Plots coefficients from a logistic regression ----------------------------
^lrplot^ [ ^, XLab LEGgend SAVing(string) REPLace ^ ^ti_s(integer) ax_s(integer) leg_s(integer) xlab_s(integer)^ ^ti1(string) t2(string)^ ^GROPT(string) MATrix(string) debug ^]
Description -----------
Plots the coefficients from a logistic regression with confidence intervals, on a log scale.
Simplest use: do lrplot immediately after a logistic regression.
Options -------
^xlab^ gives coefficient labels on the x-axis ^legend^ gives a legend to the right ^sav^ saves the graph to a Stata graph file ^replace^ replaces the graph if it already exists ^ti1,ti2^ specifies the two title lines ^ti_s^ ^ax_s^ ^leg_s^ ^xlab_s^ specify title, axis, legend and xlab-name size as a percentage (0-400) ^gropt^ gives options to pass on to graph ^matrix^ is used to specify a matrix that holds the coefficients and odds ratios that are to be used ^debug^ is intended for developers. More or less useful.
Remarks ------- The utility @lrmatx@ is required. Not very extensively tested. Please inform the author of any bugs. Presently can only calculate 95% C.I. Modify lrmatx if you want this changed.
The coefficients are put in a matrix by the utility @lrmatx@. Run it immediately after a logistic regression command or use: ^logistic regression command^ ^lrmatx^ and ^matrix name=r(or),r(ci)^ to store results. Then use ^lrplot , matrix(name)^ to get results
The advantages of putting results in a matrix are are that interactions and different scalings of continuous variables can be made a lot more acessible graphically.
For plotting of interactions, see @lrint@.
Examples --------
. ^logistic^ response age gender . ^lrplot^, legend . ^lrplot^, legend ti_s(150) ax_s(120) . ^lrplot^, xlab sav("model a")
. ^xi: logistic age gender i.gender^ [code fragment to generate easily interpretable values of the interaction terms. See ^lrint^] . ^lrplot^, matrix(model) legend
Author -------
Jan Brogger, University of Bergen, Norway
Shameless plug :) -------------- I am looking for internship & residency in internal medicine/pulmonary medicine US/EU. Am doing PhD in respiratory epidemiology now.