help for ^longplot^

Exploratory plot for longitudinal data --------------------------------------

^longplot^ yvar xvar [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] ^, [ i^d^(^idvar^)^ ^by(^groupvar^) rowbeg(^#^) rowstep(^#^) col^pos^(^#^) sh^ake graph_options ]

Description -----------

^longplot^ plots values of a response variable yvar against a time variable xvar such that each individual with a unique identifier is shown by a distinct connected line. If you specify a group variable, different groups are represented by different colors and different symbols.

Options -------

^id(^idvar^)^ specifies the individual identifier. If the data have been ^tsset^ as panel data, then by default the panel variable is taken as the identifier. If the data have not been ^tsset^ as panel data, or another variable is desired as identifier, then ^id( )^ is required. ^by(^groupvar^)^ specifies a grouping variable, which should not be time-dependent. Up to 7 groups may be distinguished. The groups will be identified in a key on the right of the graph. Note that using the same variable for ^id( )^ and ^by( )^ may be appropriate. ^id( )^ controls which data points are connected. ^by( )^ controls which are identified by colour and by key. For understanding placement of material on the plot, it helps to know that @gph@ draws in a space defined by 23063 rows and 32000 columns with origin at top left. See help for @gph@.

^rowbeg(^#^)^ specifies the row position of the first group identifier under ^by( )^. Default 1500. ^rowstep(^#^)^ specifies the step between row positions of group identifiers under ^by( )^. Default 1500.

^colpos(^#^)^ specifies the column position of each group identifier under ^by( )^. Default 28200.

^shake^ shakes apart ties by adding a small amount of random noise to a temporary copy of xvar. Occasionally there are spurious connections whenever different ids are represented just once each in the data and have the same value of xvar.

graph_options are options of ^graph, twoway^. The defaults include

^connect(L)^ -- which cannot be varied ^symbol(OSTodp.)^ -- which can be varied except that ^sy([^varname^])^ and ^sy([_n])^ are not supported (if varied, the number of symbols should match the number of groups) ^pen(2345678)^ -- which can be varied (if varied, the number of pens should match the number of groups) neither ^xlabel^ by itself nor ^ylabel^ by itself may be specified, but each is the default ^bbox(0,0,23063,28000,570,290,0)^ if ^by( )^ is specified. Examples --------

. ^longplot weight age if race==1, i(id)^ . ^longplot weight age, i(id) by(sex)^ . ^longplot weight age, i(id) by(sex) xlab(10(10)50)^

Authors -------

Zhiqiang Wang Menzies School of Health Research Australia email: wang@@sun0.menzies.edu.au

Nicholas J. Cox University of Durham, U.K. email: n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk

Acknowledgements ----------------

Thanks to Kit Baum and Ulrich Kohler for helpful suggestions.

Also see --------

N. J. Cox 3/98 How do I connect points only within groups? On-line FAQ at http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/graphics/

Manual: ^[G] graph^, ^[G] gph^, etc.