""' } if "`metric'" == "FGT" { graph bar (mean) `temp_gap2benchmark' if `touse' `this_over' /// stack legend(label(1 "FGT index") size(vsmall)) /// ytitle("`this_ytitle'") `this_ylabel' /// bar(1, color(`color_gap')) /// blabel(bar, format(%9.0f) position(center) ) /// graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white) /// title("`this_title'") /// note(`Note_full') } else if "`main_income'" != "" { if "`food_value'" == "" { // no food graph bar (mean) `temp_mainincome' `temp_other_than_main' `temp_gap2benchmark' if `touse' `this_over' /// stack legend(label(1 "`label_main_income'") label(2 "`label_other_than_main_income'") label(3 "Gap to the `label_benchmark'") size(vsmall)) /// ytitle("`this_ytitle'") `this_ylabel' /// bar(1, color(`color_main_income')) /// bar(2, color(`color_other_than_main_income')) /// bar(3, color(`color_gap')) /// blabel(bar, format(%9.0f) position(center) ) /// graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white) /// title("`this_title'") /// note(`Note_full') } else { // with food graph bar (mean) `temp_mainincome' `temp_other_than_main' `temp_foodvalue' `temp_gap2benchmark' if `touse' `this_over' /// stack legend(label(1 "`label_main_income'") label(2 "`label_other_than_main_income'") label(3 "`label_food_value'") label(4 "Gap to the `label_benchmark'") size(vsmall)) /// ytitle("`this_ytitle'") `this_ylabel' /// bar(1, color(`color_main_income')) /// bar(2, color(`color_other_than_main_income')) /// bar(4, color(`color_gap')) /// bar(3, color(`color_food_value')) /// blabel(bar, format(%9.0f) position(center) ) /// graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white) /// title("`this_title'") /// note(`Note_full') } } else { if "`food_value'" == "" { // no food graph bar (mean) `temp_totalincome' `temp_gap2benchmark' if `touse' `this_over' /// stack legend(label(1 "`label_hh_income'") label(2 "Gap to the `label_benchmark'") size(vsmall)) /// ytitle("`this_ytitle'") `this_ylabel' /// bar(1, color(`color_hh_income')) /// bar(2, color(`color_gap')) /// blabel(bar, format(%9.0f) position(center) ) /// graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white) /// title("`this_title'") /// note(`Note_full') } else { // with food graph bar (mean) `temp_totalincome' `temp_foodvalue' `temp_gap2benchmark' if `touse' `this_over' /// stack legend(label(1 "`label_hh_income'") label(2 "`label_food_value'") label(3 "Gap to the `label_benchmark'") size(vsmall)) /// ytitle("`this_ytitle'") `this_ylabel' /// bar(1, color(`color_hh_income')) /// bar(2, color(`color_gap')) /// bar(3, color(`color_food_value')) /// blabel(bar, format(%9.0f) position(center) ) /// graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white) /// title("`this_title'") /// note(`Note_full') } } } * save graph * if "`save_graph_as'" != "" { graph export "`save_graph_as'.png", as(png) width(1000) replace } end