Define value labels with decimal points and commas interchanged ---------------------------------------------------------------
^labcd^ valuelabelname ^, v^alues^(^numlist^)^ [ ^m^ultiply^(^#^) l^ist ^f^ormat^(^format^)^ ]
Description -----------
^labcd^ defines value labels in which decimal points and commas are interchanged compared with the Stata default.
The ^label define^ ... ^, modify^ command that defines the labels is echoed to the monitor.
Remarks -------
Suppose you have a variable which contains numbers. On a graph you wish to have labelling such that 1000 appears as 1.000, 10000 as 10.000, 0.1 as 0,1 and so forth. ^labcd^ is designed for this problem.
^labcd thou, v(1000(1000)6000)^ for example is equivalent to
^label def thou 1000 "1.000" 2000 "2.000" 3000 "3.000" 4000 "4.000"^ ^5000 "5.000" 6000 "6.000", modify^ after which you may attach the value labels in ^thou^ to one or more variables.
Stata does not permit value labels to be attached to non-integers, so the ^multiply( )^ option is needed for non-integers. See below.
Options -------
^values(^numlist^)^ specifies a numlist whose value labels are to be modified (added or changed). This is a required option.
^multiply(^#^)^ specifies a multiplier for values. Suppose ^values^ is the list ^0.001 0.01 0.1^. A multiplier of at least 1000 is needed to convert all these values to integers. Users should separately multiply (a copy of) the corresponding variable(s) by the same multiplier. Determining an appropriate multiplier is the user's responsibility. ^list^ invokes ^label list^ valuelabelname after the modifications.
^format^ specifies a format other than ^%12.0gc^ for initial formatting with commas. Examples --------
. ^labcd salaries, v(10000(5000)50000)^ . ^lab val income salaries^
. ^labcd fractions, v(0.001(0.001)0.010) m(1000)^ . ^lab val x2 fractions^ . ^gen x2 = 1000 * x^ . ^_crcslbl x2 x^ . ^gra y x2, xla(1/10)^
Author ------
Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K.
Also see --------
On-line: help for @label@, @numlist@ Manual: ^[U] 15.6^, ^[R] label^