help for ^labnoeq^ 

Remove text up to and including "==" from variable labels ---------------------------------------------------------

^labnoeq^ varlist

Description -----------

^labnoeq^ removes text up to and including "==" from the variable labels of the variables in varlist. The labels of any variables whose labels do not contain the text "==" are unaffected.

Remarks -------

Some Stata commands generate variables and attach to them variable labels of the form

"varname == value" or of the form

"varname1, varname2 == value"

This program offers a way of removing the text up to and including "==". Note, however, that any variable label which contains "==" will be modified.

Examples --------

. ^tab rep78, gen(rep78_)^ . ^labnoeq rep78_?^

. ^separate weight, by(foreign)^ . ^labnoeq weight?^

Author ------

Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk

On-line: help for @label@ Manual: ^[U] 15.6^, ^[R] label^