Featured list of Stata files in the working directory
lall [ stub ] [, erase]
ldo [ stub ] [, erase]
ldta [ stub ] [, erase]
lgph [ stub ] [, erase]
lmata [ stub ] [, erase]
lsmcl [ stub ] [, erase]
where stub may be a single letter or any combination of characters that can be used for filenames.
The above programs return lists of Stata files in the working directory. Along with the file names, the programs offer a list of click-able links for some typical tasks that one wants to do for the files.
If stub is specified, only files with names containing stub are listed.
All programs save back the list of files in a local macro.
ldta provides links for describing, and using each Stata data set in the working directory.
ldo provides links for viewing, editing, and running each Stata do-file in the working directory. You can define the Editor that is invoked when clicking on the edit-item of ldo by setting the global macro "MYEDITOR" to the command that opens your preferred text editor. I, for example, put
------------------- profile.do global MYEDITOR !emacsclient -n -------------------------------
in my profile file, which works under Linux. Windows users might prefer something along the following lines
-------------------- profile.do global MYEDITOR winexec textpad -------------------------------
lsmcl provides links for viewing, and translating each Stata SMCL-file in the working directory.
lgph provides links for displaying, printing, and exporting each Stata gph file in the working directory.
lmata provides links for viewing, editing, and compiling each Mata-file in the working directory. You can define the Editor that is invoked when clicking on the edit-item of lmata by setting the global macro "MYEDITOR" to the command that opens your preferred text editor. See help for ldo above.
lall provides links for all .dta, .do, .smcl, and .gph files in the working directory along with the click-able links described above.
The programs are most valueable if you link them with a function-key in your profile (see help profile). If you, for example, add the following lines in your profile.do file, you can issue the commands by pressing F4, F5, F6 or F7 respectively.
--------------- profile.do global F4 "ldta, erase ;" global F5 "ldo, erase ;" global F6 "lgph, erase ;" global F7 "lsmcl, erase ;" --------------------------
erase brings up yet another click-able item which allows to erase files on disk. Clicking on that item removes the respective file immediately from the disk. The file is not moved to the recycle bin. The erase button is printed in red to indicate that it should be handled with care.
. ldo . ldta . lgph, e . lsmcl, e
Ulrich Kohler, kohler@wzb.eu Roy Wada, roywada@hotmail.com
Also see
Online: cdout, clickout, fastcd (if installed)