------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help for lognpred Stephen P. Jenkins (April 2004) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prediction following fitting of a lognormal distribution
lognpred [if exp] [in range] [ , mval(value list1) vval(value list2) mandvval(value list) poorfrac(#) cdf(cdfname) pdf(pdfname) ]
lognpred calculates statistics summarizing a 2 parameter lognormal distribution which has been fitted using lognfit to a distribution of sample observations on variable var. lognpred is usually used when the model parameters have been specified as functions of covariates using lognfit. Users specify particular covariate values here, which implies values of the model parameters, and thence statistics can be calculated, together with the fitted c.d.f. and p.d.f. The statistics produced by default are selected quantiles, cumulative shares of total income at quantiles (i.e. the Lorenz curve ordinates), the mode, mean, standard deviation, variance, half the coefficient of variation squared, Gini coefficient, and quantile ratios p90/p10, p75/p25. The command can be repeated using a different set of covariate values.
mval(value list1) and vval(value list2) are required if the original model was estimated with covariates. In this case, the user must specify a value for each covariate included in the original model, and in the same order. The last element in each equation must always be 1 (corresponding to the intercept term). Where there is more than one element per equation, they must be separated by commas.
mandvval(value list) can be used instead of the previous option if the same covariates appeared in each parameter equation.
poorfrac(#) displays the estimated proportion with values of var less than the cut-off specified by #.
cdf(cdfname) creates a new variable cdfname containing the estimated lognormal c.d.f. value F(x) for each x.
pdf(pdfname) creates a new variable pdfname containing the estimated lognormal p.d.f. value f(x) for each x.
Options if and in have an effect only if options cdf or pdf are specified.
Saved results
The following are saved, some contingent on the relevant options being specified:
e(bbm) and e(bbv) are the estimated lognormal parameters. (If the original model included no covariates, these contain the parameters originally estimated. If covariates were included, these contain the parameters evaluated at the values of the covariates specified here.)
e(cdfvar) and e(pdfvar) are the variable names specified for the c.d.f. and the p.d.f.
e(mode), e(mean), e(var), e(sd), e(i2), and e(gini) are the estimated mode, mean, variance, standard deviation, half coefficient of variation squared, Gini coefficient. e(pX), and e(LpX) are the quantiles, and Lorenz ordinates, where X = {1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 95, 99}.
. lognfit x
. lognpred
. lognfit x, m(age sex) v(age sex)
. lognpred, m(40,2,1) v(40,2,1)
. lognpred, mandv(50,2,1) poorfrac(100)
Stephen P. Jenkins <stephenj@essex.ac.uk>, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ, U.K.
Also see