{smcl} {hline} help for{hi: kountrybackup} and {hi:kountryrestore} {right:(author: {hi:Rafal Raciborski})} {hline} {title:Description} {p 0 3}Use {hi:kountrybackup} to back up the existing custom dictionary of country names created by {hi:{help kountryadd:kountryadd}}. Use this command before reinstalling or updating the {hi:{help kountry:kountry}} command, as this process will overwrite your custom dictionary. Use {hi:kountryrestore} after reinstalling or updating {help kountry:kountry} to restore the saved dictionary. {title:Syntax} {p 3 5}{cmd:kountrybackup} [, {hi:replace}] {p 6 8}{hi:replace} permits {hi:kountrybackup} to overwrite an existing backup file {p 3 5}{cmd:kountryrestore} {p 6 8}restores previously saved dictionary {title:Examples} {col 3}{inp:. kountrybackup, replace} {col 5}({it:reinstall kountry}) {col 3}{inp:. kountryrestore} {title:Also see} {col 3}Online: {help kountry}, {help kountryadd}, {help kountrynames}, {help kountryregions}