{smcl} {hline} help for{hi: kountryadd} {right:(author: {hi:Rafal Raciborski})} {hline} {title:Description} {p 0 3}The {hi:kountryadd} command adds alternative country name spellings to the {hi:{help kountry:kountry}} command. {title:Syntax} {p 3 5}{cmd:kountryadd} {hi:"}{it:failed name}{hi:" to} {hi:"}{it:standardized name}{hi:" add} {p 5}where {p 3 5}{it:failed name} represents country name that failed to standardize after the {hi:kountry} {it:country_var}{hi:, from(other)} command was issued {p 3 5}{it:standardized name} represents one of the {it:{help kountrynames:standardized country names}} {p 3 5}Double quotes are required. {title:Examples} {col 3}{inp:. kountryadd "Netherlands, The" to "Netherlands" add} {col 3}{inp:. kountryadd "korea (south)" to "South Korea" add} {title:Also see} {col 3}Online: {help kountry}, {help kountrybackup}, {help kountrynames}, {help kountryregions}