TITLE 'KSI': module to compute Krugman specialization index DESCRIPTION/AUTHOR(S) The module computes Krugman specialization index that compares similarity of a region's production pattern with benchmark or reference economy (e.g. aggregate national output). Krugman specialization index for region `i' is the sum of absolute difference of sectoral shares of region `i' and reference economy `j'. Krugman specialization index takes value between 0 to 2. Zero indicates that region `i' production patterns exactly match with reference economy `j', while index value 2 reflects that there is nothing in common between two and region `i' industrial structure is totally different from economy `j'. KW: Krugman KW: Specialization Requires: Stata version 9 Distribution-Date: 20130410 Authors: Muhammad Rashid Ansari, INSEAD Business School Support: email rashid.ansari@insead.edu *Version April 2013 -------------------- basic syntax: ksi, i(varname) j(varname) by(varlist) [outfile, replace] Description: The module computes Krugman specialization index and export output in csv table format. Krugman Specialization Index: KSI= Summation |(xit/Xt)-(zj/Zt)| where, xit: sector-level output in region `i' Xt : total output in entire region zjt: sector-level output in reference economy `j' Zt: total output in reference economy `j' Options ------- by(varlist): allows groups defined by `varlist' e.g. (year) outfile: export output in .csv table format Examples: ---------- egen national_output=sum(regional_output), by( country sectors year) ksi, i(regional_output) j(national_output) by(region country year) ksi, i(regional_output) j(national_output) by(region country year) outfile ksi, i(regional_output) j(national_output) by(region country year) outfile replace Author: Muhammad Rashid Ansari INSEAD Business School 1 Ayer Rajah Avenue, Singapore 138676 rashid.ansari@insead.edu