{smcl} {* 10sep2014}{...} {cmd:help leftalign} {hline} {title:Title} {phang} {bf:leftalign} {hline 2} Change the {help format} of variables to left-aligned {title:Syntax} {cmd:leftalign} [{varlist}] , [{opt l:abel} {opt a:ll}] {title:Description} {pstd} Stata uses a variable's {help format} to determine how values are displayed in the Data Browser, Data Editor, and in various listings. {cmd:leftalign} changes the variable's {help format} so that values are aligned to the left. {cmd:leftalign} does not change the values stored in a variable. {pstd} If {varlist} is omitted, all variables in memory are processed. {pstd} By default, only string variables are changed as these are the most likely to benefit from being displayed flush left. {pstd} When the {opt l:abel} option is used, numeric variables that use value labels are also left-aligned. {pstd} The {opt a:ll} option indicates that all variables in {varlist} should switch to a left-aligned format. {pstd} Once all variables are processed by {cmd:leftalign}, {help describe} is used to report which variables changed {help format}. Variables that were already left-aligned are omitted. {title:Examples} {pstd} Load some data in memory {cmd:.} {stata sysuse lifeexp} {pstd} There's only one variable that is string and right-aligned {cmd:.} {stata leftalign} {pstd} When creating new string variables, the format reverts to right-align. The same is true if a string variable is encoded. {cmd:.} {stata gen country2 = upper(country)} {cmd:.} {stata encode country, gen(countryn)} {cmd:.} {stata list region country* in 42/46} {pstd} Using the {opt l:abel} option will left-align both string variables and numeric variables that use value labels. {cmd:.} {stata leftalign, label} {cmd:.} {stata list region country* in 42/46} {pstd} While it rarely makes sense to left-align numbers, you may have a numeric variable with codes based on a hierarchical coding system (e.g. {browse "http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/":North American Industry Classification System}). These codes are better visualized when aligned to the left. The following targets only variable {bf:gnppc} and {opt a:ll} is used to force {cmd:leftalign} to change the format, even it is not a string variable or a variable that uses value labels. {cmd:.} {stata leftalign gnppc, all} {title:Author} {pstd}Robert Picard{p_end} {pstd}picard@netbox.com{p_end} {title:Also see} {psee} SSC: {stata "ssc des ljs":ljs} module to left-justify string variables for printing. Note that this program changes the values by trimming leading spaces and padding to the right. {p_end} {psee} SSC: {stata "ssc des listsome":listsome} list a sample of observations. {p_end} {psee} Help: {manhelp data_types D:data types}, {manhelp format D}, {manhelp compress D} {manhelp encode D} {manhelp list D} {p_end}