*! Support: Niels Henrik Bruun, niels.henrik.bruun@gmail.com * version 1.0.9 Niels Henrik Bruun 2020-08-23 * TODO: Indent of code blocks do not work * version 1.0.8 Niels Henrik Bruun 2019-02-27 * version 1.0.7 Niels Henrik Bruun * version 1.0.6 Niels Henrik Bruun 2017-10-10 * version 1.0.5 Niels Henrik Bruun 2017-05-19 * 2017-05-19 > lines2markup(): Added sampleline to handle broken sample lines * version 1.0.4 Niels Henrik Bruun 2017-03-31 * version 1.0.3 Niels Henrik Bruun 2016-08-19 * version 1.0.2 Niels Henrik Bruun 2016-03-16 * version 1.0.1 Niels Henrik Bruun 2016-02-15 * version 1.0 Niels Henrik Bruun 2016-02-15 version 12 program define log2markup syntax using/ /* The Stata text log file to use */[, /* Optional */log /* To test the code in Results window, no markdown file is generated */replace /* Overwrite existing markdown file //Use when transforming markdown to eg html or latex */extension(string) /* Specify the extension of the outputfile */codestart(string) /* Set the marking of code start in markdown document */codeend(string) /* Set the marking of code end in markdown document */samplestart(string) /* Set the marking of sample/output start in markdown document */sampleend(string) /* Set the marking of sample/output end in markdown document */] mata { extension = ("`extension'" == "" ? "markup" : "`extension'") code_start = ("`codestart'" == "" ? "~~~" : "`codestart'") code_end = ("`codeend'" == "" ? "~~~~" : "`codeend'") sample_start = ("`samplestart'" == "" ? "~~~~~" : "`samplestart'") sample_end = ("`sampleend'" == "" ? "~~~~~~" : "`sampleend'") lines = loglines2markup("`using'", extension, code_start, code_end, sample_start, sample_end, ("`log'"=="log"), "`replace'"=="replace") } end