help for ^lrmatx^

Makes estimates and p-values from logistic regression more easily available ----------------------------


Description -----------

^lrmatx^ must be run after a logistic regression.

It stores the output that you see from a logistic regression as easily accessible matrices.

It is intended for use during model building. By making coefficients accessible, you can easily compare changes in coefficients between different models.

Options -------


Remarks ------- The results are returned in ^r(or)^ odds ratios (exp(beta)) ^r(ci)^ confidence intervals at 95% 2-tailed sig.level ^r(beta)^ coefficients ^r(stderr)^ standard errors ^r(pwald)^ p-values of wald test ^r(lrmatx)^ all of the above in one matrix

This program is used in the programs lrplot and lrchg.

Examples --------

. ^xi:logistic response i.age i.gender^ . ^lrmatx^ . ^return list^ . ^matrix list r(lrmatx)^

r(lrmatx)[4,4] OR CI1 CI2 p Iage_2 1.4102446 1.3292385 1.4961874 0 Iage_3 1.4026458 1.2765543 1.5411921 1.917e-12 Iage_4 1.06006 .92046704 1.2208228 .4181673 _cons 1.7053863 1.6373446 1.7762555 0

Author ------- Jan Brogger, University of Bergen, Norway jan.brogger@@med.uib.no

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