Likelihood-ratio test after dropping one term --------------------------------------------------------
^lrdrop1^ [^,^ ^fp(%^fmt^)^ ^fc^hi^(%^fmt^)^ ]
Description -----------
^lrdrop1^ performs likelihood-ratio tests by dropping a term for maximum likelihood models such as those estimated by ^stcox^, ^logit^, ^logistic^, ^poisson^ and ^streg^.
Options ------- ^fp(%^fmt^)^ specifies the output format for p values, default is %9.4f. ^fc(%^fmt^)^ specifies the output format for Chi2 values, default is %9.2f.
Example -------- . ^xi: logit disease i.expos age sex hibp^ . ^lrdrop1^
Author ------
Zhiqiang Wang Menzies School of Health Research Darwin, Australia
Also see --------
Manual: ^[U] 23 Estimation and post-estimation commands^, ^[R] lrtest^, On-line: help for @linktest@, @test@, @testnl@,@lrtest@, @lrtest2@ (if install > ed) @mlfit@ (if installed)