{smcl} {* 10apr2007}{...} {cmd:help labelsof} {hline} {title:Title} {p 4 4 2}{hi:labelsof} {hline 2} Obtain list of labeled values {title:Syntax} {p 8 15 2} {cmd:labelsof} {it:{help varname}} [ {cmd:,} {cmdab:l:abel} ] {title:Description} {p 4 4 2} {cmd:labelsof} displays and returns in {cmd:r(values)} and {cmd:r(labels)} the labeled values of {it:varname}. {cmd:labelsof} returns nothing if {it:varname} has no value labels assigned. {title:Options} {p 4 8 2} {cmd:label} causes the specified name to be interpreted as a value label name rather than a variable name and returns the values and labels contained in this set of value label definitions. {title:Examples} {com}. sysuse auto {txt}(1978 Automobile Data) {com}. labelsof foreign {txt}foreign ({res}origin{txt}): {res}0 Domestic 1 Foreign {txt} {com}. ret list {txt}macros: r(name) : "{res}origin{txt}" r(values) : "{res}0 1{txt}" r(labels) : "{res}`"Domestic"' `"Foreign"'{txt}" {com}. label define yesno 1 "yes" 2 "no" .a "no answer" {txt} {com}. labelsof yesno, label {txt}yesno: {res}1 yes 2 no .a no answer {txt} {com}. ret list {txt}macros: r(name) : "{res}yesno{txt}" r(values) : "{res}1 2 .a{txt}" r(labels) : "{res}`"yes"' `"no"' `"no answer"'{txt}" {txt} {title:Author} {p 4 4 2} Ben Jann, ETH Zurich, jann@soz.gess.ethz.ch {title:Also see} {p 4 13 2} Online: {helpb label}, {helpb labelbook}